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Help With Mental Health Disabilities

KDADS, Valeo Behavioral Health Care to Kick Off Operation Red File Partnership Dec. 20

TOPEKA — The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) has partnered with Valeo Behavioral Health Care to distribute Operation Red File folders to participants in the mental health center’s psycho-social program. Operation Red File is designed to help seniors and individuals with disabilities keep their critical health information accessible if needed in an emergency.

“We look forward to sharing with all those in Valeo’s program how important it is to keep copies of key medical records at hand in case of an emergency. Operation Red File makes those records instantly recognizable to first responders,” said KDADS Medicare Grants Director Irina Strakhova. “This is life-saving information that provides an extra level of protection for vulnerable Kansans when it is most critical.”

Strakhova, along with other members of the KDADS staff, will introduce Operation Red File at an event scheduled for December 20 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Valeo Behavioral Health Care, 2401 SW 6th Avenue in Topeka.

Participants in Operation Red File receive a large, red, magnetic folder that they can place on their refrigerator for instant access, where first responders will know to look for it. Participants are encouraged to put copies of their medical information and other critical documents in the folder, such as a clear, current photograph of the participant; a medical form with all current medical information; a medication list that can be updated as needed; and medical coverage information.

First responders and emergency staff can use this information to:

Operation Red File, a medical information initiative that is part of the agency’s Senior Medicare Patrol program, inaugurated in Shawnee County in 2016 and has continued to grow statewide. More kick-off events are scheduled in the coming months.

If you or a loved one is interested in Operation Red File, contact Strakhova at 800-432-3535 for more information.

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