Fort Scott Biz

Fishing and Entertainment At Uniontown This Weekend

A pond hopping bass tournament will start at 6 a.m. this Saturday, May 28 at Union Station Convenience Store on Hwy. 3 just west of Uniontown. There will also be a beer garden, food and live music throughout that day.

The event is a fundraiser to supply Christmas presents for children in Bourbon County in honor of a local service man.

Butch Hall. Submitted photo.

Butch Hall was a 2000 graduate of Uniontown High School who was killed in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2004.

“Butch loved fishing and this is a way for his friends and family to honor him this Memorial Day weekend,” said event organizer Sara Roufs.

“All money made from this event will go to purchase Christmas gifts for local kids in need through the Bourbon County Angels, all in Butch’s honor,” Roufs said.

Registration will be at 6 a.m. at Union Station, with weigh-in at 3 p.m.

The entry fee is $20 person, with a limit of three people per team. There is a 50 percent payback, and a $5 big bass pot.

Fish must be alive at weigh-in.

“Union Station is the main sponsor for the event,” Roufs said. “We also have contributions from K&K Auto, BN Hunting, Don’s Spirits & Wines and Perry’s Pork Rinds.”

Timber Hills. Submitted graphics.

Timber Hills Lake Ranch is donating a weekend cabin stay for our raffle.

“Registrants for the fishing tournament will have a chance to win a knife donated by Ryan Demott with Turkey Forge,” she said.

They will be selling pulled pork sandwiches for lunch, with pork purchased locally through Bronson Locker.

“We will also have baked beans, coleslaw, and Marsha’s Deli potato salad. BBQ dinners will go on sale at noon,” Roufs said. “Union Station will be hosting a beer garden throughout the day.”

“At 3 p.m., we will draw for the raffle prizes and have the weigh-in for the bass tournament,” she said. “Bourbon Boy Bait Co. will handle the weigh-in for the tournament.”

At 4 p.m. there will be live music from the Bourbon County Revival.

All money made from this event will go to purchase Christmas gifts for local kids in need through the Bourbon County Angels, all in Butch’s honor.

“Friends and family of Butch donated trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place,  as well as one for the biggest bass,”  Roufs said.


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