Among the Fort Scott Kiwanis Club community service projects is a free tree to Bourbon County residents.
The trees were purchased using a Fort Scott Area Community Foundation grant, said Kiwanis member Craig Campbell.
“Sugar Maple was recommended by our area Kansas Forestry expert Tim McDonnell this year,” Campbell said. “Tim is very knowledgeable about what trees thrive in southeast Kansas. Tim also knows the existing tree inventory in Bourbon County and works to ensure we remain diverse to avoid widespread loss due to drought, late freezes, wind, and pests.”
The trees are very hardy 4 to 5 feet tall and in a 3-gallon root ball pail.
“Anyone in Bourbon County who commits to adequately caring for the tree is eligible,” he said. “This requires 5 gallons of water each week regardless of rainfall for the first year. With the drought last year, we asked folks to water every 4 to 5 days.”
The trees will be received by the Kiwanis Club on the last Saturday in April.
“The Kiwanis group will plant trees on the morning of Saturday, May 4th for anyone needing our assistance,” Campbell said. “If the Kiwanis plants them, Tim McDonnell and I will go to each location on April 16th and ‘spot’ the tree for optimum growth, and shade, and to avoid utilities. We do NOT plant under power lines.”
The deadline to request a tree is April 13th.
To apply for a free tree, text your address to Campbell at 620-224-0167.
Fort Scott Kiwanis Club meets at Burris Hall on the Fort Scott Community College campus every Tuesday from 12-1 p.m.