Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of Sept. 1

The north wing, east side of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

September 1, 2021                                        Wednesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session for the CDBG-CV close out hearing with Commissioner Harris and Beth present, the County Clerk was also present.


SEKRPC representative Taylor Hogue and Economic Development Director Rob Harrington were also present.


Jim made a motion to open the public hearing for the CDBG-CV close out grant hearing, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Jim asked for questions or comments regarding the grant. Rob Harrington said he didn’t understand why the Bronson Locker wasn’t able to get a portion of this grant, he said the State had told Taylor that they weren’t awarded any of the grant money because they didn’t lose money; Rob said, however; they took out a loan (for equipment/expansion) to stay open.  Taylor said that the Kansas Department of Commerce said meat lockers were denied because they were more in demand.  Rob said there was a meat locker in Allen County that received Spark funding; Taylor said that Spark funds and CDBG-CV funds were different.


At 9:19, Clifton made a motion to close the public hearing for the CDBG-CV grant, Jim seconded and all approved.


Clifton made a motion that Chairman Oharah sign the CDBG-CV close out forms, Jim seconded and the motion passed.


At 9:21, Clifton made a motion to adjourn, Jim seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

September 7, 2021, Approved Date

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