Fort Scott Biz

Starlite FCE Minutes of May 20, 2021

The May meeting of the Starlite FCE was held May 20th at the Yeager building at the Fairgrounds.  President Glenda Miller called the meeting to order, the Flag Salute and Club Collect were led by Deb Lust.  Ten members were in attendance and reported that they had volunteered for ten hours and had recycled eighty pounds of cardboard.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Doris Ericson presented the Treasurer’s report.  Glenda Miller read a thank you card from Betty Johnson.  Glenda also announced that the Aging with Attitude sessions are available on line if you missed them.


Deb Lust announced that the Master Gardeners had assisted Presbyterian Village with their vegetable beds.  Starlite members Clarice Russell, Noleen Whiteside and Letha Johnson, residents of Presbyterian Village, assisted the Master Gardeners.


Jackie Warren updated the club on the Bourbon County Fair, this year’s theme is “Fun for the whole Herd.”  Deb Lust announced the Memorial Day service activities, which include a service on the Court House lawn at 9:30 at the veteran’s memorial, a 10:30 service at Memorial Hall and a reinternment of a WW11 veteran at the National Cemetery at 1:30.


New business consisted of the club voting to participate in the Scarecrow and Hay Bale decorating contests at the fair.  Doris Ericson made the motion to participate in both contests, Deb Lust seconded the motion, motion carried   Glenda Miller asked for volunteers to bring wrapped candy to the next meeting to make firecracker treats for Tri-Valley, Karen Peery, Letha Johnson, Doris Ericson volunteered.  Glenda also announced that the Recognition Day has been cancelled, but Fall Follies will be held in Bronson this year.


Doris Ericson moved the meeting be adjourned, Deb Lust seconded the motion, motion carried, meeting adjourned.  After the meeting Terri Williams presented the lesson on “Where is the Top of the world.  Refreshments of food from that area was provided by Glenda Miller and Terri Williams.


Prepared by

Terri Williams

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