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Introduction To The Candidates: Ken Collins

This is part of a series of responses from candidates for the Nov. 6, 2018 election. There are two people running for 2nd District Representative.

State Representative, 2nd District (vote for one)

Adam J. Lusker Sr. 452 S. 210th St. Frontenac 66763 Democratic

Kenneth Collins 102 E. 1st Street Mulberry 66756 Republican

These are Ken Collins responses:

Ken Collins.

Name: Ken Collins


Candidate for the position of: Second District Kansas State Representative

Place of residence: Mulberry, Kansas

Current occupation: Retired from AT&T and working to establish a convenience store business.

Community involvement: Adjutant of American Legion Post 176 in Mulberry.

Party affiliation: Republican

1) What is the biggest issue, if elected, and how do you plan to address it?

An important issue for me is economic growth in Southeast Kansas. I plan to advocate for continuing improvements on US Highway 69 and to look for ways to reduce taxes including sales, gasoline property and income taxes. We are in competition with neighboring states in several ways so we need to keep our tax rates as low as possible.

2)Give your views on food sales tax:

We need to try to find a way to lower sales tax, especially on groceries. Many states have reduced sales tax rates for food. A large percentage of Kansans live in close proximity to Missouri so we are losing business when consumers choose to cross the state line to shop. Missouri’s sales tax rate for groceries is 1.23% as compared to our basic rate of 6.5%. on all items including food.

3) Give your views on legalizing marijuana:

I haven’t seen any reliable information yet on how legalization has had an effect on states like Colorado so I haven’t come to a decision.

4) Give your views on health care for our state, including Medicaid:

We need to find some new ways to provide health care in rural areas. It is shocking news to everyone that Mercy Hospital of Fort Scott will soon be closing but hopefully solutions can be found to fill the gaps in service that will result. I’m generally leery of Medicaid Expansion, although the program would be federally subsidized it would still cost the Kansas taxpayers.

5) Give views on abortion and Planned Parenthood:

I am strongly pro-life and if elected I will vote in a manner to protect the unborn. I would not support any taxpayer subsidization of Planned Parenthood.

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