Fort Scott Biz

FS Commission Minutes of June 2



Minutes are unapproved until the meeting.

Minutes of June 2, 2020 Regular Meeting #11

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held June 2nd, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners K. Allen, P. Allen, R. Nichols, and L. Watts were present with Mayor J. Mitchell presiding.

INVOCATION: There was no invocation given.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: There was no audience in attendance other than a very few City staff.


Pete Allen moved to recess into Executive Session for 20 minutes to discuss consultation with an attorney for the body or agenda which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship regarding a legal matter. This session will include the City Manager and City Attorney and there is no action anticipated. Lindsey Watts seconded. All voted aye


JoLynne Mitchell moved to come out of Executive Session at 6:16 p.m. Lindsey Watts seconded. All voted aye.


Pete Allen said that he would like to go on record as being unable to vote yes on any spending matter until receiving the legal opinion from our City Attorney.



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of May 19th, 2020 and special meeting minutes of May 22nd, 2020 and amended minutes of May 5th, 2020, and amended special meeting minutes of May 14th, 2020.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1264-A totaling $459,811.91.

  1. Consideration of Fort Scott Housing Authority Appointment – Edna Erie – Resident Commissioner – 4 year term

Lindsey Watts moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Randy Nichols seconded.

Pete said that he would like the minutes of the May 19th meeting to include a statement from him that he made. “While the discussion of the Capital Outlay Program was going on, I, Pete Allen, informed the Commission that he was having a hard time hearing the discussion due to a malfunction of his hearing device. Before the vote was confirmed, I asked for the issue to be reopened for discussion because I was unable to hear the discussion due to the disability and was unable to hear the previous discussion. After advice from our attorney, Kevin Allen, made a motion to reconsider the vote to allow more discussion and I seconded. Commissioner Allen’s both voted yes. Commissioner Nichols, Commissioner Watts, and Commissioner Mitchell voted no and the motion was denied 3 to 2. I feel that was a violation of, if nothing else, the American Disabilities Act. I don’t think that there was much consideration given to a reasonable request and I would like that entered into the minutes of that meeting.”

Lindsey Watts said that in reference to the email that Pete sent out, she would have repeated herself at that point during that meeting. She thinks she does speak loudly and uses her microphone. She apologized for that happening. She asked Pete to speak up if he can’t hear.

Jeff Deane, City Attorney, referred to the minutes on page 5 from the minutes of May 19th, and he knows that in that meeting and in previous meetings, where Commissioner Pete Allen cannot hear. It looks like the vote was called by the City Clerk, called and seconded Nichols, Watts, and Mitchell voted yes, Kevin Allen abstained, and Pete Allen voted no. After the no vote, the issue of not hearing was raised. At that point, the vote was done at that point unfortunately. The only way to handle was a motion to reconsider and the Commission voted against it.

Kevin Allen said that we have all noticed that Pete has trouble hearing. This could have been avoided if we would have went back and let him listen again.

Mayor Mitchell asked what the next step was to take. She thinks it is important to say to Pete if he can’t hear to wave his hand or say something, because we don’t know that you can’t hear us.

Kevin Allen said that part of the problem has been solved now. He has a new headset and the cord runs down and plugs into a speaker. He called the next day to please get Pete something so he can hear so we don’t have to deal with this every meeting. The next day Susan got him a set of headphones. He asked everyone to talk into their mics and speak loudly. He said that Pete just had his 80th birthday on Saturday and wished him happy birthday. The reason his hearing is gone is not because of working with heavy equipment, but he was in the service for years and shot heavy artillery and lost his hearing. Please take that into consideration, but it’s okay to have discussion and vote accordingly.

JoLynne said that there is not one person here that would deny him the respect and the thankfulness of his service to our country. She told Pete to raise his hand if he can’t hear.

Pete said that he informed you that he couldn’t hear. He would like to move on and have this entered into the minutes.

Kevin Allen said that he looked in the minutes for the discussion on selecting a local auctioneer on the sale of City property and a City employee about a local auctioneer and hand slapping. The local auctioneer watched the meeting and he thinks this should be in the minutes.

City Clerk told him she does not take minutes verbatim. She tries to summarize the comments.

Kevin said that he thought it should be in there.

City Manager said that his term of hand slapping was a wrong term and he shouldn’t have used that. The Commission made a decision to go with the out of town auctioneer and the other local auctioneer asked us to look at it once again. He should have handled it differently. We didn’t bring it back to the Commission. He made the decision to award it to the local auctioneer. He will call and talk to Lance Anderson.

