Fort Scott Biz

FSCC Trustees Meeting Agenda for July 17

Fort Scott Community College

To  view the entire packet:

7.17.23 Consent Agenda

July 17, 2023
Board of Trustees
Fort Scott Community College
2108 S. Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
The Board of Trustees of Fort Scott Community College will meet in regular session on Monday, July
17, 2023. The meeting will be held in the meeting rooms of Ellis Family Fine Arts Center at Fort
Scott Community College.
5:00 p.m. Dinner in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall, followed by regular board meeting at
approximately 5:30 p.m.
5:30 ROLL CALL, 3
A. Comments from the Chair, 4
B. Comments from the Public, 4
A. Approval of Agenda, 5
B. Approval of Minutes of previous Regular Board Meeting conducted on June 19, 2023,
and Special Board Meetings conducted on June 28, 2023, July 5, 2023, July 6,
2023, and July 10, 2023, 6
C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report, Bills, and Claims, 14
D. Approval of Personnel Actions, 5
A. Consideration of 2023 – 24 Athletic Insurance and Catastrophic Injury Insurance, 54
B. Consideration of Fort Scott Community College President Employment Contract, 65
A. Administrative Updates, 66
• June 19, 2023 Board Meeting
• July 17, 2023 Board Meeting
• August 28, 2023 (to facilitate budget process) Board Meeting
• September 25, 2023 (to facilitate budget process) Board Meeting
• October 16, 2023 Board Meeting
• November 20, 2023 Board Meeting
• December 11, 2023 (Changed due to winter break) Board Meeting
• January 22, 2024 (Changed due to MLK, Jr. Day) Board Meeting
• February 19, 2024 Board Meeting
• March 18, 2024 Board Meeting
• April 15, 2024 Board Meeting
• May 20, 2024 Board Meeting
• June 17, 2024 Board Meeting
John Bartelsmeyer, Chair
Alysia Johnston, President
FSCC’s vision for the future is to support “Students First, Community Always” through a
central focus on teaching and learning; advancing strong, innovative programs and
departments; maximizing and leveraging opportunities; initiating efficient and effective
processes; and developing the region’s workforce.2
_____ John Bartelsmeyer
_____ Jim Fewins
_____ Dave Elliott
_____ Kirk Hart
_____ Bryan Holt
_____ Robert Nelson3



Attached are the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting conducted on June 19, 2023 and
Special Board Meetings conducted on June 28, 2023, July 5, 2023, July 6, 2023, and July 10,
Attached are the Treasurer’s Report and the Bills and Claims Report.
1) Additions
a) Dawson Cantwell, Assistant Baseball Coach, effective July 1, 2023
b) Caleb Tipton, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach, effective July 11, 2023
c) Lindsay Torrens, Assistant Volleyball Coach, effective July 12, 2023
d) Sierra Higginbotham, MEP Quality Control, effective August 1, 2023
2) Separations
a) Madison Dehlinger, Assistant Volleyball Coach and Admissions
Representative effective June 13, 2023
b) Emily Sommerville, Head Women’s Basketball Coach effective June 24,
c) Ben Keifer, Assistant Baseball Coach, effective June 30, 2023
d) Shawn Moore, Assistant Baseball Coach, effective June 30, 2023
e) Alysia Johnston, President, effective July 13, 2023
f) Vickie Laderer, Allied Health Director, effective August 1, 2023
3) Transfers
a) Jolee Carswell, from Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach to Head
Women’s Basketball Coach, effective June 24, 2023
b) Sonia Gugnani from Associate Dean of Institutional Effectiveness to Vice
President of Academic Affairs, effective July 17, 2023
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Consent Agenda items be approved as
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson5
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
June 19, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, faculty, staff
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm in the meeting rooms of Ellis Fine Arts Center. The
meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
approve the consent agenda as amended.
A. A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to upgrade the Student
Information System to the J1 system and use Deferral Option 1 timeline for the purchase of the upgrade.
B. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the quote
for property and liability insurance through KERMP for an annual premium of $288,193.92.
C. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
purchase of a new softball scoreboard from Varsity Scoreboard for $12,603.
D. A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the annual
service contract with Design Mechanical for $19,432.
E. A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the bid from
Jarred, Gilmore & Phillips, CPA from Chanute for a total of $28,500 for the College and $8,700 for the
F. A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the 2023-24
meeting dates as presented.
G. A motion was made by Holt, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote of 5-0 to approve the
KASB Worker’s Compensation Member Participation Premium Agreement for $41,910. Bartelsmeyer
stepped out momentarily and was unavailable for vote.
H. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the 2023-24
memberships and dues as shown. Julie Eichenberger will provide additional detail about what each item is
for and if each membership is required in the future, as well as notify the Board if any of the memberships
from the list are not pursued this year.
I. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve a maximum
limit of $20,000 for the purchase of a fleet vehicle with mileage of 60,000 or less.6
J. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by 5 – 1 vote to approve exceeding revenue
neutral rate if necessary for the 2023-24 budget. Holt voted in opposition.
K. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the proposal
submitted by Limelight for refreshing the main website for $74,950.
L. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the quote
from CONVERGEONE for the purchase of additional and replacement battery modules for the data center
for $14,312.50. Elliott’s motion was with the understanding that the possibility of a generator would be
investigated and pursued if it is a more cost-effective option.
M. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the annual
purchase of CAMP laptops from Lenovo Direct for $25,798.20.
N. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the tentative
agreement with FSCAPE for 2023-24.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The board reviewed items of correspondence.
ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard updates from Student Services, Finance and
Operations, IT, Maintenance, Miami County Campus, Athletics, and the President.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for twenty minutes beginning at 8:05 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to presidential candidates, with no action expected to follow. At 8:25 pm the Board extended
executive session by 10 minutes and asked Alysia Johnston and Juley McDaniel to join. At 8:35 pm, the Board
extended executive session by 10 minutes.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:46 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
8:47 pm by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk7
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Special Meeting
June 28, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 8:03 am in the board room of the Hedges Administration
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for sixteen minutes beginning at 8:14 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to presidential semi-finalist interviews, with no action expected to follow. The Board invited
Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:30 am a motion was made by Hart, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for forty-five minutes beginning at 8:30 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting a Zoom interview with presidential candidate #1, with no action expected to
follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 9:15 am a motion was made by Hart, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for thirteen minutes beginning at 9:15 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview of presidential candidate #1, with no action expected to follow.
The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 9:30 am a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for forty-five minutes beginning at 9:30 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting a Zoom interview with presidential candidate #2, with no action expected to
follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 10:15 am a motion was made by Hart, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for fourteen minutes beginning at 10:16 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview of presidential candidate #2, with no action expected to follow.
The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 10:30 am a motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for forty-five minutes beginning at 10:30 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting a Zoom interview with presidential candidate #3, with no action expected to
follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.8
OPEN SESSION: At 11:15 am a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for fifteen minutes beginning at 11:15 am for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview of presidential candidate #3, with no action expected to follow.
The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 11:30 am a motion was made by Hart, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
RECESS: At 11:30 am a motion was made by Hart, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to recess for
lunch until 12:28 pm.
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting back to order at 12:28 pm.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for forty-five minutes beginning at 12:30 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting a Zoom interview with presidential candidate #4, with no action expected to
follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 1:15 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for fifteen minutes beginning at 1:15 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview of presidential candidate #4, with no action expected to follow.
The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 1:30 pm a motion was made by Holt, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for forty-five minutes beginning at 1:30 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting a Zoom interview with presidential candidate #5, with no action expected to
follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 1:15 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for five minutes beginning at 2:15 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview of presidential candidate #5, with no action expected to follow.
The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 2:20 pm a motion was made by Holt, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for ten minutes beginning at 2:20 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussion of presidential interviews and selection of presidential finalists, with no action
expected to follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 2:31 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.9
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
2:38 pm by Holt, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk10
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Special Meeting
July 5, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 6:19 pm in the board room of the Hedges Administration
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for sixty minutes beginning at 6:20 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting an interview with presidential candidate Jason Kegler, with no action expected
to follow. The Board invited Jason Kegler and Juley McDaniel to join. At 6:20 pm the Board extended executive
session by 30 minutes to 7:50 pm. At 7:50 pm the Board extended executive session by 10 minutes to 8:00 pm. At
8:02 pm the Board extended executive session by 10 minutes to 8:12 pm.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:12 pm a motion was made by Holt, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for five minutes beginning at 8:13 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview with presidential candidate Jason Kegler, with no action expected
to follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:19 pm a motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
8:20 pm by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk11
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Special Meeting
July 6, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm in the board room of the Hedges Administration
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for ninety minutes beginning at 6:08 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting an interview with presidential candidate Vincent Loffredo, with no action
expected to follow. The Board invited Vincent Loffredo and Juley McDaniel to join. At 7:40 the Board extended
executive session by twenty minutes to 8:00 pm.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:00 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for ten minutes beginning at 8:06 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview with presidential candidate Vincent Loffredo, with no action
expected to follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join. At 8:16 pm the Board extended executive session by
twenty minutes to 8:36 pm.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:36 pm a motion was made by Nelson, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
8:36 pm by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk12
Minutes of the Board of Trustees Special Meeting
July 10, 2023
PRESENT: John Bartelsmeyer, Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, Bryan Holt, and Robert Nelson
ALSO PRESENT: Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, Robert Doyle, FSCAPE President
Chairman Bartelsmeyer called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm in the board room of the Hedges Administration
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for ninety minutes beginning at 6:05 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to conducting an interview with presidential candidate Tiffany Evans, with no action expected
to follow. The Board invited Tiffany Evans and Juley McDaniel to join. At 7:35 pm the Board extended executive
session by 10 minutes to 7:45.
