Fort Scott Biz

Uniontown City Council Minutes of Jan. 10

Uniontown City Hall.

The Regular Council Meeting on January 10, 2023 at Uniontown City Hall, was called to order at 7:00PM by Mayor Jurgensen.  Council members present were Jess Ervin, Danea Esslinger, Josh Hartman, Amber Kelly, and Bradley Stewart.  Also in attendance for all or part of the meeting were Dixie Riedel and Kay Forsen (Kansas Municipal Gas Agency), City Superintendent Bobby Rich, Codes Enforcement Officer Doug Coyan, and City Treasurer Charlene Bolinger.



KMGA Prepay Project, Dixie Riedel – gave a presentation of the proposed project and fielded questions.  We would have a contract with KMGA to participate in a project with Minnesota Municipal Gas Agency.  MMGA would be the entity to actually prepay.  If we would choose to participate, we would choose the amount (10%-60%) of our proposed daily usage to pledge to this project.  The discount seen in the last six months has been $0.25-$0.40/unit.


Ruritan Bathroom Project, Raymond “Skeet” George – Mr George was unable to attend.  He sent a thank you to the Council for their support of the project with a list of donors and costs for the project.






Treasurer Bolinger present the December 2022 Treasurer’s Report.  Beginning Checking Account Balance for all funds was $354,638.51, Receipts $56,191.05, Transfers Out $19,026.68, Expenditures $48,250.91, Checking Account Closing Balance $343,551.97. Bank Statement Balance $355,533.60, including Checking Account Interest of $76.87, Outstanding Deposits $0, Outstanding Checks $11,981.63, Reconciled Balance $343,551.97.  Water Utilities Certificates of Deposit $33,165.36, Sewer Utilities Certificate of Deposit $19,793.26, Gas Utilities Certificates of Deposit $33,442.36, Total All Funds, including Certificates of Deposit $429,952.95. Year-to-Date Interest in Checking Acct is $438.27, and Utility CDs $374.30 for a Total Year-to-Date Interest of $812.57.  Also included the status of the Projects Checking Account for the month of December 2022, Beginning Balance $0, Receipts $0, Expenditures $0, Ending Balance $0.  December Transfers from Sewer Utility Fund to Sewer Revolving Loan $1,402.00 to General Fund $2,000.00 and to Capital Improvement $1,000.00; from Water Utility Fund to GO Water Bond & Interest $1,624.00, to Security Meter Deposits $0.23, to General Fund $3,000.00 and to Capital Improvement $1,000.00; from Gas Utility Fund to Security Meter Deposits $0.45, to General Fund $3,000.00 and to Capital Improvement $3,000.00; from General Fund to Capital Improvement $3,000.00 for Total Transfers of $19,026.68.  Net Loss for the month of December $11,086.54, Year-to-Date Net Income $19,808.47.  Budget vs Actual Water Fund YTD Revenue $123,315.52 (116.9%), Expenditures $116,473.53 (89.2%); Sewer Fund YTD Revenue $36,274.50 (101.6%), Expenditures $39,133.62 (95.4%); Gas Fund YTD Revenue $133,607.21 (95.7%), Expenditures $172,946.27 (70.5%); General Fund YTD Revenue $155,336.20 (109.6%), Expenditures $146,843.96 (88.8%); and Special Highway YTD Revenue $7,661.33 (120.9%), Expenditures $10,620.81 (99.9%).  The January 2023 estimated payables in the amount of $39,253.89 were presented.



Motion by Esslinger, Second by Hartman, Approved 5-0, to approve Consent Agenda:



City Superintendent Rich reported KCC Inspection of gas system will by January 17-18.


Codes Enforcement Officer Coyan reported little change on Smith Estate demolition over holidays.  The park looked really good over holidays!

Mayor Jurgensen addressed the ongoing neighbor feud.  Discussion ensued.


Clerk Johnson was absent due to family emergency.



Councilman Ervin – nothing

Councilwoman Esslinger – nothing

Councilman Hartman – nothing

Councilwoman Kelly – nothing

Councilman Stewart – nothing

Mayor Jurgensen – Received an invitation to attend Governor’s inauguration.



School Pond Project – Mayor Jurgensen visited with Bourbon County Public Works Director on the rock and he said the county can’t give us the size rock we’re wanting.  Discussion ensued.


Motion by Hartman, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0 accept the size of rock presented unless they can make bigger


Placemaking Project – Mayor Jurgensen has reviewed the catalogs and called companies for pricing.   He’s going to try to get the committee together soon.


American Rescue Plan Act update – Doug Coyan indicated materials would probably be delivered around February 1.  Discussion ensued regarding timeline of project.  He also stated that concrete cost is skyrocketing.  Discussion ensued.



Motion by Hartman, Second by Stewart, Approved 5-0 to enter into executive session pursuant to nonelected personnel matters exception KSA 4319(b)(1), in order to discuss nonelected employees performances and pay rates with the open meeting to resume at 8:20PM

Open meeting resumed at 8:20PM.


Motion by Hartman, Second by Stewart, Approved 5-0 to increase the City Superintendent and City Clerk wage rate $1.00/hour and the Maintenance Helper wage rate $1.50/hour, effective January 1, 2023


Moved by Ervin, Second by Kelly, Approved 5-0, to adjourn at 8:25PM

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