Kevin said that the local auctioneer was very offended by this and he wanted to apologize for that. When the bids came in their numbers were 15% for Lance Anderson and 14% for Marty Read. Lance Anderson said that the City could do their own advertising and Mary Read was going to charge $1,500 for advertising.

City Manager said that we were wrong, and Lance was very professional when he talked to him. He will call him tomorrow.

R. Nichols, L. Watts, J. Mitchell voted yes. K. Allen and P. Allen voted no. Motion carried 3-2.




  1. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 5 minute

limit per citizen) – Comments will not be taken during this meeting. If you have a topic to discuss not listed on the agenda, please contact a City Commissioner or send a written request to


Lindsey Watts moved to open the Public Hearing at 6:34 p.m. Randy Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


6:15 p.m. Resolution Directing the Repair or Removal of an Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 10 N. National Avenue

City Manager said that he wanted to visit with Scott Johnson, owner of this property and not condemn this building tonight. It does need some attention.

Scott Johnson, property owner, called into the meeting.

City Manager gave him his cell number and told him to call him on Wednesday.

Lindsey Watts moved to close the public hearing at 6:39 p.m. Randy Nichols seconded. All voted aye.



  1. Finance Update – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that she wished to give the Commission a financial update as of May 31st, 2020. Susan said that General Fund revenue is down $61,000. The Wastewater Utility revenues are up $186,600 and expenditures are down $174,000. The Storm Water Utility revenues are up $1,600 and the expenditures are down $15,400. The Water Utility revenues are up $39,800 and the expenditures are down $133,500. The CVB (Tourism) revenues are down $21,500, and the expenses are down $34,500. The Special Streets revenue is up $4,000 and the expenses are up $5,700. Transfers scheduled to Capital Improvement Fund are as follows: Transfer from General Fund $400,000; Transfer from Water Utility Fund $750,000; Transfer from Wastewater Utility Fund $450,000; and Transfer from Stormwater Utility Fund $800,000 totaling $2,400,000. The 2020 projects estimated costs are as follows: Streets $566,560; Water $210,000; and Sewer $410,315 totaling $1,186,875. This will result in reserves in CIP Fund of $1,213,125. She recommending holding this reserve for unforeseen shortfalls and as the match for Horton Street if the KDOT Cost Share Grant application is awarded.

  1. Discussion of Pool Opening – Susan Bancraft, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that extra staff will be needed in the event they decide to open the pool this summer. It will be for extra cleaning and making sure we are following the proper guidelines set forth. It will be an additional $30,000 total. It is hard to predict what numbers will be and the shortfall may not be as drastic what we think. Chasity Ware, Pool Manager, is here to address the Commission also.

Chasity introduced herself to the Commission. She said that she is a Food and Consumer Science teacher at Jayhawk Linn High School during the school year and this is her 9th summer as being the manager of the aquatic center in Fort Scott. She worked at the Mound City pool for seven years previously. After her last Zoom meeting with the Kansas Recreation and Parks Association and talking with the director at the Hutchinson pool, she definitely wants to open the pool this summer. Signs will be posted reminding patrons of social distancing. She explained the verbiage of mass gathering that the Governor has used. She thought it meant 45 people in one location, which is not true. That means that we can have patrons at the pool, and a group of 45 comes in and one person comes in less than 6’ away, then there is a violation. Governor Kelly said that the 6’ social distancing doesn’t apply at the pool. Red Cross said that no lifeguards should wear masks, as that would be a hazard. They will have some sanitation stations with hand sanitizer within the facility. No lounge chairs will be put out. People can bring their own or use the concrete with their towels. There will be no breaks at 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. to keep kids from congregating. Outside pools need 36 square foot per person, so our number may need to be smaller in the first couple of weeks. After June 22nd, we can move forward with the normal routine of pool. The pool is an option and it is not a requirement to come. She recommends no passes being sold this year and just a daily rate sold. No flotation devices will be allowed. Rules and regulations will be expected to be followed.

Discussion was held regarding the group number of 45.

Chasity said after June 22nd there is no limit and the phases lift according to the Governor. She would recommend 250 to a maximum of 300 individuals to start with even though the capacity is 400 individuals.

R. Nichols asked if there were any concerns with the water or the slides or diving boards and any contamination.

Chasity said that the water has chlorine in it that kills the disease.