OPEN SESSION: At 7:45 pm a motion was made by Hart, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for twenty minutes beginning at 7:50 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to discussing the interview with presidential candidate Tiffany Evans, with no action expected
to follow. The Board invited Juley McDaniel to join.
OPEN SESSION: At 8:12 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote
to return to open session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION – A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to
adjourn to executive session for fifteen minutes beginning at 8:16 pm for the purpose of discussing non-elected
personnel as it relates to selecting a presidential, with no action expected to follow. The Board invited Juley
McDaniel to join. At 8:31 pm the Board extended executive session by 5 minutes to 8:36 pm. At 8:36 pm the
Board extended executive session by 5 minutes to 8:41 pm. At 8:43 pm the board extended executive session by 17
minutes to 9:00 pm.
OPEN SESSION: At 9:00 pm a motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Holt, and carried by unanimous vote to
return to open session.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at
9:00 pm by Holt, seconded by Nelson, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk13
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/12/2023 003 Fbv Studio Movie Gril Athletics 26.73 1155506020 food
6/12/2023 003 Fbv Studio Movie Gril Athletics 49.65 1155526020 food
003 Fbv Studio Movie Gril Total 76.38
6/4/2023 031 Fbv Studio Movie Gril Athletics 7.51 1155506020 food
6/4/2023 031 Fbv Studio Movie Gril Athletics 13.95 1155526020 food
031 Fbv Studio Movie Gril Total 21.46
6/9/2023 24 7 Travel St73010035 Athletics 6.33 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
24 7 Travel St73010035 Total 6.33
6/18/2023 7-Eleven 39519 Athletics 74.42 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
7-Eleven 39519 Total 74.42
6/22/2023 Adobe *800-833-6687 Grants 60.35 3737886150 IDRC supplies
Adobe *800-833-6687 Total 60.35
6/18/2023 Adobe *acropro Subs Grants 21.87 3737687020 supplies
Adobe *acropro Subs Total 21.87
6/25/2023 Adobe *creative Cloud Business Office 32.81 7272407000 Program fee
6/2/2023 Adobe *creative Cloud Student Services 17.49 1153507000 software
Adobe *creative Cloud Total 50.30
6/8/2023 Adobe *photogphy Plan Athletics 10.43 1155106010 Endow Reimb-photoshop mbb
Adobe *photogphy Plan Total 10.43
6/27/2023 Amazon.Com*0z1557933 Grants 19.76 3737886150 supplies
Amazon.Com*0z1557933 Total 19.76
6/20/2023 Amazon.Com*p85vw14g3 Amzn Institutional 28.67 1212157000 Supplies
Amazon.Com*p85vw14g3 Amzn Total 28.67
6/6/2023 American Air Grants 256.39 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/12/2023 American Air Grants 316.40 3739616030 IA GAlaniz FL flight
American Air Total 572.79
6/14/2023 Amz*mighty Max Batte Business Office 219.98 1171007000 Alarm batteries
Amz*mighty Max Batte Total 219.98
6/7/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Athletics 120.88 1155107000 basketball speaker
6/25/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Athletics 155.02 1155307000 Supplies for Pool Table
6/20/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Institutional 8.74 1212157000 Supplies
6/20/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Institutional 107.10 1212157000 Supplies
6/20/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Institutional 143.16 1212157000 Supplies
6/30/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Institutional 15.26 1212157020 Clinic floor supplies
6/19/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Athletics 307.41 1155256020 recruiting
6/2/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Grants 382.97 3737576015 IA supplies grant
6/6/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Grants 57.76 3737576015 IA supplies grant
6/14/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Grants 159.99 3722196150 advocate supplies
6/16/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Grants 49.70 3722196150 advocate supplies
6/23/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Grants 215.78 3722196150 supplies
6/26/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Grants 64.74 3722196150 supplies
6/15/2023 Amzn Mktp Us Institutional 140.01 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Judging Camp
Amzn Mktp Us Total 1,928.52
6/22/2023 Anet Athlete Features Athletics 3.50 1155506020 recruiting
6/22/2023 Anet Athlete Features Athletics 6.49 1155526020 recruiting
Anet Athlete Features Total 9.99
6/13/2023 Arbys 5009025 Athletics 38.70 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Arbys 5009025 Total 38.7035
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/28/2023 Armillatech Athletics 1,650.01 1155256020 recruiting
Armillatech Total 1,650.01
6/20/2023 Att Business Office 554.93 1171006310 Fax-Main Campus
6/20/2023 Att Business Office 754.69 8383846315 Fire Alarm
Att Total 1,309.62
6/17/2023 Avis Rent-A-Car Athletics 89.20 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Avis Rent-A-Car Total 89.20
6/2/2023 Avis.Com Prepay Athletics 536.55 1155306010 casper rental car
Avis.Com Prepay Total 536.55
6/7/2023 Aztec Software Grants 6,125.40 3737576050 iSOSY_NC summer tool
Aztec Software Total 6,125.40
6/2/2023 Batchgeo Grants 148.00 3737886060 mapping tool
Batchgeo Total 148.00
6/10/2023 Beacon Club Athletics 87.70 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Beacon Club Total 87.70
6/11/2023 Benny Montanaros Athletics 16.00 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Benny Montanaros Total 16.00
6/21/2023 Bouncie Business Office 16.00 1165006460 Program fee
Bouncie Total 16.00
6/14/2023 Brandlive.Com Institutional 26.00 1212157020 Virtual Training
Brandlive.Com Total 26.00
6/18/2023 Buffalo Wild Wings 0296 Athletics 85.18 1155106010 Endow Reimb-players lunch
Buffalo Wild Wings 0296 Total 85.18
6/7/2023 Bushel And A Peck Shippin Grants 65.74 3737886150 shipping supplies
Bushel And A Peck Shippin Total 65.74
6/9/2023 Butcher Block Llc Athletics 58.96 1155256020 meals
Butcher Block Llc Total 58.96
6/2/2023 Bww 3777 Owasso Ok Athletics 51.25 1155456020 Coaches meal
Bww 3777 Owasso Ok Total 51.25
6/25/2023 Caseys #3606 Athletics 61.54 1155106010 Iowa-gas
Caseys #3606 Total 61.54
6/3/2023 Cask & Larder Business Office 76.63 1161006261 Jam
Cask & Larder Total 76.63
6/10/2023 Casper Dry Cleaners Athletics 34.50 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Casper Dry Cleaners Total 34.50
6/8/2023 Cbi*mirabyte President 314.10 1168507000 Annual software touch scr
Cbi*mirabyte Total 314.10
6/7/2023 Cherryberry – Broken Arro Athletics 13.44 1155456020 Coaches ice cream
Cherryberry – Broken Arro Total 13.44
6/8/2023 Chevron 0210268 Athletics 5.25 1155506010 Prof Dev
6/8/2023 Chevron 0210268 Athletics 9.76 1155526010 Prof Dev
Chevron 0210268 Total 15.01
6/17/2023 Chick Fil A- Pena Athletics 14.59 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Chick Fil A- Pena Total 14.59
6/8/2023 Chick-Fil-A #02821 Athletics 9.15 1155456020 Coach lunch
6/8/2023 Chick-Fil-A #02821 Athletics 12.13 1155456020 Coach lunch
6/9/2023 Chick-Fil-A #02821 Athletics 20.99 1155456020 Coaches lunch
Chick-Fil-A #02821 Total 42.2736
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/26/2023 Chick-Fil-A #02935 Athletics 61.67 1155107000 Endow Reimb-gas airport
6/3/2023 Chick-Fil-A #02935 Business Office 40.63 1161006261 Jam
Chick-Fil-A #02935 Total 102.30
6/14/2023 Chick-Fil-A #03278 Athletics 9.80 1155256020 recruiting
Chick-Fil-A #03278 Total 9.80
6/24/2023 Chick-Fil-A #03526 Athletics 151.00 1155106010 iowa lunch team
Chick-Fil-A #03526 Total 151.00
6/17/2023 Chilis 1390 Ecomm Athletics 21.79 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/17/2023 Chilis 1390 Ecomm Athletics 40.48 1155526260 Prof Dev
Chilis 1390 Ecomm Total 62.27
6/6/2023 Chilis Claremore Athletics 34.96 1155456020 Coaches dinner
Chilis Claremore Total 34.96
6/14/2023 Chipotle 2425 Athletics 7.44 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/14/2023 Chipotle 2425 Athletics 13.82 1155526260 Prof Dev
Chipotle 2425 Total 21.26
6/7/2023 Chipotle 3217 Athletics 10.02 1155256020 meals
Chipotle 3217 Total 10.02
6/5/2023 Chipotle Online Athletics 22.71 1155456020 Coaches meal
Chipotle Online Total 22.71
