Fort Scott Biz

Elm Creek caretaker makes improvements

The new caretaker at Elm Creek Lake, Wallace Maples, has not only been taking care of the upkeep of the lake and outbuildings, but has also been making improvements to the historic lake house. Maples said, “We’re making progress on it. Slow, but it would be nice if sometime we could get a mower out there and clear off the dam.” Public Works Director Marty Pearson said that quite a few fishermen had been out at the lake making use of the newly restocked lake.

Maples mentioned that in the future he would like to see several improvements made to the lake and surrounding area. Maples said that he would like to eventually see chip n’ seal on the roads around the lake to encourage more use of the lake.

In addition, Maples brought up several ideas to eventually add more amenities for campers. Maples said, “Just the reunions I’ve had out there—maybe a bath and shower would be a good thing. I think the lake could bring in really good revenue. I think there would be more campers if we had more access to the lake.”

Commission Chairman Warren discussed adding 4 more RV outlets and having a grader going to work on the east side of shelter number three to help carry water away from that side of the shelter. Maples reported that some campers had been flooded out of that particular shelter in April of this year.

Maples has been doing some work to the lake house, as well as upkeep to the lake itself. Maples said, “Not to take away too much from the historical site—what I was going to do is take some one by’s or two by’s and running them up the sides of the windows.” Maples said rain is currently leaking in and around several windows and getting the insulation and inside of the wall wet. Maples wants to caulk around the windows and replace woodwork and concrete around the fixtures to “keep the weather out” and help preserve the historic lake house.

Warren mentioned that campers had continued problems with tripping breakers at Elm Creek. “They’re undependable,” said Warren of the 20 amp breakers. But Warren did mention that the 30 amp breakers should be more reliable. “If it’s tripping the 30, they probably need to get their camper checked,” Warren said. Warren said that humidity could make a difference in the breakers tripping or not tripping during use. We had some people that were really pleased with Elm Creek, reported Commissioner Albright. “We’ve had a lot of compliments on the lake and how it’s looking,” Maples said. The caretaker received a signed card and flowers from a camper for the work he has been doing with the lake and buildings.

“I want to make it look great—not just knocking  [the grass] down. When people come out there, I want to make it look the best that I can,” Maples said.

Maples mentioned that a ZTR industrial mower would be a “big plus” out at Elm Creek. Pearson mentioned that he would look online and see what the State had available.

Commissioners Warren and Albright both thanked Maples for his work.

In addition, Bourbon County has added a new position in the Road and Bridge Department. Commission Chairman Warren announced the reorganization and the addition of a Director position for which the county will be hiring. Warren mentioned that Marty Pearson has accepted the position of Foreman. “He has a great amount of expertise,”  Warren said of Pearson in his work with the quarry, and that Pearson has made several improvements to efficiency in the operations at the quarry. “It is more than what any one person can get done,” Warren said of the job duties that Pearson had been handling. Warren said that the county is looking for a person who can be responsible for budget and planning and let Pearson focus on areas that need in the county with regard to repair.

Below is a flow chart explaining the new structure for the Road and Bridge Department.


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