Fort Scott Biz

Starlite Family and Consumer Education Club Minutes February 2024




President Glenda Miller opened the meeting with a presentation on the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiances.  Vice President Joyce Allen led the club in reciting the Pledge and the Club Collect.  Twelve members were in attendance and reported that they had volunteered twenty-two hours and had recycled six hundred and eighty-five pounds of paper and cardboard.


Glenda recognized the January and February birthdays with a bag of puff corn treats.  Glenda also read a piece “You know you are from Kansas if” in celebration of Kansas Day and presented a quiz on President Washington and Lincoln in honor of Presidents Day.  Joyce Allen took first place with a perfect score.


Doris Ericson presented the Treasurer’s report.  She announced that she turning in our Best Choice labels and reminded us to continue saving them.  A Thank you card from the Veteran’s Hospital in Topeka was presented to the club.


Old Business consisted of a report that the Valentine cards had been delivered to the Nursing homes and to Tri-Valley.  Terri Williams announced that she had contacted the American Legion to see if we could reproduce the coloring book on the Bill of Rights which is no long in print.  We would have to fill out a form and get their permission first.  They suggested we go to their website and see the available products.  The club also discussed their plan to gather and send shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.


The Club members are to bring a dozen plastic Easter Eggs and a bag of candy to the next meeting.  The eggs will be presented to the Tri-Valley clients.  Other new business was the Bourbon County Fair.  Letha Johnson moved that we donate $50 to open class, Taylor Bailey seconded the motion, motion carried.  The Club also moved to participate in the Hay Bale and Scarecrow contest.


Doris Ericson moved that the meeting be adjourned, Joyce Allen second the motion, motion carried, meeting adjourned.


After the meeting Taylor Bailey presented the lesson on “Senior Living,” which educated us on options available and when and where to seek assistance.


Refreshments of Cherry Cheesecake, chocolate kisses, nut and drinks were provided by Letha Johnson and Taylor Bailey and enjoyed by all.  Glenda also had a Valentine’s game for the club after the meeting.


Prepared by

Terri Williams


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