Fort Scott Biz

Do You Know A Health Champion?

Jody Hoener. Submitted photo.

The Governor’s Council on Fitness is seeking nominations for its annual Health Champion Award program.  This recognizes those community champions across the state who work hard to improve the health and wellness of your community.

“We are seeking individuals AND organizations that go above and beyond for the health and well-being of communities, residents or worksites,” Jody Hoener, said. “Please consider nominating today!”

Hoener was appointed by the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to serve on the Governor’s Council on Fitness board.

“This year I am the chair for the awards committee,” she said. “I am a previous honoree of this award as well.”


What does this champion look like?


Any Organization or Business: Anything from a company that takes pride in its robust workplace wellness program to a city municipality that prioritizes complete streets and active infrastructure.  We want to hear about that non-profit who feeds the hungry, or the school who implements a vaping prevention program.


Anyone: A public official, a community leader, a concerned citizen, a health or human serve worker, or a volunteer who works hard to improve the quality of life for residents.


Community First: Whether it’s an organization or an individual, these champions think of the greater good first; they’re committed to making things better for everyone.


Candidates will be selected based on their exemplary work to promote the health and wellness of Kansans. Individual and organizational awards will be presented at the Community Health Promotion Summit held on January 26, 2023, in Wichita, KS.



There is a champion in all of us, nominate an individual or an organization today! Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2022.

For easier access to the form, here is a direct link:

or visit or contact Alyssa Nava at




or contact Jody Hoener
Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, Inc.
President and CEO

104 North National
Fort Scott, KS 66701
1-620-215-2892 Mobile


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