Fort Scott Biz

FS City Commission Minutes of Oct. `

Fort Scott City Hall.




Minutes of October 1, 2024                                                              Regular Meeting


A regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held October 1, 2024, at 6:00PM in the City Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas. Meeting available on City of Fort Scott YouTube Channel. Time stamps according to recording.


Meeting called to order at 6:00PM. Commissioners Tim VanHoecke, Dyllon Olson, Matthew Wells, and Kathryn Salsbury were present with Mayor Tracy Dancer.


Audience in AttendanceBrad Matkin/City Manager, Bob Farmer/City Attorney, Jason Dickman/City Engineer-Earles Engineering, Caleb Bell/FSPD Lieutenant, Leroy Kruger/Codes Enforcement, Scott Flater/Water Utilities Director, Carey Spoon/Executive Director of Southeast Kansas Regional Planning & Development Consultant, Michael Hoyt.


  1. Dancer led the Pledge of Allegiance and M. Wells said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.


Approval of Agenda(Time stamp 2:29)

MOTIONT. VanHoecke moved to approve the agenda as presented.  D. Olson seconded the motion. All voted yes.




Approval of Consent Agenda – (Time stamp 3:02)

– Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1369-A – Expense Approval Report – Payment Dates of September 11, 2024 – September 24, 2024$449,830.43

-Approval of Minutes for September 3, 2024, September 9, 2024, September 17, 2024, and September 24, 2024.

-Request to Pay – Heck & Wicker, Inc. – Project No. 24-414 – Horton St. & 6th St. Improvements – Application for Payment No. 3$60,439.46


MOTIONT. VanHoecke moved to approve the Consent Agenda.  K. Salsbury seconded the motion. All voted yes.




Public Comments


Michael Hoyt (Time stamp 3:34) – a reminder to the citizens that October 14th will be the last day for voter registration and to request a mail-in ballot for the November 5th election, early voting begins October 21st. He also distributed postcards as a reminder and to explain the item on the ballot regarding the move from (3) to (5) County Commissioner Districts.




Scott Flater/Water Utilities Director(Time stamp 4:53) addressed the Commission with an update on Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), and the status of the Wastewater Treatment Plant lagoons. Graphs kept from January 2022 until August 2024 were distributed. They illustrated: loads from ADM, charges to ADM, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) average, chemical oxygen demand (COD) average, total suspended solids, pH on load, total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen average, and reuse water sold to ADM. The conditions of the lagoons at the WWTP are healthy. ADM continues to work on their pre-treatment. AMS still has (5) trailers on location and continue to dump the advanced microbes into the lagoon, and once a week agitate the sludge by boat. Measurements of the sludge level are not routinely provided to S. Flater. He stated that in the future, Lagoon #1 will need to be dewatered to remove the inorganic sludge (such as rocks, sand, etc.) which comes mainly from the storm and sanitary sewer systems.


  1. Olson would like to see an MOU drawn up with AMS putting terms on paper regarding reimbursement.


ACTION: D. Olson will send contact information to S. Flater regarding the previous mechanical dredge of one of the lagoons.


  1. Matkin stated that they will be discussing the contract prior to the expiration date of the current contract in December 2024.


ACTION: S. Flater will get sludge level numbers from AMS.


ACTION: B. Matkin and S. Flater will talk to ADM regarding their previous offer to help the City with the mechanical dredging at their meeting on October 10, 2024.


  1. Flater explained that the long-term plan will be created when ADM solves their lagoon issues as they will not want to pay for AMS any longer once that happens.


Discussion was had regarding the level limits that are set for the lagoons and the long-term impact of the discontinuation of AMS. ADM has a long-term plan to pipeline the water to Fort Scott instead of hauling, therefore they are working on improving their lagoons and pre-treatment process.


Unfinished Business

Status of Building at 118 E. Wall Requested documents from owner due per September 24, 2024, Special City Commission meeting – (Time stamp 29:58)

  1. Matkin received documents from Jose Montanez by email (on September 30, 2024) and the Commissioners were given printed copies at the table. He was told that they will be starting this week and have a lift at the site. They need to obtain a permit from the Codes Department prior to beginning the work which requires documents that are still missing: certificate of liability for the building, structural engineering report and scope of work. The documents provided are not what was requested by the Commission.