6/5/2023 Citrix Systems, Inc. Business Office 2,406.58 1164006650 Software
Citrix Systems, Inc. Total 2,406.58
6/10/2023 City Of Pittsburg Business Office 156.58 1212166320 Mo serv
City Of Pittsburg Total 156.58
6/10/2023 Coldstone #22100 Athletics 21.95 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Coldstone #22100 Total 21.95
6/2/2023 Columbia Celebration 1 Student Services 265.20 1161006261 Jam
Columbia Celebration 1 Total 265.20
6/1/2023 Comfort Inn East Wichita Grants (8.18) 3722196030 adv. mtg hotel
6/1/2023 Comfort Inn East Wichita Grants 126.72 3722196030 adv. mtg hotel
Comfort Inn East Wichita Total 118.54
6/27/2023 Comfort Inn Evansville Athletics 7,156.80 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Comfort Inn Evansville Total 7,156.80
6/29/2023 Connecteam.Com Grants 4,300.00 3737886650 web tools
Connecteam.Com Total 4,300.00
6/9/2023 Conoco – Interstate Gas Athletics 4.04 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Conoco – Interstate Gas Total 4.04
5/31/2023 Corporate East Hotel Grants 98.80 3722196030 adv. mtg hotel
5/31/2023 Corporate East Hotel Grants 98.80 3722196030 adv. mtg hotel
Corporate East Hotel Total 197.60
6/20/2023 Courtyard Sioux City Grants 223.14 3739616030 IA sweep hotel
6/20/2023 Courtyard Sioux City Grants 223.14 3739616030 IA sweep hotel
Courtyard Sioux City Total 446.28
6/12/2023 Craw-Kan Telephone Business Office 150.00 1212166680 Pitt Cosmo Internet
6/12/2023 Craw-Kan Telephone Business Office 500.00 1155356360 eSports
6/12/2023 Craw-Kan Telephone Business Office 209.99 1171006680 Hill St
6/12/2023 Craw-Kan Telephone Business Office 500.00 1171006680 Burke St
6/12/2023 Craw-Kan Telephone Business Office 209.99 8383876360 Garrison
6/12/2023 Craw-Kan Telephone Business Office 70.00 1171006680 Baseball37
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Craw-Kan Telephone Total 1,639.98
6/18/2023 Crooners Lounge Athletics 66.42 1155106010 Endow Reimb-bj dinner visit
Crooners Lounge Total 66.42
6/5/2023 Crowne Plaza Arlington Athletics 176.22 1155506020 hotel
6/5/2023 Crowne Plaza Arlington Athletics 327.26 1155506020 hotel
Crowne Plaza Arlington Total 503.48
6/10/2023 Crumbl* Bellaire Athletics 4.88 1155506020 food
6/10/2023 Crumbl* Bellaire Athletics 9.07 1155526020 food
Crumbl* Bellaire Total 13.95
6/15/2023 Crumbl* Casper Athletics 14.31 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Crumbl* Casper Total 14.31
6/7/2023 Dairy Queen #11143 Athletics 3.08 1155506020 food
6/7/2023 Dairy Queen #11143 Athletics 5.73 1155526020 food
Dairy Queen #11143 Total 8.81
6/18/2023 Dave & Busters #49 Athletics 25.47 1155106010 Endow Reimb-games for playe
Dave & Busters #49 Total 25.47
6/3/2023 Daves Hot Chicken 1093 Athletics 8.70 1155506020 food
6/3/2023 Daves Hot Chicken 1093 Athletics 16.17 1155526020 food
Daves Hot Chicken 1093 Total 24.87
6/21/2023 Daylight Donuts President 16.41 1161006260 Bkfast for KBOR Webinar
6/20/2023 Daylight Donuts Institutional 73.30 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Judging Camp
6/21/2023 Daylight Donuts Institutional 86.67 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Judging Camp
Daylight Donuts Total 176.38
6/5/2023 Delta Air Grants 507.79 3737886011 TRI travel
6/7/2023 Delta Air Grants 394.40 3739616030 IA MDeMateo flight FL
Delta Air Total 902.19
6/15/2023 Dennys #8873 Athletics 42.36 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Dennys #8873 Total 42.36
6/17/2023 Dfw Airport Parking Athletics 47.25 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/17/2023 Dfw Airport Parking Athletics 87.75 1155526260 Prof Dev
Dfw Airport Parking Total 135.00
6/13/2023 Dillons #0108 Institutional 21.25 1212027000 H.H Supplies
Dillons #0108 Total 21.25
6/2/2023 Dollar Days International Grants 3,359.39 3737806172 bags supplies
6/3/2023 Dollar Days International Grants 558.21 3737806172 bags supplies
Dollar Days International Total 3,917.60
6/16/2023 Dollar-General #2494 Athletics 69.65 1155106010 Endow Reimb-iowa snacks
6/20/2023 Dollar-General #2494 Athletics 46.23 1155106010 Endow Reimb-bfast players
6/7/2023 Dollar-General #2494 Business Office 40.00 1171007000 GATORADE
Dollar-General #2494 Total 155.88
6/6/2023 Dollartree Institutional 28.98 1212157000 Advisory Meeting
Dollartree Total 28.98
6/18/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 61.18 1155106010 Endow Reimb-pizza players
6/3/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 68.20 1155256010 meal
6/4/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 44.59 1155256020 meals
6/9/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 49.71 1155256020 meals
6/10/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 79.24 1155256020 meals
6/11/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 15.84 1155256020 meals38
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/8/2023 Dominos 9639 Business Office 27.89 1164007000 Meal
6/25/2023 Dominos 9639 Business Office 39.36 1164007000 Meal
6/25/2023 Dominos 9639 Business Office 47.00 1164007000 Meal
6/20/2023 Dominos 9639 Institutional 186.95 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Judging Camp
6/14/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 33.22 1156086010 Summer practice meal
6/14/2023 Dominos 9639 Athletics 109.49 1156086010 Summer practice meal
Dominos 9639 Total 762.67
6/24/2023 Edpuzzle Pro Teacher Grants 11.50 3737687020 supplies
Edpuzzle Pro Teacher Total 11.50
6/15/2023 Eggingtons Athletics 22.35 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
6/17/2023 Eggingtons Athletics 8.24 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Eggingtons Total 30.59
6/9/2023 Essential Fuels Athletics 9.58 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Essential Fuels Total 9.58
6/27/2023 Etoll Avis U470051411 Athletics 11.60 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Etoll Avis U470051411 Total 11.60
6/12/2023 Expedia 72567152356218 Grants (155.75) 3737886011 TRI credit
Expedia 72567152356218 Total (155.75)
6/5/2023 Expedia 72574992996459 Grants 874.34 3737886011 TRI travel
Expedia 72574992996459 Total 874.34
6/5/2023 Expedia 72574995792896 Grants 839.90 3737886010 TRI travel
Expedia 72574995792896 Total 839.90
6/5/2023 Expedia 72574998480873 Grants 839.90 3737886011 TRI travel
Expedia 72574998480873 Total 839.90
6/5/2023 Expedia 72575000221050 Grants 350.21 3737886010 TRI travel
Expedia 72575000221050 Total 350.21
6/12/2023 Expedia 72580407552236 Grants 320.33 3737886010 some TRI travel
Expedia 72580407552236 Total 320.33
6/9/2023 First Book Grants 1,994.74 3737576015 IA supplies grant
First Book Total 1,994.74
6/13/2023 Fmcsa D&a Clearinghouse Business Office 125.00 1165006460 DOT compliance
Fmcsa D&a Clearinghouse Total 125.00
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 53.76 1171006320 Maint Shop
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 60.07 1226036320 Welding serv
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 68.02 1171006320 16 S Hill
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 68.80 1171006320 NE Corn of Adm Bldg
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 76.56 1212066320 John Deere serv
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 98.41 1171006320 810 Burke St
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 104.74 1171006320 S of EFAC
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 130.07 1171006320 S of Bailey Hall
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 252.02 1171006320 Ball field
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 258.81 8383876320 Mo serv
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 650.31 8383846320 Mo serv
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 834.13 1171006320 S of West Fountain
6/15/2023 Fort Scott Business Office 1,918.56 1171006320 W of West Dorm
Fort Scott Total 4,574.26
6/12/2023 Fort Scott Auto Wash Business Office 15.32 1165006460 car wash
Fort Scott Auto Wash Total 15.3239
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/28/2023 Fort Scott Chamber President 500.00 1161006160 Chamber Golf Tournament
Fort Scott Chamber Total 500.00
6/12/2023 Frontier Ai Athletics 45.85 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/12/2023 Frontier Ai Athletics 85.15 1155526260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 Frontier Ai Athletics (79.44) 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 Frontier Ai Athletics (147.54) 1155526260 Prof Dev
