Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of June 20

The north wing, east side of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

June 20, 2022 Tuesday 9:00 am
The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with two Commissioners (JimHarris and Lynne Oharah) and the County Clerk present.
Anne Dare, Clint Walker, Deb Lust, Mandy Shoemaker, Ronnie Brown, Jared Pollock,
Marvin Lewis, Donald Coffman, Nelson Blythe, Matt Crystal, Jason Silvers, Susan Bancroft and Matt Quick were present for some or all of the meeting.
Lynne Oharah made a motion to approve the previous meeting minutes. Jim Harris
seconded. Both approved.

Eric Bailey stated Samuel Boez from Kansas Dept of Health and Environment will be here today to inspect our closed MSW landfill. Eric sent an email last Wednesday regarding the soybean permit. He continued that he received an email from them
stating “I just found out yesterday that the permit application is now through internal concurrence and I’m preparing it for the public notice. The public notice will be from June 30 through July 29.” We are moving forward with that.

Our Local Road Safety Program has scheduled a safety workshop here July 19th from 1pm 5pm. We haven’t
actually decided on a location yet but they will have drawings, pictures, maps to show their recommendations from doing the study. We’ll let you know when a location has
been determined. We are asphalting in Hiatville starting today. We are waiting on distributor truck it has a seal out of pump. Part should be here today. Jed Kello will
be bringing the milling machine in on Friday. We will be milling Yale Road from 65th to the west entrance of the lake. Had a tree go down on Zinc and 245th and it was full of honey bees. Thanked the individual who tried to help us with their tractor.

Sink hole on 200th and Railroad tracks; it’s a concrete culvert the outlet side is blocked. Made contact with BNSF yesterday and they will be here Thursday and will dig it up and replace it. We temperaried the hole for the time being so the road
could be opened up. Culvert crews are working on 215th getting ready for asphalt.

We are scheduling a blast for Blake; the overburden has been removed for this area.
With the new crusher may be able to run quite a bit of material that was left over before from being too big. We may not do as large a blast as originally planned. We completed phase 1 of training for crusher last week. They will have us run it for a
month or two and take us to Nashville to the factory to train on-site there. We got a call last week that the 2007 F750 came available from Premier in KC. We went and looked at it; it has a cat c7 motor 28,000 actual miles. We went ahead and spoke for it. Has a little rust in the bed but we can plate that and be money ahead. Covid is
back and are battling with that a little bit. Lynne complimented the job done on 145th. Eric stated that he was contacted by the Court System on Community Service and was asking Justin about a liability release form. Justin stated the waivers aren’t
bullet proof. If someone gets hurt we could still be sued. Jim and Lynne both approved. Justin stated that we need to focus on the 9 trestle bridges. We have one near Yellowstone that is a problem. Another one in Commissioner Beth’s district that
isn’t used anymore. With your permission we will take pictures of them and sell them or give away. Lynne made a motion to give Justin permission to sell or give away the 9 trestle bridges. Jim seconded. Both approved.
Jarod Pollock, Chairman of Soil Conservation District, presented 2023 budget up; appreciate anything given by the county. We are requesting additional 8.5% from 2022 due to inflation. We have conservation day at Gunn Park; we have to push outreach. A lot of our dollars are spent on outreach to get our message out. We are
very involved in the fair. We held a local work group in Bronson this year to get some information from landowners on research concerns. The last meeting we had a flyer sent out that NRCS is working with ADM on some grants for cover crops which are
gaining some traction. Ronnie Brown thanked Mandy for her work. Ronnie said that times are uncertain and request for funds may change drastically in the future.
Jarod, again, thanked Mandy and stated these funds help get her to training and meetings she needs. Deb Lust stated that we need to get the youth involved as early as possible. We involve them in as many activities as possible. We have to have our
youth come back and be engaged in agriculture. There are a lot of programs for new farmers that available.

Jim made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship for 7 minutes including 2 commissioners, Justin Meeks and
Susan Bancroft returning at 9:43am. Lynne seconded. Both approved. Jim made a motion to return to normal session at 9:45am with no action. Lynne seconded. Both approved. Jim made a motion to go back into executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for
consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship for 10 minutes including 2 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Justin Meeks returning at 9:56am. Lynne
seconded. Both approved. Jim made a motion to resume normal session at 9:57am with action. Lynne seconded. Both approved.
Susan Bancroft requested executive session. Lynne made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property for 7 minutes including 2 commissioners, Susan Bancroft and Justin Meeks
returning at 10:05am. Jim seconded. Both approved. Lynne made a motion to return to normal session in this room at 10:05am with action. Jim seconded. Both
approved. Lynne made a motion to give Justin Meeks the authority to move forward with addendum to lease agreement with CHC to acquire property. Jim seconded.
Both approved.
Shane Walker CIO: Not present
Public Comment: Anne Dare asked what property referred to regarding CHC. Justin stated we can’t disclose, but there is land at the hospital campus that CHC owns and we’re trying to get it back into county name to move forward with other options.
Anne thanked the commissioners for conducting the meetings with order, with respect; there are tough subjects that you tackle, not every meeting but a lot o fmeetings and you work really hard to communicate to the public and let us communicate. I wish there were other entities in town that felt that it was as important as you all do. Ashley thanked Anne Dare and Carol MacArthur for helping
with election material destruction last week.
Lynne made a motion for executive session KSA 75-4319(b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust, and individual
proprietorships including 2 commisioners, Justin Meeks, Susan Bancroft and Rob Harrington for 5 minutes returning to this room at 10:14am. Jim seconded. Both approved. Lynne made a motion to resume normal session in this room at 10:16am
with no action. Jim seconded. Both approved.

At 10:18am Jim made a motion to adjourn. Lynne seconded. Both approved.

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