Fort Scott Biz

FSHS Wrestlers Fundraiser For Program Needs: Taco Tico Meals

Fort Scott High School Wrestling student-athlete representatives attended the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Coffee on Oct. 3 to tell the community of the fundraiser. From left: Jenna Graham, Coby Burchett, Hannah Vann, and  Mersadie Roof listen as  Coach Alvin Metcalf tells about the fundraiser.

Fort Scott High School has a wrestling program for both boys and girls, with 50 students involved in the program.

Alvin Metcalf is the coach, assistant coaches are Alvin Metcalf Sr., Dakota Hall, and Kathi Hall.

Funds are needed for the program for equipment and gear,  and also for team expenses for the year while competing in other locations, for example, hotel stays, food, etc.

The students and coaches have chosen a Taco Tico Fundraiser.

“It allows the community to get a nostalgic meal that the town of Fort Scott loves,” Coach Metcalf said. “Taco Tico was a staple for anyone who lived in Fort Scott in the 1990s and 2000s especially if you were in high school at that time. It’s something different that people like.”

The wrestlers and their parents prepare the food.

The food orders will be picked up at the high school on October 19 in the Fort Scott High School Commons Area.

Orders are due by 5 p.m. Oct. 12.

Pre-orders can be placed with any wrestling athlete or order sheets picked up at the Butcher Block Shop on National Avenue or 5-Corners Convenience Store at 12th Street at 69 Hwy.

Orders can be dropped off at the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office, 293 E. 20th Street from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To order online go to the Fort Scott High School Wrestling page on Facebook.

On the menu are tacos, burritos, sanchos and taco burgers. People may eat in the commons area if so desired.

There will be limited quantities available with pre-ordering.

For more information contact Metcalf at 620.224.8468 or

Lesley Harris at 620.215.5330.

Girl Wrestlers from the Fort Scott High School Wrestling Facebook page.
Boy wrestlers from the Fort Scott High School Wrestling Facebook page.



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