Fort Scott Biz

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of July 2

July 2, 2019                                                    Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

Jim Harris reported that they have been paving on Condensory (235th), he said the new paver is doing a great job. He said they are saving money by using the new paver verses the old. He estimated that by the end of the next paving season the material savings will pay for the cost of the new paver. He said they should be done working in this area tomorrow and will be moving the equipment to Mapleton once completed. After the work at Mapleton is completed, they plan to start working in the Industrial Park. Jeff complimented the professionalism of the work done on Condensory Road.

Dale Arnold met with the Commissioners and Jim Harris; he reported a washed out area on 2nd Street.

Jim Harris discussed an Asphalt/Rock John Deere Cold Plainer that will be needed when work is done in the Industrial Park, on the bridge on Condensory Road and on 215th; he said it is $3,500/month to rent and $20,200 to purchase the machine. After discussion, Jeff made a motion to purchase the new Asphalt/Rock John Deere Cold Plainer with a 30” cut for $20,200, Nick seconded and all approved.

Nick made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Lynne seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Jim Harris and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne reported that Tom Davis reported a hole in the road at 157th & Range Road; Jim Harris said he would view the road.

Jeff reported a request for work to be done on 215th with the pothole patching machine from Dale Bollinger; Jim will view the road.

Lynne and Jim plan to meet Ed Guss with the City of Redfield on July 3rd to discuss the city boundaries.

Jeff made a motion to approve Resolution 14-19, changing the mileage reimbursement rate to .58 cents/mile effective July 1, 2019, Nick seconded and all approved and signed the Resolution.

Jeff made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Robert Uhler with the City of Fort Scott arrived at the meeting.

The Commissioners considered the Kansas Statewide Housing Assistance Program; Justin Meeks said he had reviewed the documents, he said it appeared to be no cost to the County and could benefit low to moderate income families. Jeff said it is based on issuers of bonds that provide funding assistance and they want the County to agree to cooperate with the program; Jeff said he felt that if the program could help people get into homes then it was a good thing. Jeff made a motion to approve Resolution 15-19 agreeing to cooperate in the Kansas Statewide Housing Assistance Program, Nick seconded and all approved.

Appraiser Clint Anderson and Matt Quick met with the Commissioners to present their 2020 budget; Clint requested a grand total of $274,371 for 2020. This total included a budgeted 3% increase for wages for his office. Lynne suggested that Clint revise his budget to include budgeted money in the equipment reserve fund for the future purchase of replacement vehicles. Clint revised his budget and requested a grand total of $284,371, (this included a budgeted amount of $13,213 in the equipment reserve fund).

Nathan Fawson, Joe Springer and Marty Dewitt with the Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center met with the Commissioners to present their 2020 requested budget. Bill Martin and Bobby Reed were also present for the meeting. They requested $97,850 for 2020. “Services provided by SEKMHC include 24/7 crisis intervention, outpatient psychiatry, therapy, chemical abuse counseling and education, case management, parent support, psychosocial skill development groups, and supported employment and housing.

In August of 2019, they will provide USD 234 with a school-based therapist and case mangers to better meet the mental health needs of our community’s students and families”.

Mr. Fawson discussed the State of Kansas and the moratorium that Oswatomie has in place; he said Oswatomie has to restrict the level and type of clients that can be there, SEMHC steps in and helps the others that need care. SEKMHC supports Medicaid expansion. Nick questioned since the Hospital had closed, how they help patients with mental needs; Mr. Fawson said if law enforcement felt that a person needed psychiatric help they would go to the Emergency Room and if inpatient is necessary they begin coordinating care, if a person is uninsured or does not have Medicaid or is a threat and refusing care then Oswatomie could be their only option and if there are no beds available there then law enforcement and SEKMHC put forth attentive care. Mr. Dewitt helps rehabilitate inmates. He said he started his work in mental health in schools; he said over the years schools have become more accommodating to their presence in schools. SEKMHC is comprised of 6 counties; Mr. Fawson said he felt that they were under-serving our communities needs.

Emergency Manager Will Wallis met with the Commissioners to present his 2020 budget request; he requested a grand total of $57,039.

Emergency Manager Will Wallis gave a disaster update regarding the recent flooding; he said once the applicant briefings were underway they would have 18 months to complete all programs. Will said he didn’t initially view the debris removal from the bridges; he questioned what the County policy is on repairs for low water crossings and river crossings. Will said that two grader operators still haven’t provided him their grader maps which could help him assess damages. Will said the County could easily hit the $366,000 target.

Justin Meeks discussed the tax sale; he said that Gill Gregory will be reviewing the tax sale list and then Justin will do the publication.

Jeff made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Nick made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Jeff seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:56, Jeff made a motion to adjourn, Nick seconded and all approved.



(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner

(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

0709/2019, Approved Date

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