Frontier Ai Total (95.98)
6/12/2023 Full Source Llc Grants 2,864.46 3737806172 bag supplies
Full Source Llc Total 2,864.46
6/13/2023 Fuzzys Taco Shop – Casper Athletics 16.20 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Fuzzys Taco Shop – Casper Total 16.20
5/31/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 142.18 1161006261 Jam
5/31/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 169.90 1161006261 Jam
5/30/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 683.58 1161006261 Jam
5/30/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 683.58 1161006261 Jam
5/30/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 683.58 1161006261 Jam
5/30/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 683.58 1161006261 Jam
5/30/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 911.44 1161006261 Jam
5/30/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Business Office 911.44 1161006261 Jam
5/31/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Student Services 32.15 1161006261 Jam
6/1/2023 Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Student Services 37.30 1161006261 Jam
Gaylord Palms Rsrt Cc Total 4,938.73
6/17/2023 Golf – Casper City Of Athletics 50.00 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Golf – Casper City Of Total 50.00
6/6/2023 Google *google Storage Grants 19.99 3737687020 supplies
Google *google Storage Total 19.99
6/13/2023 Greatlearni Grants 3,600.00 3737886060 supplies
Greatlearni Total 3,600.00
6/4/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 355.41 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/6/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 123.20 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/6/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 132.05 3737806021 SC ID& R hotel
6/6/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 250.88 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/8/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 702.50 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/8/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 702.50 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/8/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 702.50 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/9/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 482.12 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/12/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 325.97 3737806021 SC ID&R hotel
6/12/2023 Hampton Inns Grants 507.19 3737806021 SC ID&R hotels
Hampton Inns Total 4,284.32
6/14/2023 Harbor Frieght Tools3230 Institutional 13.46 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/20/2023 Harbor Frieght Tools3230 Institutional 7.46 1165006460 2006 F250 Parts
Harbor Frieght Tools3230 Total 20.92
6/15/2023 Hardees 1503869 Athletics 9.11 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Hardees 1503869 Total 9.11
6/10/2023 Hardees 1503902 Athletics 15.94 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Hardees 1503902 Total 15.94
6/28/2023 Harvest Business Office 648.00 1164006650 Software
Harvest Total 648.0040
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/21/2023 Hibbett Sports #895 Athletics 58.51 1156086010 Recruitment socks for TX
Hibbett Sports #895 Total 58.51
6/12/2023 Holiday Inn Exp Houston Athletics 157.90 1155506020 hotel
6/12/2023 Holiday Inn Exp Houston Athletics 293.25 1155526020 hotel
Holiday Inn Exp Houston Total 451.15
6/18/2023 Holiday Inn Express Athletics 41.32 1155506020 hotel
6/18/2023 Holiday Inn Express Athletics 76.75 1155526020 hotel
Holiday Inn Express Total 118.07
6/2/2023 Homegrown Sw Grants 86.72 3722196030 meeting meal
Homegrown Sw Total 86.72
6/15/2023 Hot Wok Inc Athletics 366.55 1156086010 Summer practice meal
Hot Wok Inc Total 366.55
6/9/2023 Hotel At Old Town Student Services 161.59 1155006030 KCIA
Hotel At Old Town Total 161.59
6/9/2023 Hotel Indigo Athletics 100.45 1155506020 hotel
6/9/2023 Hotel Indigo Athletics 186.56 1155526020 hotel
Hotel Indigo Total 287.01
6/17/2023 Hotel Indigo Dallas Athletics 73.71 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/17/2023 Hotel Indigo Dallas Athletics 136.90 1155526260 Prof Dev
Hotel Indigo Dallas Total 210.61
6/6/2023 Hotelscom7257524000500 Athletics 1,128.96 1155106010 Iowa hotels
Hotelscom7257524000500 Total 1,128.96
5/31/2023 House Of Blues Orlando Student Services 113.92 1161006261 Jam
House Of Blues Orlando Total 113.92
6/10/2023 House Of Sushi Athletics 15.59 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
House Of Sushi Total 15.59
6/14/2023 Hp *instant Ink Grants 6.47 3737687020 supplies
Hp *instant Ink Total 6.47
6/14/2023 Hurricane Grill & Wings Athletics 13.54 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/14/2023 Hurricane Grill & Wings Athletics 25.15 1155526260 Prof Dev
Hurricane Grill & Wings Total 38.69
5/30/2023 Ihg Points And Cash Athletics 224.00 1155506010 Prof Dev
5/30/2023 Ihg Points And Cash Athletics 416.00 1155526010 Prof Dev
Ihg Points And Cash Total 640.00
6/25/2023 Ihire, Llc Business Office 349.00 1161406140 Bus Office Posting
Ihire, Llc Total 349.00
6/13/2023 Im* Colzer.Com Business Office 739.00 1171006480 dehumidifier GP Museum
Im* Colzer.Com Total 739.00
6/27/2023 In *the Digital Diner Grants 583.07 3737576050 supplies cups
In *the Digital Diner Total 583.07
6/8/2023 In N Out Burger 275 Athletics 4.53 1155506020 food
6/8/2023 In N Out Burger 275 Athletics 8.41 1155526020 food
In N Out Burger 275 Total 12.94
6/3/2023 Jersey Mikes Subs 1930 Student Services 84.67 1161006261 Jam
Jersey Mikes Subs 1930 Total 84.67
6/25/2023 Jimmy Johns – 2452 Athletics 154.89 1155106010 iowa team meal
Jimmy Johns – 2452 Total 154.89
6/23/2023 Jimmy Johns – 822 Student Services 13.64 1155006030 KCIA41
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Jimmy Johns – 822 Total 13.64
6/26/2023 Jock`s Nitch #1 Athletics 481.92 1155457000 Coaches gear
Jock`s Nitch #1 Total 481.92
6/15/2023 Joes Kansas City Bar-B-Qu Athletics 46.37 1155456020 Coaches dinner
Joes Kansas City Bar-B-Qu Total 46.37
6/1/2023 Joplin Trailer Sales Institutional 106.00 1217447000 Wabash Trl data plate
Joplin Trailer Sales Total 106.00
6/13/2023 Kansas Health Care Associ Institutional (633.75) 1274256260 Refund of registration
Kansas Health Care Associ Total (633.75)
6/15/2023 Kansas Turnpike Authorit Business Office 111.23 1165006460 toll fee’s
Kansas Turnpike Authorit Total 111.23
6/8/2023 Katom Resta Athletics 9,826.49 1155037000 Ice Machine
Katom Resta Total 9,826.49
6/22/2023 Koffler Sales Co. Business Office 1,057.74 1171008500 dehumidifier for museum
Koffler Sales Co. Total 1,057.74
6/7/2023 Ks.Gov Payment Institutional 76.88 1212157020 Testing and licensing fee
6/12/2023 Ks.Gov Payment Institutional 15.38 1212157020 Testing and licensing fee
6/15/2023 Ks.Gov Payment Institutional 20.50 1212157020 Testing and licensing fee
6/13/2023 Ks.Gov Payment Institutional 205.00 1212407010 Student application fees
6/14/2023 Ks.Gov Payment Institutional 184.50 1212407010 CNA application fee
6/15/2023 Ks.Gov Payment President 40.00 1168509999 Annual Kansas Business Re
Ks.Gov Payment Total 542.26
6/21/2023 La Costenita Mexican Grants 26.00 2525426030 MAACCE
La Costenita Mexican Total 26.00
6/8/2023 La Hacienda Of Fort Scott Athletics 94.20 1155256020 meals
6/8/2023 La Hacienda Of Fort Scott Grants 78.96 2727186260 La Hacienda
6/19/2023 La Hacienda Of Fort Scott Institutional 345.76 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Judging Camp
6/16/2023 La Hacienda Of Fort Scott Athletics 380.00 1156086010 Summer practice meal
La Hacienda Of Fort Scott Total 898.92
6/2/2023 Lamberts Cafe Institutional 223.98 7111296190 PTK
Lamberts Cafe Total 223.98
6/12/2023 Laz Parking 640601 Athletics 10.50 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/12/2023 Laz Parking 640601 Athletics 19.50 1155526260 Prof Dev
Laz Parking 640601 Total 30.00
6/24/2023 Little Caesars 3520-0001 Athletics 79.35 1155106010 Iowa dinner team
Little Caesars 3520-0001 Total 79.35
6/9/2023 Loaf N Jug #0127 Athletics 75.40 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Loaf N Jug #0127 Total 75.40
6/11/2023 Loaf N Jug #0130 Athletics 26.06 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Loaf N Jug #0130 Total 26.06
