Fort Scott Biz

Minutes of the December 18 Bo Co Commission

The north wing, east side of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

December 18, 2023                                                                  Monday, 5:30 p.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Jason Silvers, Patty Ropp, Lora Holdridge, and Michael Hoyt were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim Harris opened the meeting with the flag salute.


Jim made a motion to open the 2023 budget amendment hearing. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved. Jennifer explained the funds of Road and Bridge, Road and Bridge Sales Tax, and EMS were going to be amended to give budget authority to spend the additional funds that have came in this year. Jim opened the public comments section of the hearing. There were no public comments. Clifton made a motion to close the 2023 budget amendment hearing. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to approve the 2023 budget amendment. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, presented an application of membership with Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative. The county has been a part of the cooperative for many years, however; Heartland REC requested the county complete the application that they did not have on file. Clifton made a motion to allow Chairman Harris to sign the application of membership for Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. The county received an invitation to the Bourbon County REDI Gala that will be held on December 30. Jennifer asked if there would be more than one Commissioner in attendance that evening and after discussion the Commissioners decided they would not be attending. Jennifer stated that due to the upcoming holidays falling on Monday this would be the last regularly scheduled meeting until January 8th. Jennifer and Patty Love, Treasurer, discussed a KORA request that was made for information regarding their non-elected employees and questioned how the individual who submitted the KORA request received the information about bonuses in their departments when some employees did not even know they were receiving a bonus yet.


Clifton made amotion to reconvene the meeting at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd at 6:00. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Jim reconvened the meeting a 6:00.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 60-mnute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include all three Commissioners, the County Counselor, REDI Board President and three board members, all five members of the Fort Scott Board of City Commissioners, City Attorney, and City Manager. Garth Herman and Greg Cotton will also be present via Zoom. The executive session will remain in the conference room until 7:03 with the members of the public exiting to the lobby. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 7:03 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to amend the agenda to add an executive session. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-mnute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include all three Commissioners, the County Counselor, REDI Board President and three board members, all five members of the Fort Scott Board of City Commissioners, City Attorney, and City Manager. Garth Herman and Greg Cotton will also be present via Zoom. The executive session will remain in the conference room until 7:15 with the members of the public exiting to the lobby. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 7:15 with no action. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.



Clifton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 12-11-23, approval of payroll totaling $290,776.36, and approval of accounts payable totaling $448,457.08. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved.


Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, notified the Commissioners that the #140 Mack truck would be back from the shop tomorrow. Eric said there was an issue with the sight triangle at 245th & Soldier Road. They have removed trees so now traffic can see from the intersection. Eric presented an agreement for bridge 26.0-Y-1.0, which is located south of Garland, that outlines bridge inspections with Vernon County, MO. The county line goes down the middle of the bridge and currently both counties are having bridge inspections preformed, but the State and Federal government are requiring an agreement outlining how inspections will be handled. Clifton made a motion to allow all three Commissioners to sign the agreement with Vernon County on bridge 26.0-Y-1.0. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Eric updated the Commissioners on a software issued that happened last Thursday which now has them locked out of CIC PublicWorks. Eric said billings will be delayed until the company can get them back in. Dustin Hall, Assistant Public Works Director, spoke about a 2008 Bomag landfill compactor they have found on Purple Wave with a current bid of $20,500. Dustin said a new machine would be around $600,000. Dustin went to view the machine in El Dorado and drove it. The company that owns it purchased it new and the engine has been replaced and has approximately 2006 hours on it. Dustin said machine will help extend the life of our landfill by potentially 40% and will hold up better that the dozer we currently use for the construction and demolition material. Dustin said they are asking permission to spend up to $100,000 on the machine. Jim said the dozer is not equipped for using it at the landfill and will save dozer repairs and add years of life to the landfill. Clifton asked how they plan on paying for it. Dustin said they have some funds in the landfill account that they were going to use to pay the building off early in March but they feel this will help our landfill out. Clifton made a motion to allow Public Works to bid up to $100,000 for a Bomag landfill compactor on Purple Wave. Nelson seconded the motion and all approved. Nelson said he was informed by a resident that west of Highway 3 on Grand Road is very muddy.


Clifton thanked the City of Fort Scott Commissioners for coming. Clifton asked Sheriff Martin and Undersheriff Davidson if they use CIC. Sheriff Martin said they use it for payroll and accounts payable. Jim stated that as Chairman he is to run the meeting and stated the agenda is a guideline that can be amended at any time and any Commissioner can ask to amend the agenda. Nelson stated they have been praying at every meeting and he has been advised today they could be sued for it. Justin said anyone can pray, but when a government entity prays, they have to give everyone the chance to pray because my beliefs may be different than your beliefs. There was discussion held regarding if prayer would be added back to the agenda. Nelson stated during his Commission comment time he would pray to Jesus and anyone who wished to join him could do so. Jim and Clifton thanked Nelson after he held a prayer.


Nelson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:47. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved.




___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

ATTEST:                                                                                   ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

1-8-2024                     Approved Date







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