Fort Scott Biz

City Of Bronson Receives SPARK Grant

Bronson City Hall. Submitted photo.

The City of Bronson received grant funds to better serve its’ community safely during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In mid-October, City Clerk Ellen Harper received a SPARK Grant in the amount of $1,200 for providing help to safely serve the town, located in western Bourbon County.

The Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) program is charged with leading Kansas forward in recovery from the far-reaching effects of COVID-19, according to its’ website.

SPARK Committees are distributing money from the U.S. Coronavirus Relief Fund.

The City of Bronson will use it to provide masks, sanitizers and cleaning products to mitigate the spread of the virus at city hall.

“We put a shield up in our office for when we interact with customers,” Harper said.  “And we sanitize.”

In addition, the city is recommending wearing masks and social distancing as part of the plan.

“This is for employees, city council members, or anybody that comes in and wants to use it for council meetings,” Harper said.

As in the rest of America, the way meetings are organized, or if held at all, have changed.

Bronson has already cancelled its annual town-wide event, Bronson Day, because of the virus and will probably cancell the annual Christmas fundraiser as well, Harper said.

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