ACTION:  B. Matkin will ask Jose Montanez for a copy of the liability insurance for the building at 118 E. Wall St.


  1. Matkin left the meeting at (Time stamp 45:01) and returned at (Time stamp 47:37).


Missing pages of the email were printed and distributed to the Commissioners by B. Matkin.


Discussion was had regarding the missing documents that needed to be submitted before the permit to begin work could be issued by the Codes Department.


MOTION:  M. Wells moved to extend the timeline to the October 15th deadline, still requesting the (2) pieces of documentation – the timeline for the work and the structural engineer’s report (from RetroPros for the work being performed) – laying out his scope of work as indicated from the permanent repair recommendations.


Further discussion was had regarding the engineering report that was provided (to date) and the current contractor (RetroPro). It was determined that the report provided was from Thomas Rewert, however he is the engineer that was fired by the building owner.  M. Wells stated that what has been provided is a scope of work by a contractor who has still not provided any structural engineer report and the work listed on the scope, according to that structural engineer report, cannot be performed. He stated that the work being performed must be certified by a structural engineer or it is not guaranteed to be structurally safe, and the buildings will not be reopened.


  1. Kruger commented on the lift and scaffolding options.


  1. VanHoecke left the meeting at (Time stamp 57:05).


  1. Dancer clarified that in the previous meeting the building owner told the Commission that they had fired this gentleman (T. Rewert) and they were going to hire a different contractor now that they had the recommendations to do the work that the structural engineer (T. Rewert) recommended. The building owner stated they were going with Option 2. He stated that the scope of work from RetroPros does not describe Option 2 from the structural engineering report provided.


  1. VanHoecke returned to the meeting at (Time stamp 58:43).


Further discussion was had regarding the intentions of the Commission in the matter and the options if the deadline is not met.


  1. Salsbury seconded the motion. All voted yes.




Consideration of Approval of Certificate of Substantial Completion – Project No. 22-031B – Fort Scott Pavilion – Sprouls Construction, Inc.Tabled from September 17, 2024 – (Time stamp 1:03:24) – J. Dickman explained the work that had been completed according to the request of the Commission at the September 17, 2024 meeting.


  1. Matkin left the meeting at 1:04:36.


MOTION:  M. Wells moved to approve the Certificate of Substantial Completion for Project No. 22-031B.  K. Salsbury seconded the motion.  All voted yes.




Request to Pay – Sprouls Construction, Inc. – Project No. 22-031B – Fort Scott Pavilion – Payment Application No. 5 – $8,075.00 Tabled from September 17, 2024.


Request to Pay – Sprouls Construction, Inc. – Project No. 22-031B – Fort Scott Pavilion – Payment Application No. 6 FINAL (Retainage) – $10,397.85 Tabled from September 17, 2024.


MOTION:  M. Wells moved to pay Payment Application No. 5 and Payment Application No. 6 (Final Retainage) for Project No. 22-031B. T. VanHoecke seconded the motion.  All voted yes.




New Business /Public Hearing:


MOTION:  T. VanHoecke moved to open the public hearing at 7:06PM (Time stamp 1:06:08). M. Wells seconded the motion.  All voted yes.




Consideration of Submission of Application on behalf of the City of Fort Scott to the Kansas Department of Commerce for a CDBG Grant under the Community Centers & Parks Category for improvements at Memorial Hall – C. Spoon/Executive Director of Southeast Kansas Regional Planning & Development

  1. Spoon read the following statement: This project proposes replacing existing windows with new aluminum windows, replace existing steel lintels, restore the damaged brick and cast stone masonry, and mend the masonry and mortar joints. The roof at the northeast corner of the building will also be restored. The estimated total project cost is $751,484.75 with a grant request of $569,000.


There were no public comments.


MOTION:  T. VanHoecke moved to close the public hearing at 7:08PM (Time stamp 1:08:17).  D. Olson seconded the motion. All voted yes.




  1. Matkin returned to the meeting (Time stamp 1:09:20).


MOTION: T. VanHoecke moved to go forward with the CDBG grant application regarding Commerce for Small Cities Community Development Block Grant funds under the Community Centers & Parks Category for Memorial Hall.  M. Wells seconded the motion.  All voted yes.’




