Gary Miller, account executive with Angels Care Home Health company, spoke to the Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition members Wednesday about the company’s offerings.

One request is different than in years past, Miller said.
“Seniors are now coming to us for assistance with rent,” he said.
Miller has reasons to believe this is because of their casino spending.
An additional new situation, several generations are living under one roof.
“We are seeing three-generational homes,” he said. This is where grandparents, parents and children are all living in one home for financial and/or personal care reasons.
Angels Care Home Health helps with these situations and many others.
The services they provide are skilled nursing, wound care, falls prevention, medication management with education, disease management with education, therapy for neuropathy with pain, blood glucose monitoring education, pre-palliative care, behavioral health, hospital transition care for CHF, pneumonia, heart attack and physical, speech and occupational therapies.
Angels Care Home Health is officed in Pittsburg and serves the surrounding area.
For more information contact 620-232-2922.
There will be no January coalition meeting.
The Feb. 5 meeting will feature Meaghan Russell from USD 235 who will present about the Team Mates Program.
The coalition meets the first Wednesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. at the First Baptist Church at 123 Scott.