Fort Scott Biz

Kids Art Camp Offered Next Week

Judy Earp. Submitted photo.

Judy Earp lived 40 years in California and moved to Fort Scott in December 2019 because she fell in love with a Victorian home here.

She originally was from Lamar, MO, and looked there and in Nevada for just the right home to accommodate all of her Victorian furniture in her decision to return to the Mid-West.

When Earp found the house at 702 S. National Avenue, she found a space for an art studio.

“My art studio is in the basement,” she said.

During her California years, in her free time (she was a computer programmer and also sold real estate), she took art classes of all sorts, at Monterrey Peninsula Community College.

“The labs and all the equipment were fantastic (for all the art classes she took),” she said.

She started offering painting classes in Fort Scott in 2020 and found that the play area just outside her studio was perfect for the kid’s art classes she wanted to instruct.

The children need breaks sometimes, she said, and the space is perfect for that.

Next week she is offering a Winter Art Party for children ages five and up.

“Our next camp is from December 27 through December 31,” she said. “It has a winter theme. The cost is $125 for the entire week. I also offer two art parties for the kids on No School Days, one for USD 234 and one for St. Mary’s. These take place at my studio at 702 S. National. The cost is $25.”

No School Days are when students are not in class for one day, for teacher in-service, etc.

“My main goal is to share the joy of creating art with people of all ages and that we should all have fun while doing so,” Earp said.

“I offer different art events geared for different age groups,” she said. “During the summer and winter and spring breaks, I offer an art camp that is a week-long and we create five  different paintings, all with a common theme.”

She also provides private art parties.

“Paint and Sip Parties are adult, also private parties,” she said. “I do women’s church groups.”

This past summer Earp offered a beach week, a red, white, and blue week and a farm week.

Judy Earp’s students during beach week in 2021. Submitted photo.

“I offer family-friendly art parties also, with paintings that are suitable for all ages,” she said. “We just had one at Papa Don’s this past Saturday. The cost is also $25.”

Students of the Family Paint and Pizza Art Party on Dec. 18, at Papa Don’s Pizza. Submitted photo.

“I also offer Paint & Sip Parties,” she said. “I will have two in January at Dry Wood Creek Cafe. We will be painting a Highland Cow. Both parties sold out within a few hours.”

Submitted photo.

“All parties include everything you need to complete and take home a painting,” she said.  “I draw the picture on the canvas for you, supply the paint, brushes, easels and aprons. I also guide the artists every step of the way.”

Judy Howser and a friend show their art from a Fall Pathway Art Party in September. Submitted photo.

The best way for people to know immediately when a new class, camp or party is offered is to Like and follow Happy Snappy Art on Facebook, she said.

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