6/7/2023 Logans Roadhouse 3448 Athletics 50.22 1155456020 Coaches dinner
Logans Roadhouse 3448 Total 50.22
6/1/2023 Longhorn Steak 0125386 Institutional 65.87 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Meals
Longhorn Steak 0125386 Total 65.87
6/12/2023 Los Panchos Taco Shop Athletics 10.85 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/12/2023 Los Panchos Taco Shop Athletics 20.14 1155526260 Prof Dev
Los Panchos Taco Shop Total 30.99
6/4/2023 Loves #170 Athletics 4.59 1155456020 Coaches drinks42
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Loves #170 Total 4.59
6/17/2023 Lucci`s Cafe Athletics 42.26 1155106010 Endow Reimb-bj visit
6/3/2023 Lucci`s Cafe Institutional 30.00 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Meals
Lucci`s Cafe Total 72.26
6/20/2023 Marathon Petro244855 Athletics 44.63 1155506075 gas
Marathon Petro244855 Total 44.63
6/22/2023 Margaritaville Resort Grants 621.69 2525426030 MAACCE
Margaritaville Resort Total 621.69
6/21/2023 Margaritvl Chill Coffe Grants 7.00 2525426030 MAACCE
Margaritvl Chill Coffe Total 7.00
6/20/2023 Margaritvl Frank Lola Grants 25.79 2525426030 MAACCE
Margaritvl Frank Lola Total 25.79
6/19/2023 Margaritvl Landshark Grants 32.91 2525426030 MAACCE
6/20/2023 Margaritvl Landshark Grants 31.86 2525426030 MAACCE
Margaritvl Landshark Total 64.77
6/7/2023 Mayco Ace Hardware Athletics 56.87 1155007000 Ratchets
Mayco Ace Hardware Total 56.87
6/27/2023 Mazzios Pizza Institutional 59.95 1212157000 Field Trip Lunch
Mazzios Pizza Total 59.95
6/16/2023 McAlisters 100967 Athletics 23.92 1155456020 Coaches meal
McAlisters 100967 Total 23.92
6/2/2023 McAlisters Deli 712 Athletics 19.58 1155456020 Coaches meal
McAlisters Deli 712 Total 19.58
6/7/2023 McAlisters Deli 714 Athletics 22.20 1155456020 Coaches lunch
McAlisters Deli 714 Total 22.20
6/15/2023 McDonalds 5008 Athletics 201.95 1156086010 Summer practice meal
McDonalds 5008 Total 201.95
6/18/2023 McDonalds F18128 Athletics 22.21 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
McDonalds F18128 Total 22.21
6/16/2023 McDonalds F35665 Athletics 6.27 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
McDonalds F35665 Total 6.27
6/22/2023 McDonalds F39196 Grants 7.33 2525426030 MAACCE
McDonalds F39196 Total 7.33
6/13/2023 Menchies #648 Millenia Athletics 3.18 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/13/2023 Menchies #648 Millenia Athletics 5.92 1155526260 Prof Dev
Menchies #648 Millenia Total 9.10
6/12/2023 Metropolis Athletics 6.12 1155506020 parking
6/12/2023 Metropolis Athletics 11.37 1155526020 parking
Metropolis Total 17.49
6/11/2023 Moxies Grill And Bar Athletics 29.63 1155506020 food
6/11/2023 Moxies Grill And Bar Athletics 55.02 1155526020 food
Moxies Grill And Bar Total 84.65
6/9/2023 Mr. Pancho Athletics 47.07 1155456020 Coaches dinner
Mr. Pancho Total 47.07
6/6/2023 Msft * E0300nqyuo Grants 13.68 3737687020 supplies
Msft * E0300nqyuo Total 13.68
6/20/2023 Msft * E0600nvmzr Grants 9.99 3737886150 IDRC supplies
Msft * E0600nvmzr Total 9.9943
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/21/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 150.00 1212156130 KS Testing Fees
6/13/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 75.00 1212167400 Pitt Cosmo test fees
6/20/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 75.00 1212167400 Pitt Cosmo test fees
6/20/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 75.00 1212167400 Pitt-Cosmo test fees
6/20/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 75.00 1212167400 Pitt-Cosmo test fees
6/22/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 75.00 1212167400 PItt-Cosmo test fees
6/28/2023 Natl Testing Network Institutional 75.00 1212167400 PITT-Cosmo test fees
Natl Testing Network Total 600.00
6/27/2023 Nccer Institutional 279.00 1226027020 NCCER Testing
Nccer Total 279.00
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Institutional 13.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 14.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 14.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 34.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/13/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/13/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/15/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/16/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/16/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (13.00) 2525427010 HEP GED test fees credit
6/19/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/19/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP GED test fees
6/19/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEp GED test fees
6/20/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/20/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (33.00) 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees credit
6/22/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 4.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/23/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 10.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/23/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (13.00) 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees credit
6/23/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (34.00) 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees credit
6/26/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 4.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (10.00) 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees credit
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (33.00) 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees credit
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees44
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants (33.00) 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees credit
6/28/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 HEP-GED test fees
6/2/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 GED Vouchers
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 Vouchers
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 33.00 2525427010 Vouchers
6/6/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 13.00 2525427010 Vouchers
6/16/2023 Ncs*ged Exam Grants 3.00 2525427010 Vouchers
Ncs*ged Exam Total 717.00
6/10/2023 Nor*northern Tool Business Office 39.99 1165006460 membership fee
Nor*northern Tool Total 39.99
6/15/2023 Old Chicago-Casper Athletics 27.28 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Old Chicago-Casper Total 27.28
6/2/2023 Optimum 7702 Business Office 442.40 8383846360 WIFI
6/18/2023 Optimum 7702 Business Office 576.35 1171006360 Cable Serv-Main
6/18/2023 Optimum 7702 Business Office 600.00 8383856360 Sycamore WIFI
Optimum 7702 Total 1,618.75
6/23/2023 Optimum Business Business Office 120.00 1171006360 JD-Dark Fiber
Optimum Business Total 120.00
6/12/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 25.65 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/13/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 20.81 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/14/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 25.98 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/14/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 28.32 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/14/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional (28.32) 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/14/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 173.98 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/16/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 132.16 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/19/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional (132.16) 1165006460 2006 Ford Pickup Repair
6/21/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional (25.98) 1165006460 Parts Return
6/21/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 63.96 1165006460 2006 F250 Parts
6/26/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional 313.49 1165006460 2006 F250 Parts
6/27/2023 Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Institutional (224.26) 1165006460 Part Return
Oreilly Auto Parts 138 Total 373.63
6/1/2023 Paddle.Net* Rennieglen Student Services 123.90 1163006820 Print Imposition Site
