Fort Scott Biz

Bo Co Commission Minutes of Sept. 18

The north wing, east side of the Bourbon County Courthouse.

September 18, 2023                                                                                                           Monday, 5:30 p.m.


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Commissioners Jim Harris and Clifton Beth and the County Clerk present.


Clint Walker, Rachel Walker, Dale Griffiths, Mark McCoy, and Jason Silvers were present for some or all of the meeting.


Jim Harris opened the meeting with the flag salute followed by a prayer led by Mark McCoy.


Clifton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 9/11/23. Jim seconded the motion, and all approved.


Clint Walker informed the Commissioners of an upcoming meeting he read about in the newspaper. KDOT will host a meeting on October 12th at the Bowlus Fine arts Center in Iola to discuss highway projects, the IKE project, and grant opportunities. Mr. Walker also spoke about ambulance transport reimbursements to VA facilities and question why can’t local transports be reimbursed in that manner.


Bill Michaud of CORE Communities updated the Commissioners on the progress the program has made. An advisory board has been formed and includes Amy Harper with Fort Scott Nazarene, Carrie Fess with Faith Church, David Shephard, Destry Brown with USD 234, Jennifer Michaud, Jodi Davis, Josh Jones, Patty Simpson with the Housing Authority, Rachel Carpenter with Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, David Goodyear, David Gillen with the Beacon, Clifton Beth, and Bill Michaud. Bill thanked Jim for attending the poverty simulation that was recently held with approximately 45 people in attendance.  Sherry Walrod has been hired as the Community Liaison and Janice Lamb as the CORE Coach. Sherry Walrod stated that she grew up in Bourbon County, the daughter of Charles and Willa Cable, and resided here for 30 years and recently returned. Sherry thanked the Commissioners investing in CORE Communities and stated part of the financial investment has allowed them to harness into Youth CORE Ministries and stated they have the administration and coaching they need. Sherry stated she has a personal coach that she has weekly meetings with who coaches and advises her through all the processes. The need to involve the entire community was discussed with Sherry inviting all who have lived or experienced poverty to help solve the problem. A launch date of November 13th is set for the first of the 20-week classes. The classes will be held on Monday nights at the United Methodist Church. There are two phases for the attendees who are called CORE Leaders. Phase 1 is the 20-week classes and upon graduation from that they will enter into Phase 2 which is when the CORE Coach will help them negotiate through things such as obtaining a driver’s license or arranging transportation. Sherry stated they will come to future meetings and offer updates. Jim thanked everyone for what they are doing and spoke about how the benefits of the work done today will be reaped 20 years down the road. Clifton stated he is excited about the program and that he felt, aside from regular county business, this is the first or second most important thing he has sent money towards as a Commissioner and feels it is a phenomenal program.


Eric Bailey, Public Works Director, stated they are finishing chip and seal on Jayhawk Road tomorrow and that will be the end of the chip and seal program for the year. Eric said they are going to move to asphalting and will start on 233rd Street then move to Garland east of the railroad tracks       and on to Eagle Road. After those projects they will look at their budget to see what it and mother nature will allow them to do next. Jim said the chip and seal on Jayhawk looks good and Eric said he would tell the crew. Eric said he wanted to thank Linn County again for allowing us to use their chip spreader to complete our chip and seal projects. Eric presented paperwork to be signed for the grant we received for a bridge project on 60th and Grand Road. Clifton made a motion to accept the bridge project to replace LPA bridge 5.0-S.9 NBI structure #000061075006069 located at 60th and Grand Road. Our portion is approximately $75,000 of the $916,000 total cost of the project. Jim seconded the motion and all approved. Eric said they have the rock crusher and cone crusher going and are hauling rock in the Hiattville area as well as mowing ditches and side arm mowing. Eric said a retirement celebration will be held on October 6th for Charlie Elliott who has worked for the county for 32 years. Eric said they have to do some decking work on a bridge at 175th and Valley Road so they have a cone up.


Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk, notified the Commissioners that Emily Franks of Jarred, Gilmore, and Phillips PA will be here next week to present the 2022 audit.


Jim requested a 10-minute executive session. Clifton made a motion to go into a 10-minute executive session under KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual proprietorships to include both Commissioners, Justin Meeks, and Eric Bailey and will return at 6:04. Jim seconded the motion and all approved. Clifton made a motion to resume normal session at 6:04 with no action. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.


Jim said the City Manager contacted him this morning concerning water. Jim stated he called Brian Allen, Bourbon County Emergency Manager and local historian, about 12 wells located in Fort Scott that they are having trouble finding. Jim said they are looking at a lot of options and there are discussions being held about our water situation.


Clifton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:07. Jim seconded the motion and all approved.





___________________, Chairman

___________________, Commissioner

ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner


Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Deputy Clerk

              9/25/2023                        Approved Date



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