Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting
July 19, 2021
PRESENT: Dave Elliott, Jim Fewins, Kirk Hart, and Robert Nelson (acting Chair)
ALSO PRESENT: Alysia Johnston, President, Juley McDaniel, Board Clerk, faculty, and staff
Acting Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm in Cleaver-Burris-Boileau Hall. The meeting was opened
with the Pledge of Allegiance.
CONSENT AGENDA: A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the
consent agenda.
A. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Culinary
Memorandum of Understanding between SEKESC (Greenbush) and FSCC.
B. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the Kansas State
Department of Education (KSDE) Migrant Education Project State Level Activities Agreement for 2021-22.
C. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to allow the interested party to
recover the fossil pods from the Fort Lincoln School rocks.
D. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the contract with
Diehl, Banwart, Bolton, CPAs PA to audit financial statements for June 30, 2021.
E. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the bid from
Dissinger & Reed for Athletic Insurance and Catastrophic Injury Insurance for the 2021-22 year.
F. A motion was made by Fewins, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the purchase of
rubber flooring for the Hound Pound from Abacus Surfaces for $13,176.00. A motion was made by Elliott,
seconded by Hart, and carried by unanimous vote to approve the purchase of artificial turf for the Hound Pound
from IGS, Inc. for $15,200.00
G. A motion was made by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote to rename Garrison
Apartments to FSCC Garrison Hall.
H. A motion was made by Hart, seconded by Elliott, and carried by unanimous vote to approve staff raises that are in
the budget so they can begin to be paid to employees.
ITEMS FOR REVIEW: The Board reviewed letters of correspondence.
A. ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: The Board reviewed and heard reports from the Miami County Campus,
Gordon Parks Museum, Student Services, Instruction, Finance and Operations, and the President.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Trustees, a motion to adjourn was made at 6:40
p.m. by Elliott, seconded by Fewins, and carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman Clerk
FSCC Board Minutes of July 19

Fort Scott Community College