The local Fort Scott Progressive Mothers’ Club has been very active through the years, according to Shirley Palmer a member.
The local group recently presented Janet Tucker with a check for $200 to help with the project which helps children.
“At their recent meeting in April, Janet Tucker, Bourbon County chapter President spoke to the group and talked about It’s My Very Own BAGS OF LOVE project,” Palmer said. “It is championing the immediate needs of the displaced child.”
“This is a local mission project for Bourbon County,” Tucker noted. “Where a group of volunteer women meets each week at the Seventh-Day Adventist church to sew comforters and duffle bags.”
Locally, the group program is called It’s My Very Own, Bags of Love.
“When a child is removed from their home for reasons out of their control, a bag is filled with gender and age-appropriate items,” which is then given to the child, Tucker said.
When a child is removed from their home by the local protective service, often they can take nothing with them but the clothes on their back.
It’s My Very Own, is dedicated to providing a bag with personal care age and gender appropriate items for children from birth to 17 years old.
“These consist of basic body care items, stuffed animals, new toys, clothes, socks, p.j.’s, books, journals, diapers, baby care items, and then packed with lots of love and prayers,” Tucker said.
Items currently needed: large/small stuffed animals (can be gently used), new toys, puzzles, coloring books/crayons, journals, pens, craft kits, shampoo/body wash, toothpaste/toothbrush, deodorant, combs/brushes, hair bows, and seasonal items, according to information provided.
The supply list for duffle bags/comforters is colorful cotton/poly fabric, thread, twin flat sheets, high loft batting, thick cording, 1-inch buttons.
Needed items for children “aging out” of foster care: laundry detergent and basket, Clorox wipes, paper towels, all-purpose cleaners, dish soap/sponge, stain remover, dryer sheets, trash bags, tampons/pads, body wash/soap, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner, towels/washcloths, small first aid kit, small lock box to keep important papers in, basic tool set, flashlight, batteries, planner for them to keep track of appointments, school supplies, blankets, basic cooking supplies, Walmart Gift Cards in increments of $25.
Also needed are prayers, monetary gifts and ink and paper for printing, stamps, blade replacements, sewing pins/needles, and volunteers.
For more information contact Tucker at 620-768-9356.
About Progressive Mother Club
The following is from a press release from Palmer:
“The local Progressive Mothers’ Club meets monthly, September-April, with the purpose of helping and promoting children and their activities.
The local group had a yearly membership of 24 people for many years and there used to be a waiting list for ladies in the community wanting to join. They met in homes for many years.
Today their membership is eighteen and they often still meet in homes of members or in a place in the community.
Through the years the local group has participated often in the Christmas Parades, Good ‘Ol Days parades, always promoting children. Their objective is to promote and to help children.
They have helped with the Mother to Mother ministry by donating items many times. They give money to each of the schools for needed items for children throughout the school years.
They often donate to families with children who have experienced house fires and who have lost everything. They adopt children of various ages at Christmas time and provide special Christmas gifts to them.
All in all, this club is a very caring and giving organization.
The Progressive Mothers’ Club was founded in March 1918 in Dayton, Ohio.
The purpose of the club was to bring together local mothers for social and educational functions that were meant to nurture and enhance their role as mothers.
The Progressive Mothers sought to provide opportunities for mothers to learn about child development, nurturing family environments, and the stresses associated with youth and families. The non-profit group prided itself on providing welfare and advocacy for all children.
The Progressive Mothers’ Club joined the Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1921, as well as later joining the National Federation of Women’s Clubs.
The official Progressive Mothers’ Club on the national level disbanded in 2003 but many Progressive Mothers’ alumni are still active and functioning in local clubs such as the Fort Scott group.
Joyce Davenport has been the local president the past two years. Shirley Palmer was installed as the new president for the Fort Scott group at their April meeting. Other officers are Donna Wilson, vice-president; Teri Campbell, Secretary, and Connie Finley treasurer.”
For more information about the club: contact Shirley Palmer at 620-223-4105.