Fort Scott Biz

CHC/SEK Fort Scott to host walk-in mammogram event

Sliding fee discounts and financial assistance is available to eligible patients, as stated on the front door of the CHC/SEK Clinic in Fort Scott.


FORT SCOTT — Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas is making it easy for women to maximize their health insurance benefits before the end of the year by getting an annual mammogram.
The mammography event is open to any woman who has not had a mammogram in the last year. Walk-in mammograms will be available between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 6. at the Fort Scott main clinic located at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd. No appointment or doctor’s referral required.
December is a crucial time to plan for health care costs: 1) deductibles will reset in January and 2) it’s your last chance to use any money you’ve put in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).
CHC/SEK participates in the Early Detection Works which is a breast and cervical cancer screening program for Kansas women and the clinic offers other financial assistance programs ensuring every woman who needs a mammogram will receive one regardless of income or insurance status.
Women in Southeast Kansas rank far below state and national averages in receiving this life-saving screening, and having the service available within the clinic helps remove barriers many women have in receiving timely breast cancer screenings. Likewise, the walk-in event will give patients an option on when they can arrive.
CHC/SEK uses the Hologic Genius system that screens the breast in 4 seconds for a much less compression time, with less radiation exposure than many conventional mammography machines. The Genius exam is also superior for denser breasts, that can hide early signs of cancer in a traditional mammogram.
In addition, the Hologic Genius scans potentially reduce patient callback by up to 40 percent compared to 2D, sparing the emotional and economic toll of additional testing, including biopsies when there could be nothing wrong.
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