Fort Scott Biz

Starlite FCE Minutes October 21,2021



The Starlite FCE held is October meeting on October 21 at the Yeager building on the Bourbon County Fairgrounds.  The meeting was called to order by President Glenda Miller.  The Flag Salute and the Club Collect was led by Joyce Allen.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Thirteen members were in attendance.  They reported that they had volunteered 30 hours and had recycled 895 pounds.


Doris Ericson presented the treasurer’s reporter, she reported that she had about 3000 Best Choice labels to turn in and encourage everyone to bring in the labels they have.  Karen Peery gave the Council report.  She reported that the council had elected new officers for the 2022 year and that the Fall training will be held in Parsons on November 4th.  She also announced that the Bake Sale at the Fair had made $330.


Old Business consisted of reporting on the Fall Follies and discussing the amount the Club would donate to memorials.  Betty Johnson moved that we donate $25, Letha Johnson seconded the motion, motion carried.


New Business consisted of whether to buy a wreath for the National Cemetery.  Helen Carlson moved we buy one, Deb Lust seconded the motion, motion carried.  Glenda announced the April 5th will be Family Choice Media Day, in which we are not to listen to anything violent.  Glenda also announced that the year in reports are due in December and that the National FCE has a new program called Dimes for Donations.


Deb Lust informed the Club about upcoming Veteran’s Day celebrations that will be November 11 at 11:00 am at the National Cemetery and that she is trying to reopen the VFW Auxiliary.  Glenda Miller passed out Support your Veteran’s buttons.


Betty Johnson moved the meeting be adjourned, Joyce Allen seconded the motion, motion carried.  Before the meeting the members got together to prepare gift bags for the Veteran’s and Halloween Treats for Tri-Valley clients.


After the meeting Jackie Warren presented the lesson on King Arthur Flour.  King Arthur Flour has been sponsoring a baking contest at the fair for several years, Jackie told us about the history of the company and the products they produce.  She also passed out King Arthur catalogues and awarded door prizes of their products that they had supplied.  Refreshments of pumpkin cake and cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, chocolates and water were provided by Letha Johnson and Jackie Warren and enjoyed by all.


Prepared by

Terri Williams

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