Fort Scott Biz

Agenda For the Fort Scott City Commission on June 20

Fort Scott City Hall.

June 20, 2023 – 6:00 P.M.

I. Roll Call:
T. VanHoecke K. Harrington E. Woellhof M. Wells
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
III. Invocation: M. Wells
IV. Appointment of Office:
Consideration of Letters of Interest for City Commissioner’s Vacancy effective June 20, 2023 – December 31, 2025. Letters were submitted from Stephen Doherty, Dyllon Olson, Tracy Dancer, Pete Allen, Janice Allen, Ann Rawlins, and Melissa Guns.
1. Selection of Commissioner 2. Oath of Office
V. Approval of Agenda:
VI. Recognitions:
Fire Chief Dave Bruner to recognize Scott Shelton and Mike Miles who completed the K.U. Emerging Leaders Academy. City Manager Brad Matkin recognizes the Water Distribution and Wastewater Crew for their outstanding work with the water main break on May 18, 2023.
VII. Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 6, 2023
B. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1338-A — $
C. Request to Pay – Bennett Construction, Inc. via Earles Engineering & Inspection, Inc. – 2022 CDBG Sanitary Sewer Project – Contractor’s Application for Payment No. 1 – Work done May 1, 2023 – June 2, 2023 – $176,350.50
D. Requesst to Pay – Ray Lindsey – Invoice#2023111 – Grit Removal – 10% Invoice per terms of payment for Supply and Removal of Smith & Loveless Grit Equipment per contract – $60,701.10
D. Approval of Drinking Establishment License Renewal for Don’s Spirits and Wines LLC, 1705 S. National for 2023-2025
E. Approval of Drinking Establishment License Renewal for Libation Station, 1122 S. Clark St. for 2023-2025
F. May Financials – waiting on approval from Ben Hart

VIII. Public Comment:
Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at Commission’s discretion.
IX. Old Business:

A. Approval of Change Order No. 1 – 2022 CDBG Sanitary Sewer Project Construction Inspection – Earles Enginering and Inspection – $233,292.86 – J. Dickman
B. Consideration of Phase II Aeration Upgrade to Cell 1B and the Inlet of Cell 2 for Wastewater Treatment Plant – J. Dickman
X. Appearances: Request for Temporary Street Closure – Waiting on application
XI. Public Hearing: None
XII. New Business:
A. Approval to go out for bids for Sanitary Sewer for Evergy Infantry Substation – J. Dickman
XIII. Reports and Comments:
A. City Manager Comments: Discussion on Advisory Boards from Work Session
B. Engineering Comments:
C. Commissioners Comments:
T. VanHoecke –
E. Woellhof –
K. Harrington –
M. Wells –
New Commissioner –

D. City Attorney Comments:

XIV. Executive Session:

XV. Adjournment:

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