I Am Rehab LLC is the new business that replaces Mercy Hospital’s Health for Life at 405 Woodland Blvd as of Jan. 1.
Hugo Dahlstrom is the occupational therapist. David Shank, Denny Gillard, and Janet Smith are the physical therapists. Sarah Moore is the office assistant.
I Am Rehab owners are Gillard, Shank, and Dahlstrom.

“The fitness center is up and running,” Dahlstrom said. “People are coming in for occupational and physical therapy.”
The fitness center portion is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the purchase of an individual membership of $30 per month for individuals and $40 per month for families, he said.
To get an access key to the center, one needs to come to the office between 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Rich Wallace will continue to provide personal training, but is not employed by I Am Rehab LLC, Dahlstrom said.