Fort Scott Biz

KDOT kicks off 2021 regional Local Consult meetings

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The Kansas Department of Transportation is hosting eight public Local Consult meetings this fall as part of the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE) project selection process. All Kansans are invited to participate. Participants will have the opportunity to share their community and region’s transportation priorities and provide input on a list of potential highway expansion and modernization projects. This year’s Local Consult meetings will take place virtually to comply with current state guidance related to COVID-19. Participants can attend the online regional meeting as well as a virtual on-demand option.

Online live Zoom meetings – go to to register for each regional meeting. Participate in live conversations about regional transportation priorities and hear directly from KDOT Secretary Julie Lorenz. The schedule for the online regional and metro meetings is:

Virtual on-demand experience – Allows Kansans to review Local Consult information and provide input on their own schedules. Visit for more information about the schedule for these meetings.

Local Consult is a process that takes place every two years for KDOT to listen to regional needs from the perspective of Kansans who live and work in each of the six districts and two metropolitan areas. The regional discussions will be influenced by the 1,900 Kansans who participated in a survey earlier this summer to share their top transportation interests and concerns.

About the IKE Program – IKE is a 10-year program that addresses highways, bridges, public transit, aviation, short-line rail and bike/pedestrian needs across Kansas. The program and associated projects are focused on making roads safer, supporting economic growth and creating more options and resources for Kansans and their communities. For more information about the IKE program:


This information can be made available in alternative accessible formats upon request.

For information about obtaining an alternative format, contact the KDOT Communications Division,

700 SW Harrison St., 2nd Fl West, Topeka, KS 66603-3754 or phone 785-296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired – 711.




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