Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of March 20

The north wing, east side of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

March 20, 2023                                                                                                                 Monday 9:00 a.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners and the County Clerk present.


Alan Drake, Lori Collier, Jeff Collier, David Klein, Larry Howard, and Malinda Bailey were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim Harris opened the meeting at 9:00 with a flag salute.


Clifton Beth made a motion to amend the agenda to move the executive session after the road work session so that County Counselor Meeks could attend. Nelson Blythe seconded and all approved.


Jim Harris welcomed all the citizens and thanked them for coming to the 2023 Road Work Session. Jim stated Public Works is doing a great job and that we have come a long way in 10 years, but we still have a long way to go. Dustin Hall handed out the proposed road plan to the citizens attending the meeting. Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, introduced Dustin Hall who is the Assistant Public Works Director and Chad Brown who is the Public Works Foreman. Eric started by stating the proposed road plan is broken down by district but there is no set order on how the roads are listed within each district.


The roads in District 1 were discussed with Eric stating a section of Maple Road needs to be finished in order for Public Works to chip and seal Maple Road. Eric said he has spoken to contractors for a second opinion on Yale Road and they have recommended milling up the road as well. The sub-base has failed and the road from the west side of the Hidden Valley Lake to Mapleton needs to be milled and gravel brought in to compact and build a good base. Dustin said they will try to do an extra mile next year on Yale Road since it is four miles to the lake. Jim said he wants to make sure that before the extra mile is done on Yale Road that the focus is on a road that has been milled for 5 years.


The roads in District 2 were discussed next with Eric saying Jayhawk Road from 69 Highway to Liberty Bell Road needs overlay work done. KDOT is currently checking to see if that section of road has been turned over to the county yet. Eric said if the road has not been signed over to the county then KDOT will have to have the road in an acceptable condition before the county will agree to take the road over. Jewel Road, 230th Street, and 232nd Terrace, which make up Marco Estates, were discussed next with Eric saying they tried to get to those roads last year but ran out of funding. Eagle Road from Garland to 267th Street is on the plan, and it was stated Eagle Road is in dire need of help. The last area discussed was 227th Street from Kansas Road to the city limits. Eric said it would cost $37,306.17 to produce the asphalt and he thinks the city should pay half of that. Jim said he has talked to the City of Fort Scott and they have it on their agenda for approval.


District 3 has more roads listed on the plan than the other two districts, but Eric pointed out that the other two districts have taken precedence the last two years and District 3 has not had much asphalt work done. Eric said they want to do something a little different than they have in the past and start now with a one-inch overlay then come back in July or August and chip and seal the roads. Eric has spoken to contractors and KDOT and this will save money. The roads discussed for this technique are Soldier from 215th to 245th Street, 245th Street between Soldier Road and Valley Road, and Valley Road between 245th Street and 267th Street. They plan to chip and seal 215th Street from Native Road to Yellowstone Road. Jim wanted to make sure that everybody knew Clifton allowed roads in other districts that were dangerous to get priority the past two years so that is why he is getting so much more this year.


There were many roads that were listed under an extra heading that Eric would like to try to get to this year if the funding is available. Eric said he would like to get started right away and lay four inches of asphalt on Eagle Road from 69 Highway to 230th Street, but he needs to get a budget report, so he knows how much carryover he has from last year. Jim stated since it is almost April, he hopes that the end of year will get closed out soon so that Eric can know how much money he has to work with. Jayhawk Road from Liberty Bell Road to 245th Street was also listed under the extra’s section and Jim said it is in need of chip and seal since it was such a dry year last year the pavement moved and cracked. Eric commended Dustin on all the hours he had worked to create the plan. Dustin said that asphalt oil is down about $100.00 per ton and fuel is down about $1.00 per gallon so that will help make our limited funding stretch farther. The laydown machine has a new engine in it, and they are working out a few bugs but hope to have it running soon. Jim said if sales tax continues to be up he is confident we can do one mile on Eagle Road. It was discussed if sales tax is up doing one mile of Yale Road, and Dustin said the traffic really needs to compact the road for a year to get a good base before any asphalt is laid. Dustin said that a lot of the asphalt roads are in better shape now and that they plan to chip and seal which will make the asphalt last another 5 to 7 years.


Alan Drake spoke about the roads in Marco Estates stating they have deteriorated over the last several years and they need help. Alan said that the last work done to the roads was chip and seal several years ago, but recently all that has been done is patching. Mr. Drake said he appreciates all the work that the road crews and Commissioners do. Larry Howard asked about sales tax and when we find out how much we will receive. Jim explained that we do projections for the year based upon the first sales tax payment we receive in the year, but that sales tax has been up the past few years. Nelson questioned if Yale Road was milled how soon it would be before the work was started, and Eric said it could be the beginning of April. Clifton said the only way to fix the road is to mill the road and that it is a safety issue. Eric assured Nelson that they will not do any milling on Yale Road without notifying him and getting the word out to the citizens as well. Eric said that he will bring the asphalt plan back on Thursday for approval.


Jim asked for a short break, and the meeting started back in session at 9:37.


Justin Meeks, County Counselor, asked for a 12-minute executive session to discuss security measures. Nelson made a motion for an executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize such security measures to include all three Commissioners and Justin Meeks for 12 minutes returning at 9:53. Clifton seconded the motion, and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session with no action at 9:53. Nelson seconded the motion, and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:51. Nelson seconded the motion, and all approved.




___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

_______________, Approved Date



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