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Governor Signs Kansas Budget Bill

Governor Kelly Signs Balanced Budget Strengthening Workforce and Economic Development Opportunities;
Addressing Water Issues

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today signed the state’s budget, Senate Bill 28, which allocates funding for Fiscal Years 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028. The budget makes expenditures to continue the Kelly administration’s progress to make Kansas the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

“Thanks to the work we have done to get our state’s economy where it is, we can use our record surplus to make a positive impact on communities across the state,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The investments we make now in our infrastructure, our workforce, and our economic development put Kansas on a path of continued growth.”

The budget:

Governor Kelly also line-item vetoed aspects of the budget. Find more information and her veto messages here.


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