Fort Scott Biz

Minutes of the Bourbon County Commission for Oct. 4

The north wing, east side of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

October 4, 2024                                                                                                                Friday, 10:00 a.m.



The Board of Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session for a special meeting with  Commissioners Harris and Whisenhunt and the Deputy County Clerk and County Clerk present.



Anne Dare, Brian Allen, and Becky Whisenhunt were present for some or all of the meeting.



Jim led the flag salute.



Jim made a motion to go into a 5-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include both Commissioners and will return at 10:05. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. Jim made a motion to resume normal session at 10:05 with action. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved. Brandon made a motion for Chairman Jim Harris to take over the dealings with Freeman Hospital business and the equipment side of things. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.



Jim stated to the citizens of Bourbon County we will work hard and we’re going to get this wrapped up pretty quickly. Jim stated Freeman has been in contact with him and that Commissioner Beth has worked his tail off and he has a lot of personal things going on while Jim is retired and has more time. Jim stated he has put a circle team together which includes the City Manager, a City Commissioner, the COO at KRI, Dr. Nichols, Justin Meeks, Bob Farmer, and himself and we together we will get this done. Jim said he appreciates Brandon’s support.



Jim asked the audience members if there were any questions. Anne Dare asked if there is any update from Monday regarding the equipment lists? Jim said Commissioner Beth might have it in his possession and he will know later today, however; they received a verbal commitment from Mercy to release that equipment back to Bourbon County and withdraw their concerns. Jim said they have that commitment coming in writing. Jim said he has spoken with Mr. Denning and he has also spoken to professional movers to move the equipment from Pittsburg back to the medical building. Jim said they are in contact with the proper people to make sure the machines are erased properly as there is previous patient information that must be erased. Jim said he is happy with the team he has put in place and now with Brandon’s help they are going to move forward and get this done pretty quickly. Jim said he wants to thank Commissioner Beth publicly for everything he’s done an outstanding job but just had some personal things come up. Jim said he is honored to take this over with Brandon’s support. Jim stated they will get this done and asked the Bourbon County citizens to be patient a little longer. Anne asked if Jim could name which City Commissioner is on the team. Jim said he is not sure yet which City Commissioner will be working with him regarding this. Anne also asked if there is a representative from Freeman working with them? Jim said he will be working with Paula Baker and Renee Denton from Freeman and will meet with them on Monday. Anne asked about the equipment list that Jim is still waiting on and he told her he has a list from Dr. Nichols and Mr. Denning of the three pieces that are missing. Jim said they know where the equipment is and are working with Mercy to get it collected. Jim said Freeman needs to know that we’re getting this equipment moved back here quickly, in place, and tested so that KRI can finish their testing and licensure with the state. Anne asked if there is any timeline for Freeman to open the ER as they initially said April 2025. Jim said he does not know if that has changed as he has not been included in the meetings but he may know more next week. Jim said going forward he will be at every meeting and will report back to the citizens what he knows and what he is able to share. Jim feels the equipment should be moved back to the medical building this week or early next week. Brandon said the memory part of the portable x-ray machine, cat scan, and ultrasound machines is what was missing and that was pulled due to HIPPA since it contained patient information. Brandon said once it is back a team of technicians will come in and inspect the equipment and will be able to tell if anything is not working properly. Anne asked if there is going to be any extra expense expected from the county for the equipment. Jim said there could be $15,000 to $20,000 in expense for getting the technicians in to inspect and test the equipment. Jim said there is currently $72,000 in the Commission Contingency fund and that is where we will pay any expense we incur with the equipment. Jim said it is our equipment until we sign it over to KRI or Freeman and it is our responsibility to ensure it works. Anne asked what Legacy’s role is in all of this? Jim said he has been told Legacy is very cooperative and working with KRI. Jim thinks there was some miscommunication because last week Legacy was talking to KRI’s CEO not their COO. Anne asked if Legacy and KRI are talking about KRI purchasing the building. Jim stated that was true and he was told the tax abatement just recently happened. Brandon agreed and said the state just sent the county the information three weeks ago. Jim said he talked to the County Treasurer and everything is in order on the tax roll and she has contacted KRI as well as Legacy at his request to show the clean slate on their taxes. Jim said that can be turned into the deed company to get a clean title to transfer the building. Jim said he is happy how things are going well. Anne said it is encouraging to finally be able to hear updates. Anne said she is aware that there are things that cannot be shared but that it is a little difficult to continue to hear that there are multiple meetings with no updates. Jim said he is meeting with them on Monday with an action plan. Jim said we need to get the emergency room here as well as the 10-bed hospital here for the citizens and KRI. Anne said she appreciates Jim and Brandon’s efforts. Jim said he appreciates Brandon’s support this morning and it is time to get this done. Jim said he will know later if the date the ER will be operational is moved back and will let everyone know. Jim said their goal right now is to make sure KRI is fully functional with an ER and 10-bed hospital. Brandon said he thinks this is the right move as Jim has been behind the ER project since day one trying to get it pushed forward and that is not to take anything away from Clifton with what he has done on it. Brandon said Clifton and Jim have worked very hard on this and he is glad that we can move forward and get everybody the emergency room and 10-bed hospital that they wanted.


Jim made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:16. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.





___________________, Chairman


ATTEST:                                                                                                  ___________________,Commissioner

Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

10-7-2024                                      Approved Date






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