Paddle.Net* Rennieglen Total 123.90
6/24/2023 Panda Express #2510 P Athletics 143.65 1155106010 luke iowa team meal
Panda Express #2510 P Total 143.65
6/27/2023 Paypal Athletics 84.99 1155006260 Assistant Bball
Paypal Total 84.99
6/28/2023 Pb Leasing Business Office 729.00 1166006153 Postage service
Pb Leasing Total 729.00
6/8/2023 Perkins Restaurant 3797 Athletics 41.88 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Perkins Restaurant 3797 Total 41.88
6/17/2023 Perkins Restaurant 3849 Athletics 50.89 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Perkins Restaurant 3849 Total 50.89
6/17/2023 Pf Changs #9981 Athletics 20.00 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Pf Changs #9981 Total 20.00
6/14/2023 Phillips 66 – Holliday Sq President 6.53 1161006030 Travel
Phillips 66 – Holliday Sq Total 6.53
6/15/2023 Phillips 66 – Minit Mart Athletics 50.71 1155256020 recruiting45
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Phillips 66 – Minit Mart Total 50.71
6/18/2023 Phillips 66 – Petes #14 Athletics 50.86 1155106010 Endow Reimb-pick up players
6/8/2023 Phillips 66 – Petes #14 Athletics 30.29 1155256020 meals
Phillips 66 – Petes #14 Total 81.15
6/17/2023 Phillips 66 – Petes #27 Athletics 20.90 1155106010 Endow Reimb-bj gas visit
6/26/2023 Phillips 66 – Petes #27 Athletics 79.30 1155106010 Endow Reimb-gas airport
Phillips 66 – Petes #27 Total 100.20
6/28/2023 Phillips 66 – Petes #33 Athletics 99.19 1165006070 Dfw tournament Gas
Phillips 66 – Petes #33 Total 99.19
6/14/2023 Phillips 66 – Petes 54 President 4.52 1161006030 Travel
Phillips 66 – Petes 54 Total 4.52
6/17/2023 Phillips 66 – United Paci Athletics 30.51 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Phillips 66 – United Paci Total 30.51
6/5/2023 Phillips 66 – Woodshed Vi Athletics 3.04 1155506020 food
6/5/2023 Phillips 66 – Woodshed Vi Athletics 5.66 1155526020 food
Phillips 66 – Woodshed Vi Total 8.70
6/27/2023 Pittsburg Automotive, Inc Institutional 218.99 1165006460 2006 F250 Repair
Pittsburg Automotive, Inc Total 218.99
6/9/2023 Pivot Point Internatio Institutional 249.00 1212157020 Instructor Course book
Pivot Point Internatio Total 249.00
6/11/2023 Pizza Ranch – Casper Athletics 46.25 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Pizza Ranch – Casper Total 46.25
6/5/2023 Propio Language Services Grants 397.90 3739616180 language line
Propio Language Services Total 397.90
6/23/2023 Prov Inc. Institutional 146.00 1212156130 MO Testing
Prov Inc. Total 146.00
6/15/2023 Qt 234 Athletics 4.24 1155456020 Coaches drinks
Qt 234 Total 4.24
6/8/2023 Qt 34 Athletics 4.88 1155456020 Coach drinks
Qt 34 Total 4.88
6/24/2023 Qt 531 Business Office 130.00 1155106010 MBB fuel
Qt 531 Total 130.00
6/9/2023 Quality Inns Athletics 136.55 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Quality Inns Total 136.55
6/4/2023 Revel Grants 362.88 3739616030 IA ID&R hotel
6/4/2023 Revel Grants 362.88 3739616030 IA ID&R hotel
6/4/2023 Revel Grants 362.88 3739616030 IA ID&R hotel
6/4/2023 Revel Grants 362.88 3739616030 IA ID&R hotel
6/4/2023 Revel Grants 362.88 3739616030 IA ID&R hotel
Revel Total 1,814.40
6/13/2023 Rock Auto Business Office 423.69 1165006460 Vehicle parts
Rock Auto Total 423.69
6/18/2023 Roku For Espn Athletics 9.99 1155256020 recruiting
Roku For Espn Total 9.99
6/18/2023 Rudys Chicken, Llc Athletics 4.21 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/18/2023 Rudys Chicken, Llc Athletics 7.83 1155526260 Prof Dev
Rudys Chicken, Llc Total 12.04
6/2/2023 Saltgrass Branson Institutional 324.52 7111296190 PTK46
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Saltgrass Branson Total 324.52
6/20/2023 Scholastic Education Grants 726.10 3722196150 supplies
Scholastic Education Total 726.10
6/12/2023 Scooters Coffee #1018 Athletics 23.99 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Scooters Coffee #1018 Total 23.99
6/15/2023 Scooters Coffee #395 Athletics 10.84 1155456020 Coaches bfast
Scooters Coffee #395 Total 10.84
6/7/2023 Scooters Coffee #723 Athletics 26.51 1155456020 Coaches bfast
6/9/2023 Scooters Coffee #723 Athletics 23.59 1155456020 Coaches bfast
Scooters Coffee #723 Total 50.10
6/8/2023 Server Supply.Com Inc Business Office 843.76 1164007000 Supplies
6/16/2023 Server Supply.Com Inc Business Office 133.13 1164007000 Supplies
Server Supply.Com Inc Total 976.89
6/16/2023 Sherries Place Athletics 59.19 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Sherries Place Total 59.19
6/1/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Athletics 91.77 1155037000 Paint for ATR
6/5/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Athletics 6.29 1155037000 Paint for ATR
6/5/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Athletics 54.52 1155037000 Paint for ATR
6/6/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Athletics 106.94 1155037000 Paint for ATR
6/12/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Athletics 55.37 1155037000 Paint for ATR
6/22/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Student Services 94.36 8383846480 Paint
6/22/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Student Services 406.36 8383846480 Paint
6/26/2023 Sherwin Williams 707193 Student Services 576.89 8383846480 Paint
Sherwin Williams 707193 Total 1,392.50
6/7/2023 Simple Simon`s Pizza Institutional 65.20 7111296190 PTK
6/15/2023 Simple Simon`s Pizza Institutional 82.75 7111296190 PTK
Simple Simon`s Pizza Total 147.95
6/16/2023 Sleep Inn & Suites Athletics 207.76 1155106010 Endow Reimb-hotel visit
6/12/2023 Sleep Inn & Suites Athletics 311.64 1156086020 Summer practice
Sleep Inn & Suites Total 519.40
6/23/2023 Slim Chickens 16202 Athletics 16.36 1155106010 Endow Reimb-charles food
Slim Chickens 16202 Total 16.36
6/23/2023 Slim Chickens 16202 Olo Athletics 146.34 1155106010 Endow Reimb-team meal
Slim Chickens 16202 Olo Total 146.34
6/21/2023 Sneads Barbq Business Office 38.82 1165006460 Work lunch
Sneads Barbq Total 38.82
6/11/2023 Sonic Drive In #2128 Athletics 36.85 1155256020 meals
Sonic Drive In #2128 Total 36.85
6/26/2023 Southwes Grants 387.96 2525426030 Staff travel
6/26/2023 Southwes Grants 387.96 2525426030 Staff travel
6/26/2023 Southwes Grants 576.95 2525426030 Staff travel
6/26/2023 Southwes Grants 576.95 2538126030 Annual Directors Meeting
Southwes Total 1,929.82
6/30/2023 Sp Dot Cards Athletics 270.00 1155006260 Gifts
Sp Dot Cards Total 270.00
6/7/2023 Sp Rubberstamps.Com Institutional 47.09 1217447000 Deposit Stamp
Sp Rubberstamps.Com Total 47.09
6/7/2023 Sq *bumper To Bumper Easy Institutional 70.00 1217446520 CDL Learner Permit sub47
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Sq *bumper To Bumper Easy Total 70.00
6/23/2023 Sq *iowa Community Colleg Athletics 256.78 1155106010 iowa team fee
Sq *iowa Community Colleg Total 256.78
6/28/2023 Sq *marshas Deli Athletics 28.67 1155006260 Lunch
6/8/2023 Sq *marshas Deli Athletics 38.19 1155256020 meals
6/10/2023 Sq *marshas Deli Athletics 73.91 1155256020 meals
6/21/2023 Sq *marshas Deli President 53.70 1161006260 Lunch for KBOR Webinar
6/28/2023 Sq *marshas Deli President 75.65 1161007000 Board Meal, Interviews
6/20/2023 Sq *marshas Deli Institutional 356.55 1212056011 Booster Reimb-Judging Camp
6/14/2023 Sq *marshas Deli Athletics 243.50 1156086010 Summer practice meal
Sq *marshas Deli Total 870.17
6/2/2023 Sq *npi Transportation Ll Student Services 48.00 1161006261 Jam
Sq *npi Transportation Ll Total 48.00
6/2/2023 Sq *sankofa Kitchen Manag Athletics 17.65 1155506020 food
6/2/2023 Sq *sankofa Kitchen Manag Athletics 32.77 1155526020 food
Sq *sankofa Kitchen Manag Total 50.42
6/15/2023 Sq *taco Lounge Athletics 4.42 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/15/2023 Sq *taco Lounge Athletics 8.22 1155526260 Prof Dev
Sq *taco Lounge Total 12.64
6/4/2023 Starbucks 800-782-7282 Athletics 26.25 1155456020 Coaches bfast
Starbucks 800-782-7282 Total 26.25
6/9/2023 Starbucks At Hilton Garde Student Services 7.13 1155006030 KCIA
Starbucks At Hilton Garde Total 7.13
6/9/2023 Starbucks Store 09619 Athletics 8.19 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Starbucks Store 09619 Total 8.19
6/8/2023 Starbucks Store 11145 Athletics 24.07 1155456020 Coaches bfast
Starbucks Store 11145 Total 24.07
6/10/2023 Starbucks Store 21239 Athletics 9.87 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
