Community schools are opening for the fall semester beginning this week. All are grappling with the newest surge of COVID-19 cases in the county and in the nation.
The first day of classes is August 12, with in-service for teachers yesterday at Fort Scott Community College.
“We are really looking forward to getting started this semester,” Adam Borth, FSCC Vice President of Academic Affairs said. “It is always exciting to see the students coming back or beginning college for the first time.”
“Most classes (offered) remain the same, however, we have added another section of welding during the afternoon,” he said. “We continue to review our programs and determine what course revisions are needed. At this point, we are trying to keep things fairly consistent while exploring options for new programs.”
They have hired new full-time instructors for this year: Sara Holder in nursing, Rachel Stauffer in biology, Kim Boyer in English, Brandon Fisher in welding, and Ashley Page in communications.
COVID-19 prevention policies
“Fort Scott Community College has updated our guidance for COVID-19 mitigation,” Borth said. “We will review the guidance every two weeks, or more frequently as needed.”
“Unvaccinated individuals are expected to wear masks on campus, while instructors have the discretion whether or not to require masks within their classroom or offices, where space is limited.
“Instructors will utilize the college Learning Management System (Blackboard) to provide students in quarantine and isolation course material; providing synchronous lectures via Zoom is not required.
“At this time, individuals who are vaccinated, not experiencing symptoms, and in close contact with someone who is positive do not need to quarantine.
“Individuals who test positive must isolate, regardless of vaccination status, and unvaccinated individuals who are a close contact of a positive case and notified by a health professional (e.g. health department) must quarantine.”
“We will have a no-charge COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Tuesday, August 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Bailey Hall, which is open to the public,” Borth said.

FSCC is still housing students at the former Mercy building on the west side.
“We are currently housing students in the (former Mercy) building and plan to do so during the fall semester at a minimum,” he said. “We are tenants in a monthly lease agreement, so plans can always be modified in that scenario.”

“The first day of classes is August 12 and the last day for students during the fall semester is December 10,” Borth said. “We are closed the full week of Thanksgiving. We resume classes on January 12, with Spring Break scheduled for March 14-18. Classes end for the spring semester on May 13, with graduation being Saturday, May 14.”