Fort Scott Biz


Front Row L to R: Benjamin Banwart, Josiah Banwart, Carolyn Tucker (teacher) Garren Tucker, Noelle Banwart, Abigail DeLoera. Back Row L to R: Abbigail Collins, Hannah Peck, Kelcie Bailey, Breisen Keller, Austin Sinn.

Piano students of Carolyn Tucker presented their annual recital, April 26, at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. Mrs. Tucker welcomed the guests and Rev. James Collins offered the invocation.

Benjamin Banwart performed “Carol Ann” by Michael W. Smith and “Lean on Me” as a duet with Tucker. Josiah Banwart played “Ballade” by Friedrich Burgmuller, and “She‘ll Be Comin‘ ‘Round the Mountain” as a duet with his teacher. Noelle Banwart performed “The Wild Horseman” by Robert Schumann and “Battle Hymn of the Republic” as a duet with Tucker. Their parents are Mr. & Mrs. Trenton Banwart.

Abbigail Collins, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. James Collins, played “Theme from Trumpet Concerto in Eb” by Franz Joseph Haydn, and “Stars and Stripes Forever” as a duet with her teacher.

Abigail DeLoera, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Mario DeLoera, performed “Largo” by Antonin Dvorak and “Love Me Tender” as a duet with Tucker.

Hannah Peck, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Virgil Peck, played “Waltz Op. 39, No. 15” by Johannes Brahms, and “Dixie” as a duet with her teacher.

Austin Sinn, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Sinn, performed ”Roses from the South” by Johann Strauss, Jr.

Garren Tucker, son of Mr. & Mrs. Seth Tucker, performed “Quiet River” by Willard A. Palmer. Due to a scheduling conflict with state competitions, Gregg Tucker was absent

Former student Kelcie Bailey, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bailey, played “Spinning Song Op. 14” by Albert Elmenreich.

Former student Breisen Keller, son of Mr. & Mrs. Landon Keller, performed “Sonatina in C Major” by Muzio Clementine. Keller currently studies with Mr. Seth Ernst.

The students were awarded Certificates of Excellence, gift packets, and their favorite candy. An Elvis Gospel CD was awarded to Garren Tucker as a door prize. Amanda Collins and former student Kelcie Bailey served as guest book and program hostesses. Diane Spencer served as sound technician, and photography was provided by Michelle Harrison.

The recital concluded with a musical wrap-up by Ralph Carlson on guitar and Carolyn Tucker on piano. The instrumental selections were: Blue Tango, If, St. Louis Blues; Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing; There is a Fountain, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, and There is Power in the Blood. Rev. Jimmy Tucker offered the benediction. Appreciation is extended to Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church for the use of their sanctuary. The Tucker Music Studio has been sharing the joy of music with area students for over 24 years.

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