6/14/2023 Starbucks Store 21239 Athletics 18.49 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Starbucks Store 21239 Total 28.36
6/26/2023 State Beauty Supply Of Institutional 20.60 1212157000 Color
State Beauty Supply Of Total 20.60
6/13/2023 Sticker Mule Athletics 96.03 1155106010 Endow Reimb-locker room
Sticker Mule Total 96.03
6/18/2023 Stk*shutterstock Grants 169.00 3737886650 web supplie
Stk*shutterstock Total 169.00
6/1/2023 Storagemart #1075 Grants 114.12 3739616150 IA storage unit
Storagemart #1075 Total 114.12
6/11/2023 Straighttalk Grants 49.65 2525427010 Tech. Assist
Straighttalk Total 49.65
6/6/2023 Strickland Brothers 627 Business Office 77.84 1165006460 oil change
6/14/2023 Strickland Brothers 627 Business Office 92.24 1165006460 oil change
6/22/2023 Strickland Brothers 627 Business Office 71.54 1165006460 oil change #2
Strickland Brothers 627 Total 241.62
6/23/2023 Subway 21928 Athletics 28.86 1155106010 Endow Riemb-lunch iowa
6/4/2023 Subway 21928 Athletics 73.12 1155256010 meal
Subway 21928 Total 101.98
6/9/2023 Tacojohns9406 Student Services 11.46 1155006030 KCIA48
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Tacojohns9406 Total 11.46
6/5/2023 Tans Club Grants 1,573.68 3737806172 bag supplies
Tans Club Total 1,573.68
6/11/2023 Taste Kitchen + Bar Athletics 28.89 1155506020 food
6/11/2023 Taste Kitchen + Bar Athletics 53.66 1155526020 food
Taste Kitchen + Bar Total 82.55
6/27/2023 Templatemonster Grants 79.00 3737886150 supplies
Templatemonster Total 79.00
6/9/2023 Texaco 0379688 Athletics 50.15 1155506075 gas
Texaco 0379688 Total 50.15
6/10/2023 Texas Roadhouse #2497 Athletics 428.61 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
6/15/2023 Texas Roadhouse #2497 Athletics 50.00 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
6/16/2023 Texas Roadhouse #2497 Athletics 34.41 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Texas Roadhouse #2497 Total 513.02
6/13/2023 T-Family Travel Athletics 10.00 1156086020 Nfinity combine
6/13/2023 T-Family Travel Athletics 10.00 1156086020 Nfinity Combine
6/13/2023 T-Family Travel Athletics 10.00 1156086020 Nfinity Combine
6/13/2023 T-Family Travel Athletics 10.00 1156086020 Nfinity Combine
T-Family Travel Total 40.00
6/11/2023 The Fort Saloon N Eate Athletics 76.52 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
The Fort Saloon N Eate Total 76.52
6/4/2023 The Garage 787 Athletics 32.52 1155456020 Coaches meal
The Garage 787 Total 32.52
6/17/2023 The Jbb Athletics 1.16 1155256020 recruiting
The Jbb Total 1.16
6/14/2023 The Pennant President 18.31 1161006030 Travel
The Pennant Total 18.31
6/14/2023 Thrift Books Global, Llc Grants 200.04 2828127010 PASS novels/supplements
Thrift Books Global, Llc Total 200.04
6/4/2023 Tiffs Treats Dallas Athletics 7.35 1155506020 food
6/4/2023 Tiffs Treats Dallas Athletics 13.65 1155526020 food
Tiffs Treats Dallas Total 21.00
6/7/2023 Tractor Supply #1277 Athletics 27.98 1155007000 ratchets
6/7/2023 Tractor Supply #1277 Athletics 34.99 1155007000 ratchets
Tractor Supply #1277 Total 62.97
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 142.50 1171006690 Hill St mo serv
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 263.65 8383876690 Dorm
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 153.55 1171006690 EFAC
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 263.64 1171006690 Ballfield
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 263.64 1171006690 Maint Shop
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 263.65 1171006690 Rodeo Arena
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 336.25 1171006690 Cosmo – FS
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 153.55 1171006690 Burke St
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 153.55 1171006690 College Ranch
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 153.55 1212066690 JD / Armory
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 336.25 8383836690 Dorm
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 336.25 8383836690 Dorm
6/5/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 336.12 8383846690 Dorm49
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
6/6/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 68.75 1212026690 Harley – mo serv
6/6/2023 Trashbilling.Com Cc Business Office 81.40 1212166690 Pitt Cosmo-mo serv
Trashbilling.Com Cc Total 3,306.30
6/18/2023 Travel Center Athletics 69.81 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Travel Center Total 69.81
6/10/2023 Tst* El Potro Paola Institutional 178.72 7111296190 PTK
Tst* El Potro Paola Total 178.72
5/31/2023 Tst* Frenchys Saltwater Student Services 42.09 1161006261 Jam
Tst* Frenchys Saltwater Total 42.09
6/14/2023 Tst* Glazed & Confuzed Athletics 32.59 1155656030 Nat’l Comp-Rodeo
Tst* Glazed & Confuzed Total 32.59
6/8/2023 Tst* Hideaway Pizza – 11 Athletics 33.78 1155456020 Coaches lunch
Tst* Hideaway Pizza – 11 Total 33.78
6/17/2023 Tst* Pizza Republic Athletics 39.70 1168006020 Donor Dev-Meal
Tst* Pizza Republic Total 39.70
6/16/2023 Tst* Sharkys Pub & Grub Athletics 56.83 1155106010 Endow Reimb-bj visit
6/26/2023 Tst* Sharkys Pub & Grub Athletics 76.95 1155206020 Recruiting
Tst* Sharkys Pub & Grub Total 133.78
6/9/2023 Tst* Southside Market – A Athletics 10.02 1155506020 food
6/9/2023 Tst* Southside Market – A Athletics 18.62 1155526020 food
Tst* Southside Market – A Total 28.64
6/7/2023 Turo Inc.* Trip Jun 12 Athletics (0.34) 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/7/2023 Turo Inc.* Trip Jun 12 Athletics (0.63) 1155526260 Prof Dev
6/18/2023 Turo Inc.* Trip Jun 12 Athletics 27.11 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/18/2023 Turo Inc.* Trip Jun 12 Athletics 50.36 1155526260 Prof Dev
Turo Inc.* Trip Jun 12 Total 76.50
6/16/2023 Ua Inflt Athletics 3.50 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 Ua Inflt Athletics 6.50 1155526260 Prof Dev
Ua Inflt Total 10.00
6/3/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 17.04 1155506020 food
6/3/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 31.65 1155526020 food
6/9/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 18.63 1155506020 food
6/9/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 34.61 1155526020 food
6/9/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 15.98 1155506020 food
6/9/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 29.68 1155526020 food
6/16/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 29.67 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 Uber Eats Athletics 55.10 1155526260 Prof Dev
Uber Eats Total 232.36
6/3/2023 Uber Trip Student Services 18.25 1161006261 Jam
6/3/2023 Uber Trip Student Services 51.93 1161006261 Jam
6/5/2023 Uber Trip Student Services 3.00 1161006261 Jam
Uber Trip Total 73.18
6/22/2023 Uline Grants 467.86 3737806172 bag supplies
Uline Total 467.86
6/16/2023 United Athletics 12.25 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 United Athletics 22.75 1155526260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 United Athletics 237.72 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/16/2023 United Athletics 441.48 1155526260 Prof Dev50
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
United Total 714.20
6/26/2023 Ups Grants 233.03 3737806172 bag shipping
6/26/2023 Ups Grants 249.16 3737806172 bag shipping
Ups Total 482.19
6/12/2023 Usps Po 1983580538 Grants 63.00 3722196150 supplies
6/27/2023 Usps Po 1983580538 Grants 63.00 3722196150 stamps
Usps Po 1983580538 Total 126.00
6/12/2023 Valley Vet Supply Institutional 1,095.38 1212057020 PO # 34465
6/20/2023 Valley Vet Supply Institutional 84.95 1212057020 PO# 34465
Valley Vet Supply Total 1,180.33
6/6/2023 Varsity Tv Business Office 32.81 1156087000 Cheer-Nationals TV
Varsity Tv Total 32.81
6/13/2023 Vons #2826 Athletics 9.66 1155506260 Prof Dev
6/13/2023 Vons #2826 Athletics 17.95 1155526260 Prof Dev
Vons #2826 Total 27.61
6/18/2023 Vzwrlss*apocc Visb Grants 441.12 3722196310 advocates hotspots
Vzwrlss*apocc Visb Total 441.12
6/7/2023 Walkons Sports Athletics 15.35 1155506020 food
6/7/2023 Walkons Sports Athletics 28.51 1155526020 food
Walkons Sports Total 43.86
6/22/2023 Wal-Mart #0039 Athletics 184.24 1155106010 Iowa food water
6/28/2023 Wal-Mart #0039 Athletics 464.80 1155007000 Couches
5/31/2023 Wal-Mart #0039 Athletics 43.72 1155256010 meal
