Fort Scott Biz

Fort Scott community participates in annual Home Show

Numerous Bourbon County residents visited the Arnold Arena Friday and Saturday to attend the annual Home, Farm, Sport and Garden Show, organized by KOMB-FM and featuring more than 50 local businesses and other entities.

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Visitors to the Fort Scott Community College campus could view booths set up by those groups including the city of Fort Scott, the Lowell Milken Center, Hartman Spine and Joint, Brigg’s Auto, Scentsy, Mary Kay and several other organizations and businesses. Those vendors provided information as well as prizes throughout the weekend.

Larger prizes such as a Kansas City Royals package and Branson show tickets were also given away and a prize wheel was on hand.

Saturday morning, FSCC also held a community fair in conjunction with the event, providing games, manicures, experiments, a cheerleading clinic and other activities for children and run by college students as well as the Fort Scott police and fire departments and other community members.

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