Fort Scott Biz

New Eugene Ware Elementary School 5th-Grade Teacher: Abby Stepps

The is one of a series of profiles of new teachers in our community.

Abby Stepps is a new Fifth Grade Teacher at  Eugene Ware Elementary School.

Name: Abby Stepps
Title: 5th Grade Elementary Teacher
Education: Fort Scott Community College and at Pittsburg State University, with a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education.

Experience: She began teaching in 2009 in Nevada, MO. Taught in Fort Scott in 2012 one year, then Nevada in 2013 until the present.

Family: Husband, Trent Stepps, a Fort Scott Alumni and has two “beautiful daughters.”

Why did you become an educator?

“I once had a teacher make me feel as though I could conquer the world. She made me feel important and a part of something bigger than I was. Inside her classroom, I could be myself and at the same time anyone/anything I wanted to be, she IS the reason I chose education as my career, Mrs. Scott, 4th grade, in Neosho, Missouri.”

What is first on your list of priorities for the position?

“I hope to bring a feeling of newness and rigor to the 5th-grade crew at Eugene Ware. I am very excited to be working with such great teachers! This year will be wonderful!”

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