Fort Scott Biz

History of Fort Scott National Cemetery Tour on Aug. 13

Bourbon County Carpool Tour taking place Saturday, August 13th
National Cemetery

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, Old Fort Genealogical Society, and Historical Preservation Association of Bourbon County announce another carpool tour that will be on Saturday, August 13th at 8:30am. The format of the tour will be by carpool where attendees will provide their own transportation, stopping at the National Cemetery where the tour will be guided by local historians.

The tour on the 13th of August will be visiting the National Cemetery. Fort Scott National Cemetery was created during the Civil War and has continued to include all military since then. Local historians will walk you through the cemetery noting persons, telling reasons for memorial stones, and giving important information about the military campaigns our men and women were involved in while defending the United States and our allies. Volunteer Historians will include Ken Lyon, Brian Allen and Arnold Schofield.
The tour will leave The Old Fort Genealogical Society at 221 S. National Ave. (Memorial Hall) at 8:30 am and will finish by 10:30 am.  The cost is only $5 per person and pre-registration is required on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Those interested may register online at, click on Events, then Bourbon County Tour.  A waiting list will be maintained if the tour reaches capacity.  For questions or more information, contact the Old Fort Genealogical Society by calling 620-223-3300 or emailing

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