K. Allen said that he has spoken to the City Manager and the Mayor in Nevada and several individuals in Pittsburg who have both told him that they hope we open our pool since they aren’t. He don’t think that we will lose $30,000 in revenue. The golf course loses money every year. Opening the pool will help keep kids off the street and they will come. We will also get sales tax dollars.

City Manager said that he thinks other cities closed their pools too early.

Chasity said that she thinks other pools closed prematurely. She has a great staff and is looking forward to opening.

Kevin Allen made a motion to open the pool on June 22nd, 2020 with the stipulation to be cautious the first couple of weeks and stay below 400. Lindsey Watts seconded. All voted aye.

P. Allen asked why were we waiting three weeks?

Chasity said that there is a lot to get done before the pool can open. It takes a good three weeks to get the pool open and going and make sure the pumps are working correctly.

Mayor Mitchell thanked Chasity, Susan, and Dave Bruner for the work they have put into this.

K. Allen, P. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Mitchell voted aye. Motion carried.

Approved to open the pool on June 22nd, 2020 with the stipulation to be cautious the first couple of weeks and stay below 400.

Dave Bruner, Fire Chief, informed the Commission that a few weeks ago the State announced a Federal Coronavirus Emergency Supplement Grant Program in the amount of $5.9 million. This will provide funding for prevention, preparation, and response to the coronavirus. There is not a match requirement. He wanted to focus on cleaning supplies. There are all different types. He found a SAO System (Stabilized Aqueous Ozone System) which takes O2 oxygen and adds another molecule and makes O3. The City applied and was awarded a grant in the amount of $12,201. This will be used to put a disinfectant system in Fire Station 1, Fire Station 2, and the EMS building. It can also be utilized at the pool and Buck Run. If they have a gallon bottle or a spray jug, they can fill it up, and after 24 hours it turns back to water.

  1. Consideration of sale of City property – Dave Martin, City Manager, informed the Commission that the City can either use the sealed bid process or he talked to Justin Meeks and he said he would be happy to sell this property on the Courthouse steps on a Saturday morning. Sealed bids would have to be advertised for 30 days.

Kevin Allen asked if we would be selling more property in the future. He said that there is a lot of property the City owns. This is a great start. He stated that we didn’t go out for bid for an appraiser. He thinks we need to support our local business and advertise for an auctioneer. He doesn’t think we should take sealed bids.

City Manager said that you can either use Justin Meeks, go out for sealed bids, or bid out an auctioneer.

K. Allen thinks that a live auction will bring in more money than sealed bids. He suggested letting Dave go out for bids for an auctioneer and see what those charges are.

R. Nichols moved to go out for bids for an auctioneer, and approve to have an auction, and dispose of the property. Lindsey Watts seconded. All voted aye.

Approved to go out for bids for an auctioneer, and approve to have an auction, and dispose of the property.

  1. Consideration of Bids for Curb and Gutter Work – 500 block Andrick – Chad Brown, Public Works Director, informed the Commission that bids were taken for the curb and gutter in the 500 block of Andrick Street. This includes 400 linear feet of Standard Concrete Curb and Gutter, 100 linear feet of Spill Type concrete Curb and Gutter, 2 ADA Compliant Handicap Ramps, 2 Standard Concrete Driveway Entrances, 1 Standard Four foot cross Gutter, and 48 standard feet of driveway apron. There were two bids received: Rogers & Sons of Fort Scott in the amount of $23,680.00; and Buildet, LLC of Nevada, Missouri in the amount of $23,956.00. He asked for approval of the low bid from Rogers & Sons Concrete. Chad said that we waived the performance bond as no one could secure a bond for a project this small.

Susan Bancroft said that in lieu of the performance bond she asked for a cashier check in the amount of 5% of their bid. The City will hold this cashier’s check until the project is completed.

City Attorney said that this project can be approved with the acceptance of the cashier’s check in lieu of the performance bond.

J. Mitchell moved to accept the low bid from Rogers & Sons in the amount of $23,680.00. K. Allen seconded. K. Allen, R. Nichols, L. Watts, and J. Mitchell voted aye. Pete Allen voted no. Motion carried 4-1.

approved to accept the low bid from Rogers & Sons in the amount of $23,680.00 for the curb and gutter project in the 500 block of andrick street.