New Business/Action Items:

Consideration to Approve Renewal of the Downtown Historic District and Riverfront Park Common Consumption Area Permit (existing Ordinance No. 3756) – annual permit expires November 21, 2024 – (Time stamp 1:10:21) – City Clerk explained that the annual permit needs to be renewed at this time. If the Commission wishes to make any changes to the Ordinance, including the boundaries, it must be done and passed before the application can be submitted to the state.


Discussion was had regarding options to change the existing boundaries.


ACTION:  B. Matkin will talk to Jill Jaworski/Superintendent of Fort Scott National Historic Site regarding the inclusion of the Pavilion and Skubitz Plaza in the Common Consumption Area.


MOTION:  T. VanHoecke moved to table this item until the October 15, 2024, meeting.  M. Wells seconded the motion.  All voted yes.




Reports and Comments


City Manager (Time stamp 1:19:16)

– Received COI from the building owner of 118 E. Wall by email.

– Cape Seal Update

– Weekend Events: Gordon Parks event, Pioneer Harvest Fiesta and Parade, Alumni Rodeo and comedy show

– VanFossen Update

– Horton & 6th St. Project Update


City Engineer (Time stamp 1:20:49)

– Horton & 6th St. Project Update


  1. Farmer left the meeting (Time stamp 1:21:08)


  1. VanHoecke (Time stamp 1:22:07)

–  Many exciting things in Fort Scott

–  Request to pray for NC, SC, GA and FL, please help where you can


  1. Farmer returned to the meeting (Time stamp 1:22:47).


  1. Wells (Time stamp 1:23:02)

–  Special thank you to Care to Share people for their past event

–  Request to pray for the hurricane victims


  1. Salsbury (Time stamp 1:24:20)

–  Spent some extra time in town this week, beautiful both visually and in spirit

and noted the progress we are making


  1. Olson (Time stamp 1:24:39)

–  Care to Share Fort Fest was a great event

–  Contractors’ licensing program needs to move forward. Will be putting an Ordinance together and bring before the Commission.


  1. Dancer (Time stamp 1:26:27)

–  Thank you to the organizations hosting events that make our town great

–  Moving school zone speed limit signs North of 8th St. and South of 12th St.

–  Follow up of annexation report requested of City Attorney

–  Lake property storage encroachments

–  Lake shore easement encroachments

–  IT Infrastructure for the City – IT Equipment Purchase Moratorium suggested pending the acceptable report of equipment currently in use and a diagram of our current IT infrastructure.


Discussion was had about IT concerns and the moratorium.


ACTION:  IT Department to provide answers to the questions T. Dancer has submitted prior to the invitation to appear at the next meeting, October 15, 2024, for an update.


City Attorney (Time stamp 1:39:28)

– Teresa Davenport and Cory Bryars did an exceptional job with the Care to Share event


Executive Session


MOTION:  M. Wells moved for the City Commission recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of a legal matter pursuant to the attorney-client privilege exception in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(2). The meeting will resume in the Commission Room at 8:00PM after recessing in the City Manager’s office. In the meeting will be the (5) City Commissioners, the City Manager and the City Attorney. T. VanHoecke seconded the motion. All voted yes.




MOTION:  M. Wells moved to come out of Executive Session.  T. VanHoecke seconded the motion. M. Wells, T. VanHoecke, D. Olson and T. Dancer voted yes. K. Salsbury was not at the table to vote.




MOTION:  moved for the City Commission recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of a legal matter pursuant to the attorney-client privilege exception in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(2). The meeting will resume in the Commission Room at 8:11PM.  In the meeting will be the (5) City Commissioners, the City Manager and the City Attorney. D. Olson seconded the motion. M. Wells, T. VanHoecke, D. Olson and T. Dancer voted yes. K. Salsbury was not at the table to vote.




MOTION:  M. Wells moved to come out of Executive Session.  T. VanHoecke seconded the motion. All voted yes.




  1. VanHoecke moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:11PM. D. Olson seconded the motion. All voted yes.




MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:11PM (Time stamp 2:11:14).








Submitted by:

Lisa A. Lewis, City Clerk

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