Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Courthouse to be renovated

By the Homes for the Holidays Tour in early December, the first floor of the Bourbon County Courthouse will have a different appearance as it receives a new coats of paint and new additions over the next couple months.

10-20 Courthouse

County Treasurer Rhonda Dunn described to the county commissioners their goal to put in historical items and photos on each of the courthouse floors so it would become a museum featuring the history of Fort Scott, Bourbon County and the courthouse itself.

“It’s going to be really neat,” Dunn said of the plans for the courthouse.

Instead of using county dollars to complete the project, the commissioners voted Tuesday morning to accept the offer of $1,500 from the Historic Preservation Commission.

Because of an unused closet discovered in the courthouse that had not been repainted, the new colors will match those used when the courthouse was first built more than a century ago.

The first floor will likely include 4×16 foot murals of historical photos of Forts Scott and other historical items while other cities and communities of Bourbon County will be featured on the second floor and the courthouse itself on the third floor. One hall will also be reserved for honoring Bourbon County veterans.

“It’s our plan to complete a floor before we move on to something else,” Dunn said.

Some items to be featured will include historical ledgers and blueprints, a tommy gun, wagon, desk, bookshelves, china and photographs. The HPA and county would gladly accept other donated items from members of the community to put on display.

“That’s exciting,” commissioner chairman Barbara Albright said of the project, expressing her gratitude to the HPA for their donation.

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