  1. Consideration of Lake Advisory Board Member selection – Diane Clay, City Clerk, informed the Commission that letters of interest were received for the one open position on the Lake Advisory Board. This position is an at large position and will replace Marci Myers who resigned from this board. There were four (4) letters of interest received: Josh Jones, Michael Hoyt, Debra McCoy, and Judy Warren. Approval to appoint one individual was requested.

K. Allen moved to appoint Debra McCoy to the Lake Advisory Board. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of Interlocal Agreement with Bourbon County – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that this agreement will enable us to work with Bourbon County. The Bourbon County Commission approved this Interlocal Agreement at their meeting this morning. The City agrees to provide EMS services to the County and in consideration for those services, the County agrees to provide asphalt, rock, brine and storage to the City in equal value to the services received. The parties agree that the value of the EMS services provided by the City can be exchanged for the service and products that the County will provide to the City for a value of up to $400,000 for the following prices and duties:

County will install asphalt in the City at $80.00 per ton.

County will provide asphalt to the City for $68.00 per ton.

County will provide rock to the City at the gate for $4.00 per ton.

County will deliver rock to the City for $10.00 per ton.

County will lay brine in the City at $95.00 per hour.

County agrees to allow the City to store any excess salt in their inventory, up to the storage capacity of 300 tons.

This contract will begin on June 2020 and continue until either party provides written notice to the other party, at least thirty (30) days in advance for possible renegotiation or contract termination. Reconciliation of payment will be completed monthly, or at the very least, quarterly and always before the close of the fiscal year between Bourbon County Public Works and the City of Fort Scott’s Finance Director.

K. Allen said that this is a great opportunity for both entities.

J. Mitchell moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Bourbon County and the City of Fort Scott. R. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of Code of Ethics for the City of Fort Scott – Jeff Deane, City Attorney, informed the Commission that at the request of several Commissioners, he has prepared a Code of Ethics for the City of Fort Scott and a Code of Procedures for the City of Fort Scott City Commission. He said he will talk about this tonight but no action will be taken. The Code of Ethics will address the following topics: 1) Introduction. 2) Commissioner’s Conduct with One Another: Specific Responsibilities of Commissioners, Specific Responsibility of Commissioners during Meetings, Meeting Agendas, Procedure of Commission Meetings; 3) Commissioner’s Conduct with the Public, 4) Commissioner’s Conduct with Other Boards and Commissions, Pursuit of Concerns Regarding Board or Commission Members, Procedures to be Followed by Board and Commission Members; Penalties for Failure to Comply; Respect for Diverse Opinions, Separation of Political Support from Public Forums, 5) Commissioner’s Conduct with the City Manager and Subordinate Staff Members, General Rule Against Board Interference with City Staff and Employees, Communication with City Staff Members regarding Concerns, Specific Principles of Cooperation and Respect, 6) City Staff Member Conduct with the Commission.

Discussion was held regarding when agendas were given to the Commission to review. City Manager said that there is a problem regarding finances. Susan said that payments to vendors are delayed. The agenda could go out on Wednesday and the financials added to the packet on Friday.

Lindsey said that she would like to have extra time to review the agenda packet.

Jeff said that this is just the first draft of this Code of Procedures.

City Manager encouraged the Commissioners to let him know of any issues or problems you have before the meeting.

Lindsey said that she has had a lot of comments from the public that our meetings are not being held professionally.

Randy said that he wanted to confirm that it was okay with the Clerk to get the agenda out earlier. His second issue is on the Code of Ethics and he had a question. Is social media use covered under the Code of Ethics? What are the consequences if this is violated?

K. Allen asked if this would be followed by City employees also on their social media accounts.

Jeff said that in terms of social media posts there is free speech. He can’t tell you what or what you can post on your social media site. He can advise you that you have the right to say something but live with the consequences. This policy would not be retroactive but would be effective on the date of passage. You could not go back and look at something someone posted in the past. City employees are included in this policy. This would include everyone that works in or for or serves the City of Fort Scott.

City Manager said that he wanted to clarify that on an employee or a Commissioner’s personal social media page, if they state that this is not representing the City of Fort Scott and make that clear. He wanted to clarify that you can’t terminate an employee for this.

Discussion was held regarding different scenarios between City employees and City Commissioners. Discussion was held regarding personal facebook pages and a Commissioner facebook page.

Jeff said that they need to separate those two facebook pages.

Jeff also reminded them of when replying to emails that other Commissioners have been sent also not to do reply all as that is a KOMA violation.

