Fort Scott Biz

Community Foundation Selects New Board Members

The Fort Scott Area Community Foundation announces the selection of four new board members who will serve three year terms beginning in 2020 through 2023. They include Connie Banwart, community volunteer with a focus on historic preservation, Kirk Sharp, executive director, Gordon Parks Museum, Deb McCoy, registered nurse, and Lindsay Madison, executive director, Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce.

Connie Banwart. Submitted photo.
Lindsay Madison. Submitted photo.
Deb McCoy. Submitted photo.
Kirk Sharp. Submitted photo.

“FSACF welcomes these outstanding individuals who have each made a commitment to serving the needs of our community through the Foundation,” said Carla Farmer, chair.

The new board members join the local volunteer board comprised of 16 individuals from diverse professional backgrounds and interests. FSACF meets quarterly and focuses on being a resource to other not-for-profit organizations whose goal is to improve the quality of life in Fort Scott and Bourbon County. One of the primary ways in which the Foundation assists other organizations is through its annual granting process.

The grant cycle is currently underway and applications may be submitted through August 31. Gregg Motley, grant chair, announced that $42,000 is available for projects that benefit our community and youth. Applications can be obtained by emailing

In other action at the annual meeting in July, officers were elected. Serving as chair will be Carla Farmer, Barbara Albright, vice chair, Frank Halsey, secretary, and Craig Campbell, treasurer.

Committee chairs for 2020-2021 are Gary Palmer, asset development, Gregg Motley, granting, Travis Shelton, nominating, Frank Halsey, marketing, and Charles Gentry, bylaws.

FSACF was established in 2007. Currently, the Foundation has assets in excess of $9 million which includes restricted funds established and directed by donors. Of the total fund balance, over $1 million is unrestricted endowed funds controlled by FSACF. The unrestricted funds generate interest which in turn is utilized for annual grants.

For more information about FSACF, go to or follow FSACF on Facebook. For specific information about making a gift, call 620-224-6500.


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