Fort Scott Biz

New Executive Order on Public Lands Raises Questions by Some Locals

Interested parties met to hear Angel Cushing’s take on President Joe Biden’s initiative known as 30 by 30 on August 25 at the Fort Scott Livestock building. Submitted photo.

An informational meeting was held on August 25 at the Fort Scott Livestock building, to share one farmer’s side of a  federal new executive order.

Bourbon County residents Anne Dare, Sparky Schroeder and Deb Martin heard Lyon’s County Resident Angel Cushing speak about a new federal program at a meeting in Pleasanton last month and thought people in Bourbon County and the surrounding areas would be interested in learning more, Deb Martin said in an email.
“I posted a really good article on it on our Ft. Scott Livestock Facebook Page,” she said. “Go there and read page 20-21 of that Calf News Magazine and also the Protect the Harvest and Trent Loos Facebook pages.”
“This was an information meeting only,” Martin said. “We just want people to know so they can do their own research. We are thankful Angel could come and share what she has learned with us.”
“Sparky said he counted cars, 125 people attended the program,” Martin said.
To view the presentation by Cushing:
To view the executive order which directs the U.S. Interior Department to outline steps to achieve President Joe Biden’s commitment to conserve at least 30% each of the nations lands and waters by the year 2030, as recommended by scientists, in order to safeguard health, food supplies, biodiversity, and the prosperity of every community:
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