  1. Consideration of Code of Procedures for the City of Fort Scott City Commission – Jeff Deane, City Attorney, informed the Commission that the Code of Procedures is just for the Commission to review this evening but not take action. This Code of Procedures addresses the following: Role of the Chair, Agenda, Establishing a Quorum, Motions in General, Basic Motions, Working Agenda Items, Special Character of Ordinances, Multiple Motions Before the Body, To Debate or Not Debate, Majority and Super Majority Votes, Counting Votes, and Courtesy and Decorum.


  1. Director Updates:

Chad Brown – Chad gave an update on the 500 block of Andrick Street. He said that he is happy to announce that the waterline was completed by June 1st. That waterline is in service and active now. They began on May 11th. Chad gave a breakdown of dates and the progress for each of those dates. Chad said he was proud of his two crews and all they did.

With the approval of the bid and the approval of the Interlocal Agreement with the County, they hope to have that road ready for the contractor to come in, and then the County can come in and overlay it.

Pete asked if the completion date of July 1st is still possible.

Chad said yes. He is ready for this project to be done as well as the residents.

K. Allen asked Chad to take pictures of this project so he can share with his updates.

Chad said that the total amount of rock on this project amounted to $3,673.46. With the new agreement with the County, that number can be cut in half. The County will make, haul, and lay the asphalt there.

B. City Commission:

Kevin Allen Vacancy in Office of City Commissioner – Kevin asked Jeff Deane to read this ordinance again. He said that he asked Susan to have this placed on the agenda again.

Kevin Allen made a motion to approve this Ordinance regarding the vacancy in office of City Commissioner.

Randy said that earlier this was talked about. This ordinance has been defeated 3-2. You want to tell your people you are doing this.

Jeff said that this ordinance has not changed from the motion that was defeated and what you are asking for is a motion to consider the previous vote. The new code of procedures is not in place yet, but that would cover it.

Discussion was held regarding if it was a regular ordinance versus a charter ordinance and Jeff explained this to the Commission.

The motion died for lack of a second.

Pete said that we could use this same way to purchase large equipment.

City Manager said he will talk to Chad about it.

City Manager said it is on the list.

City Manager said that our biggest issue is the internet so we can you tube our meetings live.

Susan recommended possibly Buck Run.

Randy mentioned that we will be opened completely on June 22nd.

City Manager said that they were waiting after the COVID crisis. He will get a meeting set up.

Pete Allen Pete asked when the Street Advisory Board was going to meet.

Susan said that they are meeting on June 9th at 3:00 p.m. It will be broadcast on the City’s you tube channel.

He asked the City Clerk to add to the minutes an email he sent to her about reasonable accommodations.

Dear Fellow Commissioners:

As provided by Federal law in the Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended), persons like myself who have a disability shall make a reasonable request to accommodate my disability. Though I am not required to speak of my private medical information, it has bene obvious I suffer from a significant hearing loss, and tinnitus, connected with my military service. I have been in the process with the Veteran’s Affairs to be tested and receive new hearing aids, but this process has been slowed by the COVID-19 situation.

Since the City does not appear to have a formal ADA 401 Coordinator, I am submitting my requests to the Commission for consideration:

  1. To allow my current hearing assist device to have a direct wired connection to the broadcast sound system. This connection is underway and to be tested at the next meeting. Understanding any conversation, comments or readings that are not spoken into this system will most likely not be heard by me. It must become policy that any conversation, comments, or readings for the record must be spoken into the system.

  2. If determined to be or become necessary, the Act provides for assignment of a workplace assistant. This assistant would assist with helping me with the flow of the agenda and ensure that I am hearing everything that is on the record. This assistant would not address the commission or speak on my behalf; they would only in a non-disruptive manner provide me with inputs to ensure I am hearing and up to speed with the flow of the meeting. My spouse who has many years of experience of communicating with me without saying a word has volunteered her assistance. Therefore, the assistant would be at no cost to the City.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Harold O. (Pete) Allen, City Commissioner”

He asked about Citizen Comments. He said it was skipped by. He had a citizen tell him that he sent in a comment to Diane to have read on the agenda tonight and that comment has not been read yet.

Jeff said that according to the agenda, we are not taking public comments, but they can send something into Diane and it will be distributed to the Commission. It was emailed to you from him. He emailed the person who submitted it, that while we have been in COVID, the comments will be distributed and this was.

Pete said he didn’t know what the comment was.

Jeff said it was emailed to him. Diane printed off a copy also for them. The comment referred to the Vacancy in Office item.