6/13/2023 Wal-Mart #0039 Athletics 199.31 1156087000 Summer practice snacks/sp
Wal-Mart #0039 Total 892.07
6/11/2023 Wal-Mart #0372 Grants 170.90 3737196150 supplies
Wal-Mart #0372 Total 170.90
6/24/2023 Wal-Mart #5748 Athletics 58.03 1155106010 Endow Riemb-iowa tourney
Wal-Mart #5748 Total 58.03
6/28/2023 Walmart.Com Grants 78.34 2525426023 Student Activites
6/13/2023 Walmart.Com Grants 113.76 2538127020 CAMP Supplies
Walmart.Com Total 192.10
6/28/2023 Walmart.Com 8009666546 Grants 10.09 2525426023 Student Activites
Walmart.Com 8009666546 Total 10.09
6/25/2023 Webroot Yearly Plan Grants 29.99 3737686650 supplies
Webroot Yearly Plan Total 29.99
6/25/2023 Wendys 4030 Athletics 56.77 1155106010 Endow Reimb-dinner
Wendys 4030 Total 56.77
6/5/2023 Whataburger 339 Q26 Athletics 4.01 1155506020 food
6/5/2023 Whataburger 339 Q26 Athletics 7.44 1155526020 food
Whataburger 339 Q26 Total 11.45
6/8/2023 Whataburger 742 Q26 Athletics 3.74 1155506020 food
6/8/2023 Whataburger 742 Q26 Athletics 6.96 1155526020 food
Whataburger 742 Q26 Total 10.70
6/19/2023 Wholesaleinternet.Net Business Office 94.00 1163006520 Hosting Fee
Wholesaleinternet.Net Total 94.00
6/10/2023 Wingstop – 0496 – McOmmer Athletics 6.44 1155506020 food
6/10/2023 Wingstop – 0496 – McOmmer Athletics 11.95 1155526020 food51
UMB Bank, Statement Period 06/02/2023 to 06/30/2023
Tran Date Supplier Type Amount GL Accounts CC Code
Wingstop – 0496 – McOmmer Total 18.39
6/18/2023 Wingstop – 1639 – McOmmer Athletics 13.23 1155506020 food
6/18/2023 Wingstop – 1639 – McOmmer Athletics 24.58 1155526020 food
Wingstop – 1639 – McOmmer Total 37.81
6/11/2023 Wix.Com Grants 324.00 3737686650 web maintenance
Wix.Com Total 324.00
6/21/2023 Wm Supercenter #39 President 17.52 1161007000 Supplies
6/21/2023 Wm Supercenter #39 President 10.77 1142007000 Conf Room Coffee
6/21/2023 Wm Supercenter #39 President 8.76 1161006260 Bkfast for KBOR Webinar
6/5/2023 Wm Supercenter #39 Student Services 57.16 8383837000 School Year Office Supply
6/21/2023 Wm Supercenter #39 Athletics 122.78 1156086020 Supplies for recruit clin
Wm Supercenter #39 Total 216.99
6/25/2023 Wm Supercenter #5748 Athletics 17.73 1155106010 Endow Reimb-iowa water
Wm Supercenter #5748 Total 17.73
6/21/2023 Woods #2472 Grants 2,427.84 3161907000 Geer Pantry Grant Items
Woods #2472 Total 2,427.84
6/2/2023 Yeti 1-833-225-9384 Athletics 407.25 1156087000 Fundraiser
Yeti 1-833-225-9384 Total 407.25
6/13/2023 Zoom.Us 888-799-9666 Grants 196.92 3737886650 web supplies
Zoom.Us 888-799-9666 Total 196.92
Grand Total 118,293.4452
FSCC List of Manual POs for FY23/24
PO# VENDOR VENDOR # DEPT. Description Amount
40013 Pivot Point 557 FS Cosmo 10 Cosmo Kits 16,708.13$
40014 YOURNEWSCHOOL 7400 FS Cosmo 10 Nail Kits 1,506.34$
40015 8530 Men’s Golf Team Logo Golfballs 191.94$
Women’s Golf 191.94$
BACKGROUND: NJCAA requires affiliated programs to provide athletic insurance and catastrophic
injury/accident coverage.
Dissinger & Reed agency has provided six quotes for athletic insurance and five quotes for
catastrophic coverage for your review. These quotes are at the same deductibles and limits as last
year. For catastrophic coverage FSCC has always chosen a 10 Year benefit period.
Annual renewal
For the 2023-2024 renewal below are the quotes provided by Dissinger & Reed agency.
Summary of Proposals
RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of administration to accept the first quote of $89,000 for
athletic insurance from Berkley Life & Health, and $9,299 for catastrophic insurance from Mutual of
Omaha for a total of $98,229.
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson54
BACKGROUND: President Alysia Johnston announced her upcoming retirement in April, 2023. The FSCC Board
of Trustees began a candidate search by posting the opening in local and national advertising markets. Thirty-
nine candidates were initially reviewed by the Board. Seven were selected for reference checks, five of which
were selected for a Zoom interview. The Board then chose their top three candidates for on-campus interviews
which included a campus tour, meetings with FSCC’s executive team, a community forum, an employee/student
forum, and a formal interview with the Board. The Board evaluated and considered feedback from all parties
who participated in the on-campus interviews to make their selection.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Board approve the employment contract of their selected
presidential candidate.
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson65
Gordon Parks Museum
Monthly Report Update/Events May 2023
Please Note: This report does not include all-current job duties, projects, meetings, and events.
• Work on Planning for Gordon Parks Celebration, Oct 5-7, 2023. Tommy Dodson, Mario
E. Sprouse and Deborah Willis are the Honorees this year.
• Work on Planning for Kansas Museum Conference Nov 6-8, 2024
• Working with Beach Museum of Art at K-State to Provide a Convening with Art Bridges
event. March 20-22, 2024
• Worked on Back to Fort Scott, Now Project to reimage photos
• Worked on the Langston Hughes and Gordon Parks Display Project
• Work on Archives and Collections.
• Work on SEK Museum Alliance Video Promotion
• Gordon Parks Museum board met on May 4
• Working with Maintenance on HVAC issues: AC & Humidity
• Prairie View, Ks 4th grade toured the museum 30 total, May 5
• Columbus, KS 7th grade toured the museum 63 total, May 11
• Participated in the Gordon Parks Elementary Exhibition in Kansas City, May 18
• Attended the Kansas Press Association Hall of Fame for Gordon Parks Enshrinement at
Kansas University, May 19
• Worked with Committee for a mural of the 1st Kansas Colored Infantry
• Attended the Gordon Parks Foundation Gala Awards in New York
• Working with the Gordon Parks Elementary Exhibition in Kansas City
• Provided Radio Interview with Kansas City NPR station, May 31
• FSCC Track recruits toured the museum 6 total
We had 32 visitors walk in and with a combination of tours, presentations and any other
events we had 131 visitors in May.67
Gordon Parks Museum
Monthly Report Update/Events June 2023
Please Note: This report does not include all-current job duties, projects. meetings, and events.
• Work on Planning for Gordon Parks Celebration, Oct 5-7, 2023. Tommy Dodson, Mario
E. Sprouse and Deborah Willis are the Honorees this year.
• Work on Planning for Kansas Museum Conference Nov 6-8, 2024
• Working with Beach Museum of Art at K-State to Provide a Convening with Art Bridges
event. March 20-22, 2024
• Worked on the Commemorative Park at the AME Church property location.
• Worked on Back to Fort Scott, Now Project to reimage photos
• Worked on the Langston Hughes and Gordon Parks Display Project
• Work on Archives and Collections.
• Work on SEK Museum Alliance Video Promotion
• Prof. Shreepad Joglkar, Kansas State University visited the museum and Fort Scott for
research, planning, interview, filmed music video and took photos for Back to Fort Scott,
Now Project
• Gordon Parks Working with Maintenance on HVAC issues: AC & Humidity
• Museum board met on June 6
• Worked with Committee for a mural of the 1st Kansas Colored Infantry
• Prof. Michael Cheers, San Jose State Univ, visited the museum and Fort Scott for
research, planning, interview, filmed music video and took photos for Back to Fort Scott,
Now Project June 22-29. Also present was Shreepad Joglekar, Kansas State University,
Prof. Nick Homburg, Kansas State University and Bryce Lawson, Cinemaphotographer,
Washington D.C.
• Photography Workshop Series held June 23, a total of 8 in attendance.
• Received Donation of 4 Gordon Parks from Dr. Matt Golti, Wichita, KS Courtesy of
Photographer Marcia McCoy. June 8
• Traveled to Burdick & Lawrence Ks for Back to Fort Scott, Now Video project. June 12-13
• FSHS summer school class toured the museum 10 total, June 12
• Provided Presentation at Parsons Library, June 14
• Lowell Milken Center Fellows & staff toured the museum on June 19 & 27. Total of 20
We had 43 visitors walk in and with a combination of tours, presentations and any other
events we had 81 visitors in June.68
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adjourn to executive session.
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson71
VOTE: Bartelsmeyer Elliott Fewins
Hart Holt Nelson72

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