Fort Scott Biz

Homes for the Holidays Tour

Fort Scott, KS – This weekend is packed full of great events going on. Already, this short article space will not be enough to cover all that is going on. Hopefully, you will have a chance to get out this weekend and participate in some of the activities.


This will be the 35th year the homes have been available for touring. The event is sponsored by the Historic Preservation Association of Bourbon County (HPA). The tour dates are December 6th and 7th, Saturday, 11am-5pm and Sunday, noon-4pm. Admission is a $12 donation and you can pick up a ticket and map at any of the homes.

In brief, there are four homes on the tour this year. You can click here to see the homes and the addresses ahead of time, but you will have to show up in person to really appreciate the beauty and the hard work these home-owners have done to showcase these remarkable homes.

We were able to catch up with two home owners to get a sneak peek inside the homes. Erica Schuber-Chikly, 816 S. Crawford, has just recently completed remodeling of her home, established in 1888. Here are a few pictures:

Also, Joyce Gobl was kind enough to allow us a few early pictures. Joyce and her sister, June Seaver were both working hard to put the finishing touches on over 19 trees located within the home Joyce doesn’t take credit, but said June is really the master designer of the presentation of the trees. Here are just a few pictures:

The two other homes include an 8,000 square foot home, re-purposed from a business built in 1922 and a three story Victorian brick home built in 1884.

Not only are you able to enjoy the beauty and the history of these homes and hear the stories, your ticket fee will continue to support the efforts and programs of the HPA. When you are finished with the tour, you can stop by the Middle School (1105 E 12th St) , where HPA is sponsoring, “The Stocking Stuffer.” FREE ADMISSION. If you still have some shopping left to do, gift items and crafts are available for purchase along with baked goods and a brisket lunch. Hours: Saturday 9am-5pm; Sunday 11am-4pm

If you have an event or something you think we might be interested in writing about, please send us an email:

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