Lindsey Watts – Nothing to report.

Randy Nichols Randy stated that he wanted to express his admiration for the people who peacefully exercised their right to gather and protest last night. Their message of racism and inequalities highlighted by the killing of George Floyd is being heard nationally and importantly locally. They essentially have a local grassroots movement started so you can experience or recognize the issues. If we in City government can be a part of the solution please help us find a way to come together and make Fort Scott better for everyone.

He also wanted to acknowledge our law enforcement. To him the picture of Chief Shelton with the small child at his knee speaks volumes about what is, what can, and what should be. Chief, my thanks to you and your department for doing the triple duties of being ambassadors for the City, for supporting the rights of the protestors, and for protecting our City.

At your place there is material from Smart Growth America. First he wanted to thank Rachel and Ally. They represented Fort Scott in a three morning Smart Growth America teleconference last week that he sat in on. They represented us well. They were professional, prepared, well spoken, insightful, and very enthusiastic to use the information to move us forward.

Dave has done an excellent job moving us forward with the limited financial resources that we have but because our financial pie is only so big no matter how we slice it, there is only so much to go around. Because of that we are in a reactive not proactive situation and must use our money to address the most urgent problems or opportunities. To become proactive and actually reach many of our desired goals, it seems evident to me we need a detailed strategic plan to give action to our existing master visioning plan. This will allow us to budget our local dollars more strategically and give more focused direction to our efforts to obtain federal and state funds. It seems to him that we need to expand our vision and broaden our focus to meet the community at large needs and expectations.

Over the last two years we have been engaged with the Waggoner Group and Smart Growth America. They, working in coordination, have both evaluated Fort Scott and, in front of you, are the documents they have constructed. These organizations have national perspective, have experience in guiding large cities and small towns, have access to lobbying expertise and are resources to multiple funding opportunities. The documents summarize their opinions of our community strengths and needs. They then give specific steps and processes to guide us in designing and implementing a comprehensive strategic plan. In them are recognition of all the issues we have been stuck on like infrastructure, housing/codes, transportation, downtown development, preparing/attracting jobs of the future, supporting current business and industry, etc. Bottom line is we now have the tools to develop in conjunction with community members a forward looking comprehensive strategic plan. We would be very foolish to not aggressively use these resources.

He asked the Commission to please become familiar with the information in the documents that are presented and asked Dave to assign Rachel and Ally to bring us an agenda item describing the nuts and bolts of how we can move this process forward in Fort Scott. Because we have a window of time for planning, now is the time to very actively push forward designing this comprehensive strategic plan.

JoLynne Mitchell In conjunction with the Code of Procedures and Codes of Ethics, it is important for everyone that watches or talks about it, the time is not the issue but the productivity of the meeting. She doesn’t think there is an objection of time, but how well we work together. She’s had issues brought before her that people don’t work together well, but she would like to see that change. Each one of us should be accountable to be respectful to each other, so we can make the best decisions possible for the City.

C. City Attorney: Nothing to report.

D. City Manager:

  1. 500 Block Andrick residents – City Manager said that the Commission had asked him to look into recognizing these residents in that area that have had their street torn up so long. He recommended a Buck Run family membership or a Woodland Hills golf family membership, or an Aquatic Center membership for 2021 since the pool is not going to have passes this summer. This is recommended by Staff.

Randy said that we are setting a precedence. Do we want to set a precedence for individuals that have something like this occur?

Kevin said that precedence has already been set in Chamber coffees. The City gives out pool passes, golf passes, and fitness passes. The residsents have been through a lot this past year.

Pete said that he don’t know how many people would utilize the golf membership. He would like to see a voucher given to them for that amount of dollars for whatever payments they want to make.

Jeff said that water cannot be paid for and he is recommending against any payment for that.

Pete asked if sewer could be paid for.

Jeff said he didn’t find a provision against sewer. There was no legal objection against sewer.

Pete Allen made a motion to issue voucher to those residents in the 500 block of Andrick for the amounts that were shown at a previous meeting totaling $3,800. Randy asked that it not be instituted until the City Attorney proves this is legal and asked that this be added to his motion. Pete agreed to this amendment. Kevin Allen seconded. All voted aye.

Approved to issue vouchers to those residents in the 500 block of Andrick for the amounts that were shown at a previous meeting totaling $3,800 and the City Attorney proves this is legal to do.


R. Nichols moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on June 16th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.




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