Fort Scott Biz

Governor Supports Supreme Court Ruling

Statement on U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Census citizenship question



“I support today’s Supreme Court ruling,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The goal is to make sure every person is counted. At stake is federal funding distributed to communities for schools, roads, public safety, parks and other programs, so Kansas cannot afford to be shortchanged in this important process. The Census also determines how many seats states have in the U.S. House, and Kansas deserves fair representation.

“The citizenship question would have done more to deter participation than encourage everyone to be counted,” the governor said. “Our Complete Count Committee is working across Kansas to raise awareness of the Census and address related challenges. If people living in Kansas aren’t counted, it will cost our state and local communities – especially our rural communities – thousands of dollars, per person, every year for the next decade. I want to remind all Kansans of the need to be counted.”



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