Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition General Membership Meeting Minutes  

Billie Jo Drake opens the Bourbon County Inter Agency Coalition monthly meeting.

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Minutes


August 7, 2024



  1. Welcome:  Fifteen members representing eleven agencies attended.  Billie Jo will be finalizing pool pass numbers with Kathi Hall and will give a final report in September.  We do have a vacancy on the Coalition Board; we could use a volunteer!


  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:


  1. Program:  Rachel Carpenter and Lisa Robertson shared updates at HBCAT and with the COPE program.  Rachel shared that the COPE grant has been extended for one additional year; Lisa will continue in that leadership role.  Rachel leads the Local Health Equity Action Team (LHEAT) which has a vision to create lasting solutions to improve the quality of life in Bourbon County.  LHEAT has been able to implement a county wide transportation program, offer free laundry services, and assist 137 individuals find safe housing.  Lisa provides services by starting wherever the client is to help with health care, housing, transportation, food assistance, insurance, mental health, utility assistance, and anything else that will help that client.  COPE now works with 157 partners to provide these services.  In the two short years the program has been in existence, they have served over 400 clients!


  1. Open Forum:  Janelle Tate reminded members that the Nazarene Church has a “Celebrate Recovery” program that meets on Mondays from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.



  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be September 4, 2024.

Janelle Tate has volunteered to fill the vacant spot on our board and has also secured our September program.  The program will be presented by Judy, the board chairman for the Keyhole.  Please note:  We will hold our September (September only) meeting at the Keyhole.  I will send the exact address later but the Keyhole is located at the corner of Main and 10th. Streets – across from the south end of the Fort Scott High School.  Plan to be at the Keyhole on September 4.





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