The Uniontown First Missionary Baptist Church (FMBC)has started a new service to their community.
“FMBC is a generous supporter of missions and we strive to
find opportunities to assist those in our community and beyond,” said Mission Board Chairwoman Marci Williams. “Hebrews 13:16 says ‘And do not forget to do good and share with others, for which sacrifices God is pleased.’ The current food pantry (was) located inside the church and (was) open one evening per month and by appointment.”
The church realized this was not convenient for everyone.
Beginning on September 15, the outside pantry, named the Blessing Closet, is available to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“This will be located on the east side of the church in the alley and can be accessed from an outside entrance anytime night or day. We are hopeful this will benefit our community and increase our outreach efforts,” Williams said.
The church is located at 100 Fifth Street (also known as Maple Road in the county) at the intersection with Hwy. 3 on the town’s west side.
Food products such as canned goods, and boxed mixes (cake, Hamburger and Tuna Helper, etc.) will be in the closet.
In addition, the church believes there is a need to put personal care items in the Blessing Closet.
Personal care items such as deodorant, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, brushes, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, washcloths, and some laundry products.
“Motion lights will be located both inside and outside the closet for those who visit after dark,” she said.
The Blessing Closet is funded by our church through monthly offerings,” she said. “Many in our church have brought this project to completion.”
“Anyone in the area is welcome to utilize the Blessing Closet,” she said. “If additional assistance is needed, please contact FMBC at 620-224-7438.”