Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County COVID-19 Recovery Funding Update

The State of Kansas allocated $400 million dollars of the CARES Act Relief funds towards local county governments. On July 15, 2020 Bourbon County received $2.9million as a part of this allocation.  Bourbon County Commissioners have contracted with Greenbush, an educational organization based out of Girard, to develop systems for online applications that insures State and Federal requirements are met, develop communication plans, review processes, reporting and evaluation.
The Bourbon County Recovery Steering Committee met yesterday to determine funding buckets (as they align with state priority’s and the percentage of funds allocated to each of those buckets.  Those recommendations were presented to the commission today in a special meeting.  The Bourbon County Commissioners formally adopted and approved several things, as recommended:
1. The reimbursement of a total of $329,042.33 to 3 incorporated cities and the Fort Scott Community College for COVID related expenses incurred from March 1-July 31, 2020.
2.  Direct Aid funding buckets and allocation of remaining funds, that can be updated as proposals are submitted:
a. Economic Development 20%
i. Sub-Group: Small Business/Non Profit Grant Program 5%
b. Health 30%
c. Education: 20%
d. Collaborative Projects: 25%
3. The online application, put together and presented by Monica Murnan and Mike Bodenstein with Greenbush, was approved.  The anticipated application go-live date will be 7/28/2020 at 8 am and remain open until 8/8/2020 at noon.
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce and I will work together to put together a county-wide Small Business/Non Profit Grant Program.  The intent is to get funding to those hardest hit– those who were mandated to close or closed on there own.  It is also intended to reimburse PPE and cleaning costs to all business regardless of closing status. We have examples of what Crawford County and Riley County have done as well.  Look for more to come on that in the very near future, it will also be part of the online application with Greenbush.  (FYI-There are no HUD mandated income requirements associated)
We would like to thank steering committee members, in addition to myself, Craig Campbell, Jess Ervin, Jerry Witt, Susan Bancroft, Bill Michaud, and Ted Hessong for taking time out of your very busy schedules and continuing to serve in this capacity as we move forward.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Submitted by Jody Hoener, LBSW, MBA
Bourbon County Kansas
Economic Development Director
210 S National Ave
Fort Scott, KS 66701
1-620-215-5725 Mobile
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