Fort Scott Biz

Garden Club Adds Beauty to Fort Scott

The Bourbon County Garden Club 2019. Front, from left: Leah Lewis, Barb McCord, Cheryl Bloomfield, Deb Lust, Sharon Campbell; back row: Priscilla Sellers, Ronda Hassig, Judy Wallis, Clara Scholfield, Karen Billiard, Jan Hedges and Rita Emmerson.

The Bourbon County Garden Club beautifies the town of Fort Scott.

“We do the flower baskets downtown,” Deb Lust, spokesperson for the group told the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Coffee attendees on June 20. “The city pays for them and we provide the labor.”

“We also do the three flower beds at the swimming pool and the planter in front of the city office,” she said.

“Barb McCord is the landscape architect,” Lust said.

There are several Kansas Master Gardeners in the club who are available to answer gardening questions from the public, she said.

Also available for questions is Krista Harding with the K-State Southwind Horticulture Agent, she said.

In years past, the club has organized The Secret Garden, a showcase for area gardeners.

“We need gardens for that,” Lust said, noting that task has become increasingly difficult.

The club meets the fourth Thursday of each month, except in the winter months.

“We encourage men and women to join us,” she said.



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