Fort Scott Biz

Avoid Horton Street Traffic For A Few Days Starting Today

18th and Horton Street, June 2024.

Horton update: Emory, Sapp, and Sons are laying asphalt on the east side of Horton today and will be to 18th Street by this evening weather permitting. The west lane is open, but we would like to keep all traffic that does not have to drive down Horton to go a different route due to safety reasons.
 There are several dump trucks, loaders, and rollers working on Horton and additional traffic could cause an accident that we want to avoid.
Use another route if possible unless you live on Horton, or it is an emergency.
ESS is doing a great job along with Heck and Wicker getting this project done in a timely, safe, and quality manner, but we need the citizens’ help by going on one of the side roads instead of Horton.
It will be for only a couple of more days, weather permitting, then it will be good to go, and I will assure you the end result is going to be awesome! Thank you as always for your support, your patience, and your care for Fort Scott.
Brad Matkin
City Manager

City of Fort Scott

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