Fort Scott Biz

Phase 3 of Reopen Plan Started Today, June 8

Governor Laura Kelly Recommends Communities Move into Phase 3 of “Ad Astra” Plan


TOPEKA, Kan. — Governor Laura Kelly announced that her administration, as well as officials with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, recommend that most local communities consider moving into Phase 3 of “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas,” Monday, June 8, as scheduled.


“I know that many Kansans are anxious to return to many of the summer activities they love, and I’m pleased that we continue to make progress that will allow them to do so safely,” Governor Kelly said.


“Because of Kansans’ hard work – and after careful consideration, Secretary Norman’s team at KDHE have found that COVID-19 disease spread and hospitalizations across Kansas have generally continued to trend downward – and testing capacity has increased,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Therefore, we feel comfortable recommending that most local communities consider moving into phase three.”


The new emergency disaster declaration issued by the Governor on May 26 transfers reopening decisions back to local officials, which means counties moving into Phase 3 of the plan is only a recommendation. However, the State continues to monitor health metrics daily, and remains committed to supporting local communities in a safe, gradual transition.


“Our recommendation to move into Phase 3 does not mean the threat of COVID-19 is over,” Governor Kelly said. “Please remember: this virus remains highly transmissible, it has a long incubation period, and cases are frequently asymptomatic. Please continue using proper safety precautions.”


Key Phase 3 highlights for communities:






As always, Kansans should continue to adhere to hygiene and social distancing protocols, including:






“Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas,” is available in full at, in addition to industry-specific guidance for Kansas businesses.

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