The Welcome Sign at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds.
A walk through the Bourbon County Fair on Wednesday afternoon was comfortable with a breeze and upper 80s temperature.
This was perfect weather for viewing the activity on the fairgrounds.
Thursday’s events include the Chamber Coffee, swine judging, exhibits in the Myer’s Building, 4-H Fashion Show, cornhole tournament, Christmas in July at the Merchant’s Building, and ends with a 4-H Member Dance.
Friday’s: livestock judging contest, exhibits, 4-H Barnyard Olympics, Christmas in July at the Merchant’s Building, Buyers Appreciation Supper, and the junior livestock sale.
Saturday is clean-up day and ends the fair with live music performances at 6:30 p.m.
Here are a few of Wednesday’s sights.
Mayla Foster tells about the articles for sale at the Momentum Youth Market in the Merchant’s Building.Keri Crisler, left, and Izzy Coutler show off the edible caterpillar they created at the Bourbon County Conservation District booth.Beech Street Eats Food Trailer menu. The restaurant on wheels is located near the 4-H Building.
Some of the grand champions in the 4-H Building:
Snow cones for sale to cool off the day.A pig rests in the swine barn.Jolynne Mitchell and Abbie Powell sell accessories and handbags at the Flying P Ranch booth in the Merchant’s Building.Georgia Brown mans the Sunshine Boutique Booth at the Merchant’s Building.A poster telling of the fair finale event.The U, a t-shirt business run by Uniontown High School Students Mason O’Brien and Kristie Beene, is located in the Momentum Youth Market at the Merchant’s Building.
Honey is sold at the Uppa Creek Ranch Booth at the Merchant’s Building.
A customer looks over the Paparazzi Accessories booth at the Merchant’s Building.
Carrie Southwell mans the Miller Feed Store booth at the Merchant’s Building, which featured toys, and accessories.
The St. Mary Queen of Angels Church booth was manned by Mary Beth Sheehy at the Merchant’s Building.
Julie Norris and daughter man the Magical Nail Kingdom booth at the Merchant’s Building, selling nail polish strips.Paula Vincent sells Tallow Soaps and Crafts in the Merchant’s Building,Kristie Beene washes her crossbreed cow in preparation for the show that evening.KOMB 103.9 Radio Announcer Deana Wade, left, interviews Mayla and Davina Foster at the Merchant’s Building.