Fort Scott High School Forensics scored this weekend.
“We had 36 events qualify for state this year,” Amber Toth,FSHS Forensic Teacher, said. “However, we are only allowed to take 16 total entries and two Lincoln Douglas Debaters. Overall, as a team, we took second.”
She is proud of her forensic students.
“If you see Forensics kids, please tell them congrats,” Toth said.” It is an amazing accomplishment to walk out of the largest state tournament in any classification with a trophy for the 2nd year in a row.”

Individual Results:
Darby Toth is the Oration State Champion and the Impromptu State Runner-Up
Elizabeth Ngatia is the State Runner-Up in Oration and takes 4th in Poetry.
Zoe Self is the State Runner-Up in Extemp.
Mark Adams is the State Runner-Up in Lincoln Douglas debate.
Rebekah Sweyko takes 5th in Extemp and 6th in Informative.
Tayton Majors was 6th in Extemp.
Isabella Provence makes it to semi-finals in Humorous Interpretation.
Kaden Kiwan was a semi-finalist in Informative.
Mark Adams and Jonie Antonio were semi-finalists is Duet Acting.
“Also representing us were Ashtyn Elizabeth Dowell in Extemp, Hunter Adamson and Zoe Self in duet, Madi Toth in prose, and Alex Gorman in Humorous Interp and Dalton Womeldorff in LD,” Toth said.
“We also have 15 students attending the National Tournament in Fort Lauderdale, Florida this summer,” she said.
Tayton Majors and Sara Al-Shawish will be competing in Policy Debate.
Darby Toth will be recognized on the state level as a four time-qualifier (Fort Scott’s second ever), was chosen as South Kansas District Student of the Year, and will compete in Student Congress.
Zoe Self and Hunter Adamson will be competing in Duo Interpretation.
Rebekah Sweyko will be competing in Informative Speaking.
Madison Toth will be competing in Program of Oral Interpretation.
Ashtyn Dowell and Jorden Willard will compete in Public Forum Debate.
Elizabeth Ngatia will be competing in Original Oration.
Isabella Provence will be competing in Humorous Interpretation.
Brooklyn Lyons will be competing in Program of Oral Interpretation.
Mark Adams will compete in Domestic Extemp.
Dalton Womeldorff will compete in World Schools Debate.
Jonie Antonio will compete in World Schools Debate.