Fort Scott Biz

Unofficial Minutes of the City of Uniontown Council Meeting of March 12

Uniontown City Hall. 2023


The Regular Council Meeting on March 12, 2024, at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Amber Kelly, Mary Pemberton, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Doug Coyan, City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger, City Superintendent Bobby Rich and City Clerk Sally Johnson.



Pond Project, Don George, KDWPT – Mr George was unable to attend.  Since the project is complete, he will get with Clerk Johnson soon to finish up paperwork and take for submission.  He will present a “big check” when paperwork is approved.



Dave Wehry sent an email, due to being unable to attend, regarding under-age, unlicensed drivers of golf carts on city streets.  After discussion, Clerk Johnson will send a reply as directed.



Treasurer Bolinger presented the February 2023 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $293,383.58, Receipts $44,634.56, Transfers Out $12,776.00, Expenditures $56,818.78, Checking Account Closing Balance $268,423.36. Bank Statement Balance $278,443.08, including Checking Account Interest of $57.98, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $10,019.72, Reconciled Balance $268,423.36.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $37,222.22, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $21,264.85, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $39,006.17, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $365,916.60. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $112.54, and Utility CDs $394.40 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $506.94.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of February 2023, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0.  February Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00, to Capital Improvement-Street $250.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, to Capital Improvement-Streets $750.00; from Gas Utility Fund to Capital Improvement-Streets $6,250.00, and from General Fund to Capital Improvement-Streets $2,500.00 for Total Transfers of $12,776.00.  Net Loss for the month of February $24,960.22, Year-to-Date Net Income $32,944.16.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $15,896.7 (12.9%), Expenditures $18,850.79 (11.6%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $5,621.56 (15.2%), Expenditures $4,883.71 (11.6%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $37,211.40 (25.4%), Expenditures $26,734.81 (15.1%); General Fund YTD Revenue $53,528.28 (32.6%), Expenditures $19,242.89 (9.5%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $1,987.58 (27.4%), Expenditures $0 (0%).  The March 2024 payables to date in the amount of $39,826.45 were presented.  The invoices from C2, KMGA, Homestead Tech, Phillips 66, and Ag Engineering have not been received at meeting time.


Clerk Johnson gave Council copies of comparable reports from the new software.



Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda as amended:


Motion by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 to enter in to executive session pursuant to non-elected personnel matters exception, KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss job duties and review applications of non-elected personnel, the open meeting to resume at 8:00PM


Doug Coyan called in at 7:16, out at 7:35.  Open meeting resumed at 8:00PM.


Motion by Kelly, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to call a Special Meeting to enter into executive session to interview City Clerk applicants on March 29, 2024 at 5:15PM.



City Superintendent Rich reported that the water valve has been replaced and is working.  He also reported that KCC inspected the gas system on February 27 and no deficiencies were noted.

Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan will is back.  He will work spring through fall.


Clerk Johnson presented the Contract for Auditing Services from Diehl, Banwart, Bolton at a cost not to exceed $5,990.


Motion by Ervin, Second by Esslinger, Approved 5-0 to accept Contract for Auditing Services from Diehl, Banwat, Bolton



Councilman Ervin – nothing

Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing

Councilwoman Kelly – nothing

Councilwoman Pemberton – has been asked when the public restrooms will be reopened.  April 1 was decided on.

Councilman Stewart – asked for a follow-up on the sewer issue at 100 Second St.  Owners have not contacted City about their plan to remedy.

Mayor Jurgensen – need to schedule spring clean-up and citywide yard sale.  Citywide yard sales will be April 20 and spring clean-up will be April 29-May 2 with three dumpsters that will be removed as filled.



Pickleball Court Placemaking Project – concrete work completed.  Someone did initial the wet concrete.  Someone has volunteered to seed when ground leveled.  It was suggested to also paint hopscotch and/or four square games also.  A portable net, paddles and balls have been donated.  Once court is painted it was suggested to host a Grand Opening.


Warehouse project – Mayor Jurgensen received a verbal quote to break up concrete scale and fill with concrete and millings, then top with 6” of packed rock.  A written quote was received by Clerk Johnson.  Mayor Jurgensen will ask for a written quote instead of verbal quote and we will request at least one more quote from recommended vendors.

It was suggested that we look into the process to sell the weed barn and use the proceeds to offset the cost of refurbishing the warehouse.  Clerk Johnson will contact attorney about the process to sell the property.





Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 9:19PM

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